Where can I find some shitskins to pay to help me raid a subreddit

Where can I find some shitskins to pay to help me raid a subreddit

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Come on, I know some sandniggers are going to do that for me for cheap, I just need someone to help me find them

witch sub


good cause my friend
hope you succeed

H-how much money are we talking here? Asking for a friend...

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Shitskin here. Will do it for free if you can get others

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There's a reason I'm looking for sandniggers, and it's not because I have a lot of money to spend

Not a shit skin but I will help.

When you say sandniggers, are you actually looking for arabs or are you just including anyone who is not white? Sometimes it is hard to tell on this website. I am (a pajeet)

I'm looking for any race, I just said shitskins because they do stuff for cheap on the internet.

Well I will do it for free for a night. Got nothing better to do.

How do we organize this, do we just go in right now or what (OP)

Fuck it I'm going in.



I'm bumping this in hopes more people see

I'll join in for a measly 5 bucks


As promised

not your personal army my good frend

thank you pajeet your services will be remembered when the reincarnation time comes. You will be reincarnated as a white man.


congrats, dude: you just won your upvote.
posting this on r/Jow Forums now.

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plebbitors EVERYWHERE

epic and gamerpilled

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go back to r/incels

>haha look at me im mature
Kill yourself retard


so does reddit have a cooldown timer?

Yeah, what do we do OP? What is the goal, what kind of posts do you want us to post?

I'll do it for free what's up

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This one seems to have it

Post random troll posts. Downvote everything they post, upvote everything one of us posts. Just make their posts get lost up. Spam their messages, do whatever you want.



What the fuck, you guys are just posting regular posts there. Whats the point in that? I thought we were supposed to troll them epic style

so then show us how it's done

i would rather post something that will make these roastie bitches think. not just le epic greentext style shit

Well i dont know, im not the raid starter/leader. I thought we were supposed to spam them with shit like calling them niggers and faggots and niggerfaggots, so i propose we do that.

I got IP b&, time to make a new account and reset my router. Let's see who can get banned more than anyone else.

Not the raid starter but let's do it

You came to the right place vato

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OP speaking here
>we do what that gentleman said


had to make another. pajeet acc got banned i think

This thread is gay bro change it up, let's raid a live stream YouTuber

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>cheaters are sociopaths
>this is somehow a revelation
Lol this roast is fucking delusional.

you cannot bitch

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They ban you too quick. Seems like a waste of time


Does it show up?

I know a way to circumvent that. We have to prepare our shitposts and all post at the same time. It will overload them and at least a couple will stay up long enough to cause asshurt

You guys wanna raid something else instead? This doesnt work


I need money senpai to move to Originally,Oregon