>meet qt "autistic" girl who says she has no friends
>finally some girl I can relate to
>started using snapchat recently just to see what it is about before becoming a boomer
>barely hiting 500 snap points
>ask for her snapchat username
>after waiting for an entire day for her to accept my request
>check her profile
>60k snap points
Why are girls like this? Who the hell sends so much snaps and for what purpose? I bet 30% of those are nudes. Just fucking end my life already. Normies are degrees crazy above robots.
Meet qt "autistic" girl who says she has no friends
She's probably had the app since 2014 and uses it daily
Why do you hate pussy so easily. Are you fucking gay?
why do you normalfags come here and assume all romance is just sex i mean go back to faceberg
Some people use snapchat as a regular communications channel. Get over yourself.
>Too many points in the app for me to have an emotional connection
theyre fucking stupid, they actually have no fucking purpose and it is the most idiotic shit ever, but literally every roastie keeps up with them for whatever fucking reason.
Because you ask cute girls out.
I don't have snapchat, facebook, instagram or anything because I have no friends and I'm not cute, and no one wants to look at my selfies.
If you keep asking out Stacy with glasses, that's what you get.
>no social media
Lmao nobody's gonna love you ugly cunt
Yes, I know. It's not a big deal.
I can smell the disgusting lard and vaginal smegma toxic discharge over here. Kill yourself. Nobody will miss you, stop wasting air you ugly cunt.
I'm 110 lbs and 5'6".
I'm just kind of autistic and introverted.
Become my submissive wife and I shall overlook your past sins.
My cousin is one of those whores that just uploads random shit constantly. I was trying to figure how what the hell normies post so much about and my cousin literally just stares at the camera with a filter on with music playing in the background. HUNDREDS of snaps like this a month. It's retarded and I don't fucking get it.
What are streaks?
>being the female version of an incel
I had already lost all hope in the male sex, please don't make me lose it in females as well.
I'm not blaming them, I'm just saying that cute girls will have guys asking them out and guys to talk to.
If they think that someone is autistic just because they're a little nerdy or claim to have no friends, they won't be very lucky. Attractive girls are not often very lonely.
If I remember correctly (I had Snapchat for like 2 weeks 5 years ago), it's the continuous number of days you've gone uploading a snapchat thing.
>I am morbidly obese, rarely shower, am ridden with acne and I am an unbearable person due to mental illness.
I'm 110 lbs and 5'6", have no acne and have no mental illness.
Nice projection tho.
Sigh just be my gf already, oh wait, you won't, you're a female and wouldn't settle for someone less than 10/10
You claimed to be skinny and taller than average (unless you're Dutch, there you're just average), so unless your face was deformed, you're probably cute enough.
Men's standards are much lower than women's, it's normal, and it's an evolutionary mating strategy. Yes, maybe you're actually ugly (nothing that self-care can't fix), and 9/10 Chads have enough spare self-esteem to not go after you, but even as a 3/10 you can score dudes who are 6/10.
If you do go out, you'll be hit on. Maybe you spend too much time inside?
>I am a thin woman with no issues in hygiene, physical health or mental health
>but I am the equivalent of an incel
>Oh and pigs can fly.
>I don't have snapchat, facebook, instagram or anything because I have no friends and I'm not cute, and no one wants to look at my selfies.
Sounds perfect, are you fat and nearing/over 30?
I'm heavily introverted, lead a solitary life and detest most people.
I also don't really care about having a boyfriend, I wasn't attempting to >tfw no bf.
I was just amused that this guy wanted to fuck an attractive girl and was surprised that he is not the only one who wants to.
Kek, I'm not the equivalent of an incel. Dear God.
>I have no friends and I'm not cute, and no one wants to look at my selfies.
>I wasn't attempting to >tfw no bf.
You are doing a shitty job at it then, sweetie. It looks like attention whoring is in your genes, it comes naturally.
I hope you experience excruciating pain. Why are you even on this website you stupid whore.
Kill yourself and stop derailing my fucking thread you mongoloid deluded beast. You will die alone and nobody other than incels from here will care about you. Kill yourself femcel, nobody likes you. Not even yourself.
