Be me

>be me
>24yo khv
>female coworker starts talking to me
>talk about some work related bullshit
>I need to be somewhere so i say that i have to go
>wait, here take my number, maybe we can grab a coffee some day
>okay, thanks, bye
>proceed to fuck off
>realize what just happened solid 20 seconds later

How do I reject her without
a) revealing my power level
b) hurting her too much

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Say you are into dudes. Let's face it you probably are.

That would probably be the easiest thing to do. But she will most likely spread it which will likely introduce new set of issues. But one problem at a time.

Why not go out

why do you want to reject her? maybe you wont be a virgin anymore

mostly because of social anxiety. I can fake for a couple sentences but i can't let anyone close. Usually I go in, do my work and get out with maybe a few hellos here and there. Just her talking to me took me off guard.

minimal talking, and literally just pump and dump her
then never talk to her again unless it is purely work related

It's likely that she already have
1) noticed your power level
2) taken your actions as a discorteous rejection
You don't need to do anything unless you want her to actually be your partner

Have the same problem with people. But wouldn't it be nice to try? I mean you can go and let her off later if it doesn't fit.

haha oh fuck i cannot imagine this ever happening to me, and im 30

you must at least play the part of a functional normie well, even if you are dying inside and go home and cry in isolation, for her to do must at least be socially functional, and dress well, and not look too bad...


desu I just dont understand how you could be normal enough to attract a female like that, but at the same time you dont know what to do, that doesnt make much sense to be honest.

You need to address within yourself the contradiction between human interaction and withdrawal. Determine what you really want and then set about goals to achieve it. Maybe you want a relationship with her, maybe you just want to be left alone. That's a question I can't answer for you.

She probably already kinda know your a sperg, user. Just go hang out with her one time you never know what could happen, its either that or remain a lonely miserable faggot forever.

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By being virtue of being a khv you can pretended to be oblivious to her actions and pretended to simply think that it's work related (It possibly can just be work), if she confronts you can then.

>reject her nicely or harshly
>accept her offer, if she then asks you why so beta say you are khv, she chose to walk into this bait
>tell her you are gay
>go with her for coffee and only talk about work
>take her to HR for sexual harassment
>say you don't shit where you eat
>accept her coffee date and proceed to act incredibly cringy so she changes her mind

Personally my favorite choice in your situation is to act oblivious and indecisive if confronted, she might try again you will possibly know more about her by then and be able to make a more educated choice tailored to her personality.

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>neurotypicals in charge of understanding literally anything

Just politely tell her that you are not ineterested in having a relationship. Btw i know that social anxiety is a bitch, but if you wouldn't have it would she be your type?

Thanks for the advices, guys. I think I'll just ignore it and if she ask then I will make something about how i don't think it is a good idea.

I'm definitly going with withdrawl. I don't initiate conversations unless it is required from me. But there is always someone who wants to chat, god i hate it so much. If i didn't need the money i wouldn't go there for even a single day.

>i cannot imagine this ever happening to me
i remember telling this to myself. I still can't belive that it happened. I have no idea what she could possibly see in me. We only exchanged maybe a few words, but that was all work related, to this day I didn't even know her name and she still doesn't know mine (probably, atleast i didn't tell her). I wear company provided clothes so that is not it either and not looking too bad? I usually wake up 15 minutes before leaving house. I guess she is either desperate or she is fucking with me.

If women approach you and literally give you their number without being asked, you're a virgin by choice

Dude fucking go to coffee with her. You're khv stop fucking throwing a chance away you retarded nigger

Bud, if she didn't ask you out at a specific date and time, then she was just being nice and giving you her information as a coworker. Don't do anything about this, just remain cordial with her. If she asks you out, all you do is say that you are willing to go out with her but that you need some time to go through some things right now. That gives you time to grab your sack and man up so that you can fucking date a girl and lose your khv status and get a gf.

Right now, don't do anything. This could just be her being nice to a coworker while also giving you her number as a point to contact her. Coworkers share information all the time, especially so that you can do things for her. Don't think she was interested in you unless there is more that happens.

>Shall we grab a beer/coffee? Call me. number - name
That was written on the piece of paper she gave me. I know I am stupid when it comes to social stuff and even more so in dating. But i think i read the situation right.

And i am not denying that. I know I am working against myself here but i feel i am too deep in this hole to ever get out of it.

Why are you so mad about it?

Without social anxiety? She isn't exactly my type but I would definitely give it a try.

>She isn't exactly my type but i would definitely give it a try.
Then try it. Just tell her that you have social anxiety. One day you have to break out of this somehow. Btw are you going to therapy/taking meds?

>Btw are you going to therapy/taking meds?
No, once I got close to making an appointment but I don't think I would be able to talk with a therapist. Afterall, you have to go there and admit to being a complete failure and that's one of the things I fear the most.

Go to a therapist user, you are not a failure for having social anxiety

Just act like the conversation never happened

I was like this too, i was afraid to go because of this. But i am seeing now a psychologist and a psychiatrist and it helped me a lot. My case was so bad i couldn't leave the house, didn't feel good myself in my own home (i live in a flat with lot if neighbors and that bothered me) and dropped out of highschool. I'm now able to work (altough it's just 2 hours a day), and do everyday tasks. Also that i'm writing here is an improvement too, since i was afraid to do that.

Do it. You have nothing to lose, only to gain.

Thank you for your post. I am glad that you are improving. How did you start with therapy? Did anyone help you or did you seek out help on your own? My social anxiety isn't as bad. I am able to work, even though I hate it, but i just couldn't stand seeing parents getting more dissapointed in me every day, I just had to move out.
I am usually trying to minimize going outside and spend most of my free time lurking on Jow Forums, though rarely posting. This is definitely the most posts I have ever made in a single day.

Oh man I would be terrified to actually go on a date with a woman nowadays. I can barely find anything to talk about with male coworkers, much less a woman. All I do is post on Jow Forums and read visual novels sometimes. I have literally nothing else to converse about.

Well, i was lucky because my mom helped me. She came with me for my first appointment and comes with me for the sessions with my psychiatrist. If she wouldn't be this supportive i might have offed myself long ago.