Anyone else here hates fat "people"?

anyone else here hates fat "people"?
they are so disgusting

Attached: daddy'sfatkitten.png (578x658, 512K)

Pretty much think that everything that the anti-trans community says about trans people. I think about fat people. Fat people are clearly mentally ill in some way.

Holy shit, she looks like a marshmallow... Surprised she can stand, to be honest.

> Anonymous 11/07/18(Wed)05:06:59 No.4914
I would much rather date a girl thats addicted to meth than one thats addicted to food. Tweaker girls are very cute actually because sunken cheeks are godess tier

You have shit taste. Hope you get aids

I don't have a problem with them until they are not pushing the "being fat isn't unhealthy" shit.

Holy fuck that's gross. I'm fat but not THAT fat. The though of somebody putting their dick in that makes me want to hurl.

As we all know, weight is the enemy of performance

Attached: 76546.png (310x463, 84K)

I do. Fucking can't stand these subhumans

t. fat cunt
I won't wish anything bad on you because Lord Beetus already has you.

fucking michelin girl lmao

I do hate them, not the ones who want to better themselves, but the rest. Words can't convey how fucking angry I am that people don't just fucking eat responsibly.
Also, funny how these female blobs won't settle for male blobs and instead want an actual human partner.

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Is that a person, or did the Michelin Man fuck a cabbage patch doll?

I have another one still in the box. Saving it for when this one breaks down.

I hate the ones that are so fat that their foreheads and cheeks take over the space for the eyes and mouth

>they are so disgusting
It's funny you say that because I've been following Amber Lynn recently and I can't watch any of her videos due to how sick both of them make me feel, especially her gf. I guess it's eye opening because I've never been repulsed like that before.

Attached: disgusting creature.png (700x702, 672K)

Fuck you too faggot I got to 115lbs but then realized everyone could push me around (not that I want to be fat)

>when I was a twink I got pushed around so I became a planet
At no point did you realise there was a middle ground you stupid fat fuck?

Lol no I dont want to be a planet, im at 135 rn and I dont like it too much, luckily for you I dont intend staying this way

The ones that are making an effort to improve themselves should get no hate. I used to be a fat ass and it took a year to get back down to a healthy weight. Fatties in general that don't really push that whole body positivity are okay too.
But those who don't want to lose weight and then preach that their body is beautiful, and that fat is healthy? Those are the types of people I hope die a painful death because their laziness coupled with their ability to put blame on anything else but themselves is disgusting. Own up to your mistakes and don't make excuses.

how do you feel about girls over their BMI to be considered overweight by 0.5


More fat people = I look better in comparison.

Id probably hit it. Wouldn't be proud of it, but if she wore clothes when we fucked and watched animu with me i'd be into it

id also prefer the meth-head, though. She probably knows someone who can get me LSD.

next time you're about to stuff your face, thank about OP image to ask yourself if it's worth it.