Alright, i'll come out and say it. i think nice guys are boring af and usually hiding their shitty traits from everyone...

alright, i'll come out and say it. i think nice guys are boring af and usually hiding their shitty traits from everyone. i prefer meaner guys, they're more confident, more honest, more fun, they don't grovel for anyone, they don't need anyone to grovel for them, it's sooo much more awarding to have their approval, and they're decent guys without being a kissup.

you nice guys aren't better than them, you're boring at best and hypocrites at worst. i say this kindly: develop a personality or you'll never be with a girl who actually wants to be with you

Attached: nice guys are boring.jpg (728x1158, 199K)

hmm for me it's quite the opposite, probably because of my high school; majority of guys were mean and tough and got unattractive quickly. it's refreshing to see/meet a nice guy I think it's cute ngl, I do love mean men too if it's pulled off right, but it's different for everyone in the end.
you can still have a personality and be nice

This is true I pretend to be a nice guy but actually I'm a sissy faggot crybaby

It's not necessary to be nice to be attractive unlike what so many women say. At least some are honest about it.

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Honestly I don't think that what you're talking about is being necessarily mean it's just not being a kissup nice guys are not necessarily kissups (who do tend to hide their shitty personality to manipulate others)

>Then again I'm just a failed Chad robot who internalizes all his problems

do not take dating "advice" from women

There is no image to represent this bait

Good thing I've never said I was nice to anyone I guess, pretty sure this nice guy thing is a bullshit scapegoat though

This is literally the best advice anyone could ever give. They have no idea what they want and will always say one thing and do the opposite.
OP does like nice guys, it just wants confidence. And straight forwardness.

got you covered anony

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first, who cares about what you think about Jow Forums users
second, you are also as a shit hypocrite like the people you abominate
third, just get over your own personality lil fag

>she only attracts people with shitty personalities, whether covertly or overtly
Maybe YOU should develop a personality, sweetie.

>alright, i'll come out and say it. i think nice guys are boring af and usually hiding their shitty traits from everyone.

I can understand guys that constantly mention how nice of a guy he is and seeks validation by putting women on a pedestal, they're annoying even to their friends. But however what's with this pessimistic obsession people have with "uncovering" someone's ulterior motives? As in people think that someone who's genuinely nice and sweet regardless if they're seeking platonic or regular relationship have some shit to hide.

I've been called a nice guy, but I've also been called funny, caring, passionate, and all sorts of other things. I have diverse and interesting hobbies (cooking, gardening, hiking, baking). Yet, nobody has ever been interested in me. I'm not really a 10/10, but I'm not disgusting either. I honestly have no clue what is wrong with me.

Imagine enduring this over the course of high school and college, where I didn't have much trouble finding freinds, but I never had a single date. How the fuck am I supposed to go through all this and not end up a cynical asshole on the inside? You fuckers wonder why all "nice" guys aren't so nice on the inside, and this is the reason. Fuck humanity.

I'm a nice guy. I've been in a situation with someone like you and literally no reason to have people like you around as y'all got some shit going on and you're a shut in with your emotions. Through experience a partner doesn't need to be there at all but having them around eases the shit that is life. The only person I place on a pedestal belongs to me and I left the person that only has a shallow and senseless personality like yours. Wish you the best user. Time to go fuck off and find meaningless shit on Jow Forums

You don't like "meaner guys", femanoid. You like attractive men who happen to be mean.

user your issue is that you're coming off as desperate, you're a good dude with a good set of hobbies and that's saying a lot considering how boring and shitty many people are. But you shouldn't let OP or the lack of getting a date get to you not everyone is going to validate you, so just focus on yourself onto becoming a stable adult. OP and social media women talking about their dating standards don't talk for the average woman that knows what they want and need which is general stability.

jokes on you I am more funny,interesting, and more attractive the the meaner guys that get laid. :^) but they are more confident so I give you that.

Poor user does not realize the irony while true chads get laid while you skulk around falling for OPs bait

Pick one
Girls either have no interests (the office doesn't count) or they fake they have interests to attract males (liking videogames). If you expect to be entertained then reconsider your life.

The chapter calls out her immaturity, though. The guy she breaks up with is a super nice, popular Chad. She later gets angsty and butthurt when the aloof Chad she's still stuck on calls her a nice person, only he isn't retarded and doesn't mean she's shallow and uninteresting.

So even shoujo manga can admit the problem is women like that, not nice guys.

You're the type of girl who doesn't break up with her abuser because you see something in him, but will break up with someone who is nice to you because there's no """danger""", and this post is just you trying to justify that.