Only 6 days until Lee Anthony Hoyland's birthday edition
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first for the eternal tfw no gf
Im 23, does life get better?
Oh shit man, my life got better for me at 20, I hope you didn't miss your chance lad
I'm in love with this adorable, quiet, shy girl at work. Just seeing her face makes my day
Does someone want to talk about coreshit with me please?
clemmie a cute
nth for Chika has a hairy bum.
have you tried doing anything at all?
Look at this fucking animal
what should I be doing? tailor your answer specifically to me bb
Weird looking dog that is lad
>what should I be doing?
putting yourself in social situations that could lead to talking to a female in a casual setting with could lead to gf
Sent this song to my gf now she thinks I'm some sort of white supremacist, well, I mean I am but this song doesn't have any racial element to it
>asked dad to buy me a bidet attachment for the toilet as a Christmas present
>I am really fucking fat, so it would be nice to clean my arse properly for once
>asked him a week ago
>ever since he has been 'bantering' me
>keeps calling me 'Hoser of the Brown Rose' and going 'waaaay'
>whenever i walk past him bends down and blows air onto my arse
>says 'I am BiDad' and starts laughing
>tried to explain its for hygiene reasons and would be better for everyone
>he calls me a big girls blouse
>everytime I come out of the bathroom says 'calm down, Santa hasn't been yet'
Its really fucking getting to me. I just want a cleaner rim ffs.
looks like a cross between a rabbit and a beaver
>Hear firework outside
>see this post
Based boomer tbqh
this. It's fine to have tfw no gf, but you must remember you don't "deserve" one in the sense you haven't done anything to warrant it
Mummy said I can't cook the pork chop recipe I wanted. Did it anyway.
I'm a real adult now.
like what shouldI do tho
I dont care if its all lies, I want to believe this post is true
alreet lads
user absolutely bantered to death by BiDad
That's a kitchen to rival Kay's in filth
at least the food looks significantly better
Gonna go watch corrie with mummy
top draw banter tbqhwy
can make my hand look like I'm turning into a werewolf lads
What do I get mummy for her birthday??
Lemon drizzle cake.
Reckon it's much filthier than Kay's kitchen.
Absolute state of some of you lads families eh
Top lad, good shout
>incorrectly believing gf life is better than bachelor life.
Even Timothy J Byrne understands this.
th-thanks mate. You're a good egg too.
There must be tons of social stuff you could go to this time of year
yea liek wot tho
>tfw you waited to till the new thread to post your thought but when the new thread came you can't remember what you were going to post
Lee Anthony Hoyland singing sea shanties at ethnic minorities to try to scare them into knowing where the door is.
He's fucking gone lads wtf
and here we have a harbinger of art hoes
I used to unironically enjoy dubstep, but never when old classics were used in it
things like that always made me cringe
Is the world gonna be ok when the zoomers take over?
what to watch tonite boyoyots
I'm I the oldest one here?
alri lad. love a bit of argento. will do.
>All those price tags
Get a load of richie rich over here
My dad has unironic depression and anxiety
nice incel cope
you get thirstier than an african every time you interact with a woman
>paki walks by and sees this
alright mate didn't need to get that sad did you really
Come to the conclusion I'm a retard lads
100 quid int rich lad
Turns out ignorance is bliss lad, live it up.
Found my LG Cookie in a cupboard all that's on there is music from when I was in school
Just saying, like father like son and all that eh
But he's self aware enough to know that he's a retard. I'm also smart enough to know I'm a mong
Yeah mate, don't like to think about any lads from here being sad too much so I usually hide the sadposts tbqh
Here's how a vegan can eat at Subway
Choose the Italian or plain brown bread, the others have cheese/honey in them
Then skip the main and just ask for salad, get lettuce, onions, peppers, tomatoes etc
Get sweet chilli sauce
everytime i get the late train into wigan for my /nightwalk/ im gonna post these all around town and we can have a nice scavenger hunt
Why anyone would willingly live like this is beyond me.
any lads here drink bourbon?
Commando is the only decent film there.
>nipple hanging out
bit lewd
anytime someone mentions veganism I remember the videos of all the people that show how fucked up it made them
Lee Anthony Hoyland painting his mother from head to toe in spray paint from Poundland for his entry into Sheffield's amateur Bond parody competition with "Goldminger".
didn't know you could drink biscuits
very funny lad
I'll fuck you last
o-ok I'll just stop posting
on a lighter note I'm off to put my Chicago Town pizza in the oven. a tasy 1900 calorie snack
Why do you keep collecting them? Do you have enough storage space
Which one of you was this?
>I woz loneleh
>neighbours get involved confirming he's a nonce
>doing it behind his GF's back
Absolutely based. Dirty paedophilic bastid.
swear I saw the same two posts last night
>doing it behind his GF's back
none of us then
It's so nice, salad and chilli sauce is as nice as salad, fatty meat and chilli sauce only healthier
Don't need to stop posting lad, I just feel a bit sad cause I think of you all as my mates
you know me lad, i like to live on the edge
That retard wearing a Marshal vest is fucking mental, he's just gonna end up getting himself sent down for public order
>I just feel a bit sad cause I think of you all as my mates
Same here pal, and I like to open up here because I don't irl, but I don't want to get you guys down with my posts
It's alright mate, you know your britfeel mates care about you eh
You a full vegan
I'm in my final year of uni and have no job lined up for when I graduate.
I have 0 work experience and on track for a 2:2. I'm so fucked.
yes and it's fun to have something to do
I'm 27 and I've been getting dull aches in my chest. A visit to my doctor and some tests at the hospital have confirmed i'm the early stages of heart disease. One of the arteries in my neck is almost blocked up. I'm getting surgery next week to remove the plaque. It turns out my family has a history of cardiovascular diseases and I've got some pretty shitty genes.
I've been told I've basically got to remove all saturated fat from my diet and I'll be on blood thinners for the rest of my life.
What are the dull aches like and how long did you have them for?
Sounds like something you could easily miss.
He's a bastard who deserves punishment, but the lack of intelligence of the "hunters" (all they do it set up a fake account, hardly difficult) here in particular is absolutely repulsive
>tfw occasionally have that after a can of monster
not gonna die am i lad
sounds like bollocks already. Lads in secondary where popular because they were either 'ard, good at sports or funny - usually a mixture of 3. Me and my mates were unpopular because we were spergy mongs. half of the deano type lads were ugly as fuck
What's your weight and height ratio?
Started in my early twenties. I'd work out and whenever it got too strenuous I'd get a dull ache feeling in the left side of my chest and the top of my right arm.
Incels absolutely seething because they can't be social
stop making yourself miserable SP
"am gonna let ya go. ah yoo ever gonna fooking do it again? ya promise me yer never gonna do it again? You know what? Tough, yer goin nowhere yer dirty bastad"
Holy fuck the norf meme has come to life
fucking creasing over here lads.
*Tv suddenly switches off*
*Sofa wraps around your arms and holds you in place. It was Big Dave all along...*
fuck me the incels are downies. Birds are not that ased about your height or what ever other bollocks you tell yourself. the few chads i know are 5 ft 7, its mostly face and personality. you dont get girls because you are socially awkward and you don't put yourself in situations where you can pull girls.
>Birds are not that ased about your height or what ever other bollocks you tell yourself
how deluded of you.