Black Men only, sorry white boys you'll stay incel

>Black Men only, sorry white boys you'll stay incel.

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>literal cow tits
Yep, this goes to my "Americans' tastes" collection.

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christ imagine being this obese and thinking you can still look sexy in a nightie

I like big tits but not on fat bitches
>Something i don't like
The obsolete state of low t eurofags and we like big asses anyway get your stereotypes right Arab cock sleeve

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>"shit taste"
>"what the fuck did you just say you dumb eurocuck? Go and suck Ahmed's dick while I fap to my mommy-tier women. I was the top of my class in navy seals academy..."

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>we like big asses anyway
spoken like a true nigger

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Ok i suppose i should have used a different picture
>Implying white people don't like big butts
What a faggot

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yeah "white" people like big butts because of nigger culture you absolute mongoloid

liking petite, boyish women is a sign of low test

liking fat asses is a sign of being influnced by nigger "culture"

Nonsense. Petite women were introduced by pedophile jewish elites.

Native Europeans worshipped giant asses

I remember seeing a image of porn search states and Icelandic and many central European countries preferred big butts

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This user is right just look at greek and Rome statues they do look pretty thicc

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Liking youth and beauty instead of ass n tiddies is low-t and gay. Well, at least you didn't call me a pedo yet

>not liking young beautiful girls with nice tits and ass
It's like you are asking people to call you a faggot

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Her skin looks unwashed

Bitch be looking like the amazing spiderman 2 electro

Guys who like skinny girls are insecure about their dick size.
They know their lil' pecker can't satisfy size queens.

come milk this dick

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Who is this titcow? Orginalio

Being fat was considered elite before the 1920s

BARFFFFFFFFFFF your face is gross af

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Made for superior BBC

I'm black and in really life this is completely the opposite.

Why are robots pushing interracial now? is it anti-black propaganda?

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