Slice of life anime

What are the best slice of life anime to watch when entering full NEET mode and just want to forget everything and everyone you ever let down or all the potential you squandered or whatever else through pure unchecked escapism that also doesn't require too much attention or focus

I've been pretty into Umaru-chan lately, personally
Yes I know this is /a/ but those guys are faggots and I know there are at least a few weebs left here

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I would also like to know. Should I watch Nichijou or Asobi Asobase?

I've never seen Asobi Asobase but Nichijou is pretty good. Yuyushiki is also nice imo

Nichijou, obviously.

dragon maid

i couldn't finish umaru. it just felt devoid of heart.

Nichijou is very worth watching. Main characters are relatable and side characters are adorable.

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just stop running away from your problems and face them
jesus christ

Season 2 goes into full heart. Season one is like a fever dream, and then two hits you with the fragility of friends and the struggles in neetdom. Plus it's very feelsy

I thought barakamon was great and I hate SoL anime

>just stop running away from your problems and face them

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only you know what has to be done

Then quit projecting and gtfo faggot lmao

Imagine coming to r9k just so you can pat yourself on the back and feel superior for telling all the degenerates here to get their life together

you're just avoiding things lmao

Also Azumanga Daioh.

I liked Non Non Biyori

Hidamari sketch is comfy as hell. Yuru camp is as well though it will make you want to go camping.



wash your pee pee!

yuru camp. Comfy as fuck

Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou, Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita, Aria, Haibane Renmei, Sora no Woto, Potatoes Last Tour, since someone said Nichijou and Azumanga I might as well drop School Rumble

Altho personally if I want the complete immersion sort of escapism I'd much rather watch a whole series with a good story.

Attached: Yokohama_Kaidashi_Kikou_01.jpg (1024x768, 208K)

sounds like fun will watch

It should go without saying, but if you haven't watched K-on!! yet you should fix that asap.