>I don't care about being an evolutionary success
Where did we go wrong, anons? Why are so many people thus broken, refusing to fulfill the ultimate biological imperative present in all living beings, which is to reproduce your DNA? Reproduction is one of the five fundamental characteristics of a living being, if you don't reproduce, or don't try to, you are but 4/5 alive, 1/5 dead. You refuse to do what even a simple virus can.
I don't see the point of dating some random asshole just so I can get fucked every other day and pop out a child in 5 years.
If I meet someone who is extraordinarily good for me, sure. Otherwise, can't see the point in bothering with that.
The jews happened, the jews happened.
Do you not like sex? Have you had a traumatic youth experience of sexual nature? I'm honestly puzzled by people who claim to sincerely not like sex, which is a function of our brain about as basic as liking food and breathing air.
>If I meet someone who is extraordinarily good for me
How about being extraordinarily good for someone? Oh right. Lol.
ive had mine since late 2016 and i have about 20k points user
I don't know if I like it, I am a virgin.
I don't feel any particular sexual desire unless I have feelings for someone. Happened a couple of years ago with a boy I met online, was basically the only time I felt any strong sexual desire. Would have fucked him, wouldn't bother fucking someone for the sake of it.
>can't find women who don't use snapchat
>can't find women who don't use kik
>can't find women who don't have tinder installed
>can't find women who don't use instagram
i really miss internet in the 90's/early 00's. it was still possible to meet honest geeky women. at most they were in a few IRC channels or something. and if they were whores and sent nudes, everyone knew it. can't trust anyone these days.
>The roastie completely overtook the thread and devolved it into an attention whoring AMA
>orbiters bite in mere seconds
>inb4 bump limit
>as if on cue
No one asks you to fuck someone for the sake of it, but maybe if you do try to know other people IRL, you'll find out that sex is one of the great pleasure of this life. You can be a moralcuck about it or not, but if I were you I wouldn't wait until marriage to know what it's like. You have an opportunity for the easy life, take it. Lots of people here couldn't.
Maybe it's your fault for going after Stacy with glasses (like the said). Most of my female friends don't have social media you've mentioned.
I'm not a moralcuck, I literally don't have any desire to fuck a dude unless I like him on a personal level. And I don't like people much.
I'm sure sex is awesome on paper, but I don't have any drive to fuck someone just because he's physically attractive. I don't give a shit about people on here.
>meets qt girl
>surprised that other men are attracted to her
Sex is overrated. Im not suppose to be here anymore
Of my three ex-girlfriends (no I'm not leaving this board, virgin), two of them had no social media. The first one had virtually zero online presence, aside from a Google+ account with no pic of herself on it. Given that she lives in my area, and that I've seen the Tinder "no one left" message several times, I am 90 % positive she has not had Tinder at any point. The second one had a more or less abandoned Facebook, and at the time none of the things you mentioned. I believe she has Instagram now, though it does not appear that she uploads pics of herself. She got on Tinder after breaking up with me, when I was already there. My third girlfriend was quite younger (born in 2000) so yes she did have social media, though not kik nor snapchat, that I know. Only vk (she was Russian) and Instagram. Oh and Tinder because I met her through there.
So basically user there's girls like that out there, it's just that finding them is harder.
Well maybe you should know people on a personal level. Don't waste your life. This goes beyond sex or having children, try and be with people a bit, it's a pleasant experience. You'll regret it later otherwise.
Am I white now
150k points here famalam
You've upgraded from "Argentinian" to "Congolese." Keep up the great work, and maybe one day you to can become white!
What a sad attempt at bait. I wish you zoomers just fucked off to Reddit.
I don't like most people. I'm not even hateful or anything, I just find most interactions really bothersome and tiring. When I meet someone I genuinely like it's great. It just happens rarely.
I have a very nice job that gives me a lot of happiness, am close to my family.
I'm curious, what's your job? And what were you like in high school, when you were (I supposed) forced to deal with other people on a daily basis?
>t. butthurt scavener whiteknight
I didn't even read the reply chain. Just tired of these bait comments. Been here for far too long and I've seen every kind of bait and honestly yours is pretty low-tier that isn't funny. This is my last response, because I know people like you thrive on any kind of attention, even if it's negative. You might think "LMAO HE SO MAD I GOT HIM GOOD" or something but again, I'm just jaded and tired, user. Just very very tired.
>hurr durr I am an oldfag and this is my safe space