What do you think about this whore, guys? Honestly it pisses me off, wtf is she doing this? Its stupid...

What do you think about this whore, guys? Honestly it pisses me off, wtf is she doing this? Its stupid, I hate girls like this, fucking roasties.


xDDDD im ugly and im a loser Xdddd

Fuck off tahlia honestly, die.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Because she likes the attention she gets in the comments.

She's just a kid with some mental issues and insecurity. Give her a few years and she'll look back at all this and be embarrassed, she's also convinced herself she's ugly when she's not.

By the time she's 18-20 and finds new social circles from university or jobs, she'll realize she's attractive, have a boyfriend, and move on.

Shell eventually find a boyfriend and pop out a few kids. Meanwhile her male equivalent will kill himself

She's not a whore, she's just a dumb mentally ill kid posting dumb angsty videos and one day she'll cringe at her teenage self. Stop bullying a kid who doesn't know any better and is still coming into her own, this board is beyond toxic when it comes its influence on the young females that lurk and post here.
Just leave her alone and let her grow up faggot OP.

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she has an accent like people where I live

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stop shilling your videos here

The video title is a meme, alluding to the video she deleted a couple of hours ago.
Your internet hateboner is misplaced. The chick doesn't attention whore on Jow Forums, she just vlogs about her life.
It's you underageb& teenagers that bring her up daily.
It's pretty embarrassing.

>Meanwhile, the whore that had been leaking nudes ever since she was 14, is a heroin addict and groomed an underage child, is this board's queen and had orbiters sponsor her entire life

Stay classy.

hi tahlia
kill yourself you disgusting subhuman validation whoring roastie

i think tahlia is a nice girl desu why the hate

And that only makes me angrier

The hate is coming from a)women that should fuck off to lolcow b)underageb& zoomers that should fuck off until their balls drop c)incels that have completely gone off the deep end.

Stop posting pictures of my wife on r9k you fucking incels.

t. virgin messiah

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This fat slav is 16 years older than the chick.
The people that are shipping them are delusional, but I wouldn't put it above her to get groomed by him.

Marky fucked Sam.
Ciara fucked the 40 year old boomer she's with (and like a dozen other people)
Sunny fucked Michael Sosa who is like 30.

he need to lose weight, lose neckbeard and stop wearing shirts his grandma bought for him.

>Sunny fucked Michael Sosa
Seriously? Even that guy "made it" and I'm still a virgin? Fuck my life.

>even that guy made it

He fucked ciara and oxy too, mate. By your definition he'd already made it by the time he fucked sunny.

who is Michael Sosa?

Wait I'm probably mixing up who that guy is. Isn't he the guy who used to post YT videos with his hideous face?

He is the 30 year old pedo that groomed a bunch of underageb& roasties from Jow Forums, got dozens of nudes and fucked several of them.
There was an FBI investigation, no charges, his mother is a judge.

I don't like her but she's semi-tolerable when comparing her to other e-thots like Ciara and Sunny

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>The people that are shipping them are delusional

Its her that wants him, no one even has to ship them because she has mentioned it several times.

somehow I don't believe you.

Where are the receipts?

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She mentioned in the comments of her last video she wants a comfy teaching job and three Ukranian kids.

kek guys keep the good work up, lets make that bith feel horrible

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OP is a cock sucking incel

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We really made this one snap, holy shit

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lol, how interesting would it be if she actually pulled an ER. I wouldn't be surprised

>subhuman roastie DESPERATELY trying to fit in with robots and incels so she pretends her life is hard and whines and complains relentlessly all day to gain points and act like other women are somehow different from her or below her

every fucking time

she always says that she is below other women though, I really think she's gonna snap one of these days and kill them all, and I'll have to popcorn out when she does

I used to be like her. 24 now and only just getting therapy for it. You guys have no idea how traumatic it is being bullied and excluded by other girls at a young age/teens/beyond, it fucks with your psych, I even had gender disphoria feelings in highschool because I felt like a failed female. I feel so fucking bad for her, I hope she finds peace with herself and stops blaming other women. So many fucking women have wronged me and I still feel afraid of them and unable to make friends and it took me a long fucking time to stop hating them all and ridding myself of the "not like the other girls mentality", I 100% believe this girl is for real and I wish her the best because life is fucking hard when you feel this way

So wait, I don't get it - is it supposed to be this really clever in-joke or something? I mean the part where she's adorable but claims to think that she's ugly.

Is it a meta thing? Or what?

on incel discords she used to actually say she wishes she was a male so she wasn't a part of the 'evil sex'

She just had some kids from school convince her she was uggo, she explains it all here.

