Now that the year's almost over, what's your vote for the least funny meme of 2018?

Now that the year's almost over, what's your vote for the least funny meme of 2018?

I vote NPC. It's incredibly forced and I have yet to see one that's actually funny. Although I will admit it's a pretty clever tactic; say anything bad about the meme and you are the meme.

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NPC's are fucking real, it ain't no joke.

>I vote NPC

NPC is just a new word for roach.

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Only an NPC would try to say that the NPC meme is bad.

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The onions meme struck chords so hard they word filtered it.

>the worst
m8 lemme tell you about the golem

>weird flex but ok
roastie twitter meme

Yeah it was forced but I could enjoy it if not for that retarded design.

definitely browsette
just look at this garbage

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Yeah, It was being spammed, everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE

NPC meme. Its just posted by autists that get so hated that they get a superiority complex and think their better than other people, when in reality that are just sad and think its deep.

do u no da wey

i'm so glad that's over. it lasted for a month but it was a hellish month

trips of truth, except that one isnt objetively bad and is so last year

Wojak is the most insanely malleable meme ever to have reached the internet. Several wildly successful memes have spawned from him.
But yeah, NPC is the worst one.

It has replaced soiboi as the most overused meme on Jow Forums, but mods wont filter it for some reason

The npc meme would have been good if it wasn't just another wojack edit.

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what memes besides npc started in 2018?

t. small brain can't remember.

shut the fuck up incel . ..

he he he...

Top 3 worst memes of the year for me:
>Johnny Johnny
I dont have anything against India as a country, but this fucking surreal cartoon bullshit has zero redeeming qualities. It feels intentionally bad, and much like Motu Patlu before it, should have died before it became a thing.

>Bitch, Im A Cow
This was a weird meme, it felt like a parody of a meme that you would see on some shitty sitcom. You know how TV shows dont understand what makes something viral, so they just make something cheap and weird and hope it gives off the impression of being viral in that universe? Yeah, its like that.

>TikTok/Hit Or Miss Girl
Social Media is a festering wound, and the latest bacteria to infect it is the arrival of TikTok. Somehow, the ability to add music to your clips in-app has created a new and uncontrollable wave of autistic kids who think theyre funny. NyanNyan Cosplay, also known as the Hit Or Miss girl (or as some know her, that girl that kinda looks like a trap), is a victim in all this, but I still blame her for finding that autistic song in the first place.

plus the NPC meme as terrible as it is especially when you consider how it came to be, is not that bad compared to any normie tier social media memes. At least it encourages self awareness and critical thinking

christ, that was this year?

i vote tide pods, if we're not limited to Jow Forums-specific ones.

isn't s0yb0y a 2018 thing? that definitely trumps npc

Weird Flex is weak but harmless, imo it has very little staying power and probably will die out by Christmas.

Late 2017 and early 2018 till it got worldfiltered around spring I believe

NPC is bad too, but it had it's charm until normies ran it into the ground and started using it as the insult of the month.
Uganda Knuckles on the other hand was just plain stupid and without any redeeming qualities.

Cuck and soiboy work as offensive memes because even the most liberal, egalitarian, secure-in-his-own-sexuality male will flinch at having his masculinity mocked and derided.

NPC doesn't cut deep in that same way. There's also the fact that genuine unthinking NPCs are unlikely to come into contact with the term.

Am I getting old, or are memes generally just getting less funny?

we are old men, user... no matter the age...

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kek you made me remember the advertising campaign that was the boomer meme

the npc meme itself wasn't that forced or unfunny its just the alt-right kikes adopted it almost as soon as it was posted for the first time

They got kinda homogenized, seeping into the mainstream. Now with new ones coming out every month, the quality has kinda been watered down.

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It's less funny and more relatable.

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The meme isn't funny, the public's response to it is.

Nobody's going to have the "least funny meme" because it was probably made by some fag, posted on a shitty platform like facebook, withered and died with nobody taking any notice.
You dumb cocksucker.


>Im Already Tracer
Whats supposed to be fucking funny about already being Tracer

>Whats supposed to be fucking funny about already being Tracer
trying to play a gam with some horrible roastie and she won't let you do shit?
Maybe that makes somebody out there laugh, it makes me so mad I piss blood.

It's just a shit meme that popped up from tik tok because some attention whores want to seem like gamers

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reminder that if you aren't some big dog player who physically is making a big difference and will have his name remembered for at least hundreds of years, youre an npc

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not wrong, nothing wrong with being one if thats the case then.
no point fretting over something you didnt have in the first place

It was annoying at first, but it's definitely meme of the year. Nothing else tops it.

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user, we already agreed Jesus was the player character, and he's just spectating now.

I don't think any memes have been funny for at least the past 2 years.

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What would be the best or least bad memes of 2018?
That dancing crab song one makes me giggle

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30 year old boomer meme was my favourite

I have a soft spot for Big Dick Energy

People just use the NPC meme the exact same way they were using s o y wojak
There's no reason for it to exist.

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NPC is fucking great. S oi was bad and should feel bad.

bowsette for sure. it got spread massively and made basically everyone "a man of taste"...egh. I can't believe there is a cult following for this "waifu"
There was some good ass art of her though, although its mainly the black leotard/latex kink speaking

I also hated bongo cat, it was innocent and simple but people got angry if you didn't source their OC version made in 2 min.

No. S oi was for weak men that are okay with feminism. NPC is for people with no mind, agents of the system. Blue is controlled and therefore part of the system. Red is free thinking. Black is the cypher mentality of ignorance is bliss but is also red. Blue is human but also NPC. NPC and blue pill is s oi, but some are umbrella terms for other words. Like, a square can be a rectangle, but a rectangle cannot be a square. Or, another is all agnostics being also atheist but atheist cannot be agnostic.

Why let yourself be confused by something so simple?

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"Yikes" and "Oof" if they count as a meme

my abusive ex gf started saying both of those when she was angry and they have a really negative connotation for me now...

Boomer for the first few days made me laugh like a madman. Of course it was run to the ground, but it was great while it lasted.

I don't know any of these

The Doomer/Bloomer forced meme that's been going around lately.
It's a low effort attempt to turn the best meme of 2018 into a pity party for sad cunts.

yes. new memes are of higher quality than old memes.

old memes are only good because of nostalgia for the time.

I'm not confused, I stated a fact.

Every s oi or NPC wojak joke is just (insert leftist believe here) with the pic.

Gangweed/gamers rise up was the most reddit meme of the year

I, for one, welcome our femdom turtle overloards.

They're a lot meaner and less playful than they used to be

People just use memes to paint people they disagree with as lesser and to mock people now

I miss when Wojak was just feels guy and he'd hug pepe sometimes
I miss liking mudkips

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BASED Hijak.

There are so many. Label memes and SpongeBob are always redditcore shit. Surprised Pikachu same thing. NPC was good then got overused and started to suck ass