why do redditors constantly seem like theyre responding for upvotes, rather than actually, honestly responding to your points? its tiring to constantly feel like youre arguing with someone who completely lacks any intellectual integrity and is just trying to say the 'right' thing for upvotes. jeez dude.
Why do redditors constantly seem like theyre responding for upvotes, rather than actually...
It's various things man. Having a persitent account, karma as indicator of comment value, post history beimg visible to all, every sub being a genuine echo chamber of it's own and the fact that dissenting opinion is just not worth it.
what's the point of a forum, if its just gonna be a circlejerk, lmao. I'm guessing its just a way for these people to socialize somehow?
Because they are. It's the same as people copying youtube comments and posting them under other videos to get thumbs up. Getting those kind of likes is their heroin and they'll do whatever it takes to get more.
I think it is, my guess would be something about social validation, as in, the bigger the group that supports your ideas the better they are.
jesus christ, I hate those kind of people too. must suck to be so pathetic that you're so desperate for external validation
lmfao. Jesus christ, youre probably at the very least, partially right. holy fuck people are pathetic. thanks for the insight
Because they have accounts and karma, which is basically just a score, it sort of makes sense from the website owners point of view as the people that do post their will post more often, not because they care about the subject matter they're replying to but its all to get more karma and upvotes.
The real question is why anyone would even use the website in the first place, I guess it attracts people who want to play some shitty online social game where towing the party line, with the correct approved humor gets you bonus points.
Gamedevs and Youtubers like to push their reddits because it's basically a free circlejerk of publicity, and it's easier for them to respond to the most popular viewpoint when it's pushed through a filter that eradicates dissent
As for users, I think a lot of people nowadays are too lazy to hop between forums like we used to and would rather hyperlink around one website they're comfy with. It's sad but I guess it was inevitable.
Fuck I miss being a kid on the internet so much
1. reddit is about inclusivity
2. the upvote approval dynamic becomes addicting, like the validation garnered from social media
But it's fucking weird, karma does literally nothing, it's the equivalent to post count in regular forums. And people don't dickwave their karma as a superiority ritual, so why accumulate it?
Same as likes on fb/instagram. They want to feel validated
Upvoting by it's very nature makes discussion exclusive rather than inclusive, no?
Exactly, and every time you receive confirmation that someone agrees with your viewpoint or even so much as positivly acknowledges you existce, you get a small shot of dopamine.
Overtime it becomes an addiction and chemically alters the way your brain approaches arguments. They can't help it, it's how our shit brains are designed, but it wasn't designed for this so we're all pretty much fucked.
Just look at everything a redditor will say that isn't a troll and you will see it, they can't help it and neither can most of us. Redditor basically spend all day brainwashing themselves. The only real solution is to abstain from reddit entirely. The same goes for most social media in general.
Some subs you can't response or are muted/banned if you break the rules. Plus, no one will see your message if it gets downvoted. Don't you want those upvotes?
Same shit happens here. Why do channerz constantly seem like they're responding for (you)s?
only for those who post to not necessarily be included into the mainstream, which is what reddit is
As said for some its mostly for validation, if I remember correctly karma is just the accumulated upvotes that users have gotten, and it makes sense as to why they go after upvotes, because unlike the comment chains here where it shows replies based on when they were posted, on reddit it filters it by "best" or "top" comments which means the more upvotes you have the higher up your comments are displayed and the more likely people are to respond to them.
Which ultimately means the entire site and users themselves have to cater towards the lowest common denominator otherwise they risk being downvoted, which will either put their comments at the end of the thread where they won't be read, or they will be hidden if they don't have enough upvotes relative to the other users in that particular comment chain.
It's because you get banned for posting a rea opinon
no, i give no fucks about upvotes nor do I care about the validation I get from it. that shits gay and pathetic. not to sound like i have a superiority complex, but im just not that pathetic that I have to grovel for internet points.
because i am genuinely vastly more intelligent than the average poster here, so my point of view is much more important
Honestly as much as people say this, I genuinely believe that a good portion if not most people on this website were using reddit before they came here, so they have the habit acting as if (you)s translate into good boy points.
Pic related, since 2014 the sites gone from about 60 million sessions to over 200 million sessions, and the increase has mostly been by phone posters that are using the site for a few minutes, just to get a few (you)s.
Fuck that depresses me, I still remember necrofag and all the other sick fucks that came here during the wild west era of the internet. This shit is pretty sad
Because the vote system is toxic for socialization
Eh, It's not like fishing for attention is exclusive to reddit.
NPC camp my guy