>Black Men only, sorry white boys you'll stay incel.
Black Men only, sorry white boys you'll stay incel
>literal cow tits
Yep, this goes to my "Americans' tastes" collection.
christ imagine being this obese and thinking you can still look sexy in a nightie
I like big tits but not on fat bitches
>Something i don't like
The obsolete state of low t eurofags and we like big asses anyway get your stereotypes right Arab cock sleeve
>"shit taste"
>"what the fuck did you just say you dumb eurocuck? Go and suck Ahmed's dick while I fap to my mommy-tier women. I was the top of my class in navy seals academy..."
>we like big asses anyway
spoken like a true nigger
Ok i suppose i should have used a different picture
>Implying white people don't like big butts
What a faggot
yeah "white" people like big butts because of nigger culture you absolute mongoloid
liking petite, boyish women is a sign of low test
liking fat asses is a sign of being influnced by nigger "culture"
Nonsense. Petite women were introduced by pedophile jewish elites.
Native Europeans worshipped giant asses
I remember seeing a image of porn search states and Icelandic and many central European countries preferred big butts
This user is right just look at greek and Rome statues they do look pretty thicc
Liking youth and beauty instead of ass n tiddies is low-t and gay. Well, at least you didn't call me a pedo yet
>not liking young beautiful girls with nice tits and ass
It's like you are asking people to call you a faggot
Her skin looks unwashed
Bitch be looking like the amazing spiderman 2 electro
Guys who like skinny girls are insecure about their dick size.
They know their lil' pecker can't satisfy size queens.
come milk this dick
Who is this titcow? Orginalio
Being fat was considered elite before the 1920s
BARFFFFFFFFFFF your face is gross af
Made for superior BBC
I'm black and in really life this is completely the opposite.
Why are robots pushing interracial now? is it anti-black propaganda?