Why are you stupid robot incels complaining of being at the bottom of the food chain when you retards don't even bother...

Why are you stupid robot incels complaining of being at the bottom of the food chain when you retards don't even bother doing anything about it?
>take daily showers
>brush your teeth
>eat healthy and stop eating fast food
>work out
>get a job

Stop being leeches you stupid shitheads and do something about it instead of whimpering in the darkest corner of the internet. Literal poetry.

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It's not that fucking easy man, life's very hard in Syria right now.

I thought you sandchads had state mandated harems?

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only fucking niggers get laid :(

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That's the hard part.

Because all of that is COPE. I was still an untouchable when I did those things. It didn't do shit.

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fucking user more retarded than libtards

maybe if u weren't ugly that wouldn't be problem?
except it's not, if you can't socialise you're geneticly defect and should go become a hermit in siberia.

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So, seek asylum in a non-shit country

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>just take a shower
every time

except that's not true u lazy fuck.
"hurr durr i did that for 1 week"
you're supposed always do these things you absolute monkey leech

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>muh cope
Ah yes, the new hip cool catchphrase for every situation

If I had an mc ride companion this whole life thing would be much easier to go through

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>lay down in bed with women to have sex
>she says I have BO
>we take a shower
>go back to bed and have sex
See incels, taking showers really do work.

Why do you stupid normies do everything you can to ignore female easy mode

Already do. Still have acne
>Work out
Pic related. Im probably the fastest robot here. May as well call me a missile instead of a robot
Everyone only wants to get drunk and talk about previous intoxications
>Get a job
Have one.

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>get a job
you lost me there. literally the two things i suck at and my life is falling apart.

I did all these things for years. Fuck off. Why can't you accept that not everyone is a normie

Just do it more, drone. Work harder. Maybe one of the fickle whores will fuck you then.

so what if they have an easier time? are you that much of a pussy that you can't put in the extra work still you claim that men are superior to "roasties"... get a load of this incel

Yawn... try harder

>Already do. Still have acne
I doubt it. What's your diet like?

>get a job
It's kinda hard when you can't even hold a conversation without shaking.

>can't even hold a conversation without shaking
Then stop being retarded and learn not to be afraid of harmless people.

>shower twice a day, skin and hair are spotless and clean
>brush teeth 2-3 times a day
>eat healthier than average
>very physically fit
>have close friends i hang out with every weekend, matches on tinder, etc
>between jobs currently but life was no different with a job other than being a pain in the ass 4x a week with some very meager chump change to spend bi-weekly
>still empty, unsure of myself, prone to vices and fits of rage and paranoia, still wake up with nightmares, still don't feel i fit in, still feel fundamentally incomplete as a person

you're conflating being a robot with a drek or some sort of freak, it can be an overlapping demographic - but i think a fair few people would agree you can be born normal, or rich or successful, or even downright blessed physically or socially and still be born or made broken, or struck with melancholia - they aren't mutually exclusive attributes

with that, incel and robot are also not rooted in the same ideology or principle, so once again, you're conflating two different things the same

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>take daily showers
Taking showers every day is not that healthy, just so you know. That's why I take a bath every 3rd day.
>brush your teeth
Too lazy to do it 3 times a day so only do it once and sometimes twice
>eat healthy and stop eating fast food
I'm not fat
>work out
I seriously want to start working out...but I'm too lazy
Have been backstabbed by friends and dumped because I gave my opinion. Still have like 3 true friends but we never really meet outside of school
>get a job
Still go to school

I do all of that besides getting a job and socializing because I have autism. Lol, I bet normies think only actual retards have autism bad enough that they can't function socially.

>Still go to school
So you're the smelly slob in school.

oh wow, it's that easy?!

fucking moron

>thinking people start smelling after not showering for 3 days
lol, have you ever left the house?

its probably cystic acne you brainlet

Oh shit I'm feeeeling it!

>take daily showers
>brush your teeth
>eat healthy and stop eating fast food
>work out
>get a job
That sounds like a pain in the ass

Sit in the dark and ponder how I'm fit to make the bottom fall through the floor and they

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Yes, I have an accounting job.

You're the smelly slob in school who's making excuses for being at the bottom of the totem pole.