She caught my cough
Last texts you exchanged with a female (actual) that is not blood related
That's cute user. Now leave you fucking normie
I posted in this thread earlier today and no one replied to me, so fuck you anons
What did you say?
I care
The robot won't let me post unless I put text here.
I don't want to post it but it was me getting rejected.
why would you post that knowing what kind of people browse this board
>look at me I'm such a normfalfag XDD
She is probably an ugly whore
Oregano basil somehow not original
It was my penpal from college, and thanks user
It's been 1 year and 3 months. I've wiped my phone since then.
i dont have my phone with me rn but it was like 3 hours ago telling her to bring me food.
oddly enough we are bonding over eating together and hanging out, im not even paying 9/10 times kek
>le chad feels
i think she just likes me cause im the only one who isnt trying hard to hit on her, but now were bothing catching feels. fuck
>Me: are you still enrolled at XYZcollege?
>Her: no I ran out of money and moved back home and I work at mcdonalds now
>Me: sorry to hear that
>Her: don't be, life's simpler
she thought I was being unfaithful with some thot
am i a cuck?
literally never texted a girl before and I'm 22 lol. in fact, I've never texted anyone before but my parents
I can't which one is the girl.
Jesus, I'm surprised she is into you.
Shooters shoot, what now boys??
I literally have none on my current phone
on my old one it's probably from a roastie during hs asking about homework or a group project idr ( i dropped out almost 3 years ago)
She's got something in her throat right now OP, and it's not a frog.
Depends, girl or girl (male)
In one we were talking about me being a pedo, the other we talked about capcom vs marvel 3
why are you the only one not trying to hit on her? Do you work at a nightclub? If so leeeave
because originally i didnt really care for a gf so i didnt give a shit and just spoke to her like a normal person, but now we are both getting feelings
i suppose they want what they cant have, maybe i was a good challenge idk
I hate her fucking guts but she's psychotic so I'm kind of stuck.
first time posting in one of these threads, be gentle
"don't be, life's simpler"
I'm tired
This makes me want to commit sodoku, fuck.
Is she still working and mcdonalds? Were you friends with her?
>Hello...are we ever going to talk again?
From a girl I dated for 2 months casually, we never committed to anything. We had a conversation about what we were, and I explained as much in a subtle way I couldn't love her because I don't.
>Her: Good night! :x:x I love you!
i saw the thread too user i just thought you were making fun of me for not having gf so i scrolled by :(
my originial gf
>just needs 15 minutes to push herself to do something besides vegetate on the internet
It really wasn't me. I didn't go through her phone either. I was tempted tho. At least now I know I didn't miss anything.
sounds bipolar desu
I'd keep an eye on that one.
am I in bois? you decide.
>grad students
gotta get in when you can
>I promise Im not blowing you off
Le sigh
exactly what a girl would say to get rid of any suspicion hmmm
Yes, she is still working in her small rural town while I live in the city. We were friends but I always had 0% chance for making it anything more.
I mean she said fridays and saturdays are days she can hang out so she's not like "oh I'll let you know when I'm free".
Senior crunch is real shit, user.
Bingo. Just like when someone says Im not racist, but...then launches into a racist tirade
Women are so transparent
i wish i had a life
I miss her... ldr.
Seems nice and i bet it feels good, but its very innocent, dont get any hopes with her user, females marks you when she meets you and decide are you partner material or just a punchbag for her lack of attention she is getting lately.
this is us on halloween btw
I write poems shrouded by metaphors about her. She almost found out, don't know if I'll ever tell her my feelings.
it seems like most of your romanticism is lost on her. bless you for keeping it fresh though. i remember a time when i would wistfully mystify women.
She left me. And yes it hurt
Dont you dare let her get her shit user. Hope everything works out for you.
>her: i should sleeeeep
>me: well sleeeeep
>she: ok
>she: Good night, my love. *smiling emoji with no soul*
>me: Good night
>me: My love
>me: *kiss emoji*
We are still doing this kinda ironically because we aren't a couple yet
We both like each other but we are too autistic to start something
Fucking three year relationship and one stupid fight kills it
Wanting the NEET life ruined my relationship. JK she started whoring out at college and forgot about me. Fucking cunt
May I ask what was the fight about?
Jesus christ greentext story please?
We're both in college, but I absolutely hate it. I finally told her I want to join the military (it's something I've always been thinking about), and she got really upset. She wants me to stay here and get a degree, and she basically told me if I signed up then she wouldn't make the effort to be faithful. At that point, I was just done and stormed out of her place. Afterwards, she sent me that text.
She's the first woman I can genuinely say I've ever been in love with.
>told me if I signed up then she wouldn't make the effort to be faithful.
You were never supposed to be together if she says something like that.
Try not to think about her, it was 3 years, sure, but know that it meant next to nothing for her if she says something as nasty as that.
weed is my girlfriend unfortunately
been dating for 2 years she a fucking ho
Thanks user
Today's been a pretty rough, but the shock of everything is over now. It almost feels like a weight off my shoulders in the weirdest way
Holy fuck user thank god you didn't go through with her. Although you might be blinded with vehement ignorance because you loved her, I am absolutely positive that you dodged a bullet man.
top kekkieeeeeee
>tfw seeing the lovey-dovey texts briefly makes you feel warm, but then you remember you won't ever, ever, EVER receive a text even HALF as heartwarming.
It's weird to read this because I usually can relate to them
Life is good
>she wouldn't make the effort to be faithful
no person worth marrying would say that. Plus it doesn't sound like she's very supportive of you, blowing up like that and not even talking about such life decisions. Sorry about the breakup man, but from my little window it seems good that you got out.
I dunno about you user, but most of these look fucking disgusting. When you cram that many cute words together, does it even mean anything anymore? It reads vapid as hell, none of these couples are gonna stay together.
>no person worth marrying would say that
No person worth marring will leave you for a year to join the fucking army.
mom:-you blocked me on face
-no I didnt
mom:-oh, it just didnt load
this fucking cunt corrected you and on the use of than/then and was actually wrong. you dodged a bullet with this retard
Talk to her please
>it's a whore
No surprises there
Shocking number of broken hearts
How the fuck did you bump this thread two hours later. Anyway, the last message i got from a female was 3 years ago about homework. She didn't come to class that day and I messaged her and gave her the homework. She didn't even say thank you...
get fucked you dumb robots I actually got a waifu