>stop blaming other women
What the, did you even read yourself first? IDIOT

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doesnt count unless she kills herself after
otherwise even if she did kill some other roasties, she would have only done it for more validation and attention, because the true nature of a roastie is inescapable and innate

>You guys have no idea how traumatic it is being bullied and excluded by...girls

It's like you're deliberately trying to turn this into a "laughs at women" thread

it actually is though, when you're a girl and none of the other girls want anything to do with you, and if you express that like Tahlia does well... a bunch of men call you a whore, so you're truly alone in this world.

the femcel paradox: no matter how hard you try or how sincerely you express yourself, no one will EVER believe you when you say you hate yourself. the less you are believed, the more you hate yourself, and the more desperate your cries are. the only true solution is complete emotional isolation--can't express your feelings to normie women, males, robots--you don't even get the small luxury of an internet community to complain on in peace.

Wrong Dunny never fucked the spic he lived in Texas get your lore right.

self immolate you dumb roastie, you dont belong here and your opinion is irrelevant

Let's go harass her in the comments guys
Who's down?

well get to it then instead of just talking about doing it you fag
put the stupid roastie in her place

By other girls, retard. Imagine being excluded by all other guys, even dudes like you or worse, and picked on for being ugly and different when you try and try again. Girls play insidious mind games as well, pretending things and laughing at you afterwards and strange exclusions and grand setups. It is different for you as a male, you can group with other low-tier males but as a female you don't have that option especially when you are deemed "that kid" by both sexes for YEARS. That was my entire school experience, my trauma is significant, you don't get it. I was bullied by everybody, 0 friends (none). Even as an adult I have no friends. Letting go of the hate was the hardest part and I am still not even there, some days I am a ball of bitterness

She has that held for review filter, so they will disappear. But if anything that's better because when she checks the held for review comments all the shit we write will hit her at the same time

Literally whom? Orgigig

this girl and what she's been through makes me so sad. The fact that nobody can see that she's genuinely hurting always blows my mind.

>roastie is realising women are inherently evil, inhuman, and completely lack feeling, empathy, or emotion

everyone else realised this ages ago, you dumb cunt
female friendship literally does not exist

Nice reading comprehension you drooling mongoloid- I said the complete opposite in my post. I AM TRYING TO HEAL, I have realized not all women are evil and a horrible school experience doesn't mean half of humanity and my own gender is horrible.

On a scale from 1 to 10 where do you rate yourself?

If she was ugly, I'd believe in her pain.

I'm just not going to accept it from a cute girl. Sorry. Did she maybe get in a social dominance contest with another cute girl and lose? Hey, maybe. But I simply will not believe she's trapped in a horrible world of permanent exclusion and ostracism and emotional pain, because I know she isn't.

>you don't even get the small luxury of an internet community to complain on in peace

Nope, wrong. She could have just chosen to complain IN TEXT somewhere. She chose to complain via video. And she chose that for a reason.

Know what the reason is? Because I think I do.

Women are born master manipulators.
On some level she likely knows she is not really that ugly or unattractive, and she is cute in a very homely type of way, which appeals to just about every robot on here. Thus, she takes advantage of this, and posts vids and pics of herself to acquire more orbiters.

Everything a woman does is a plea for attention.

she did complain in text for years and still got treated badly, incels doxxed her and blackmailed her with her written vents so it's bad either way.

And these men who make incel videos, are they all attention whores too? Or do you hold them to different standards because they look like you?

you're not going to convince them, these sociopaths could see a person dying on the street and would label them an attentionwhore just because of the gender they were born with

if everyone tells someone they're ugly as a child, they're going to grow up thinking that they're ugly, that's just how reinforcements work

I hope she sees this thread if she havent yet, and suffers and cries.


>And these men who make incel videos, are they all attention whores too? Or do you hold them to different standards because they look like you?

I am more willing to accept complaints about life from ugly guys than from cute girls, so...yeah, I guess that constitutes holding them to a different standard. AND RIGHTLY SO.

Simple question: is she good looking, or is she ugly?

I'll wait.

She is not a "whore" (BECAUSE IF MEN ARE NOT WHORES WOMEN ARE NOT EITHER), but she is a loser who is trying to gain power and status by taking sides with men against her own gender and by hating women. Literally the ONLY TYPE OF A WOMAN INCELS WILL EVER ACCEPT.

She has a thing going on with Virgin Messiah. A sign of mental illness: a 16 year old girl dreaming about making babies with 33 yo fat virgin.

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I can't imagine how confused Georgie Boy must be.

Reminder: he's leasing a luxury Lexus SUV for $900 a month while still living in his parent's basement.

Laney Boggs

I feel sorry for this kid. Clearly she wanted to commiserate with other loner's, but it lead to just reinforcement of her own self-hatred. She needs to stop orbiting Georgie and step away from all this shit. I have honestly no problem believing that she actually thinks she's repugnant. Bullying of a particular magnitude across a long enough timeline with wreck a kid's perception of themselves, especially a young girl. Hopefully when it comes time for uni she'll be able to live normally, but I have my doubts.