
>am huge male sub, have been one since i was a kid
>always have been attracted to feet, drinking piss, armpits, etc.
>infatuated with gentle femdom and getting a "mommy gf"
why am i like this? what are the psychological reasons?

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You ran over God's cat in a past life or something.

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>Male sub
>Mommy gf
>Feet armpits drinking piss

tbf it gets worse than that. that's just all i was comfortable mentioning.

pathetic and worthless self bump before i call it quits with this thread

mondai nai wa~

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>big tits in a button up t-shirt

>fat chicks
A match made in heaven.

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wh? what did you mean by this?

You're probably like this because your mother abused you as a child but you've blocked it out.

Feel ya.
The worst thing about being into femdom is that in theory it isn't impossible to find a partner thats into it, but in practice it is

Thats me except I'm a guy and i just love hugging people
My boyfriend especially

>I'm a guy

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>no petplay gentle femdom gf who loves me and cuddles me every night

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>posts on r9k
you don't have any ground to stand on buddy

I'm super vanilla. I like cute panties and stripteases. Creampies, you know, that's pretty much it.

It means you're a girly man and didn't get enough testosterone in the womb. As for your question I have fetish for

>fat women
>being fat myself (I'm skinny)
>gender turning into a real girl

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my new e-bf is a male sub and i've always considered myself completely submissive, but i really want to make him happy. how can i be a good mommy dom gf? i've never been comfortable initiating and i don't know how to bully or hurt anybody but i want to make him happy. please any male subs help me

I can probably give some tips
Would be easier talking in discord though

My fetish is equally felt love and shared happiness.

i don't really talk to boys other than my boyfriend unless it's on here

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tease the ever living hell out of him about the fact he is a sub and then if he reacts call him cute.

Well cant really help ya then i guess
Although one big tip i can actually give you is that you should make him feel loved and wanted as much as you can. Don't hesitate to call him cute and tell him how much he brightens up your day.

How a sub doesn't know what another sub would want is beyond me. Just think of things that you would want and then flirt with them and see if they respond. It would be mustering up the will to fulfill that desire that would be the hard part.

isn't that just normal relationship stuff though? i've always done that with him just because i'm an affectionate person. teasing and giving him affirmation doesn't really seem dominant at all to me, but maybe me doing that is what gave him the wrong idea about my preferences.
well he's also a lot kinkier than me in general. it's really hard for me to get creative with things that do absolutely nothing for me besides the fact that i'm making him happy

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>how can i be a good mommy dom gf?
> i don't know how to bully or hurt anybody
Then it should be easy for you, just be sweet and motherly to him that's really it. Also breast feed and pamper him

>well he's also a lot kinkier than me in general.
Okay, how do you know this without knowing what he likes?

i can do that, it sounds pretty easy actually. thank you kindly for the advice!
well, i know he has a kink for stinky girls and feet but i don't share those kinks so i have no idea what to do with that information.

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>Mommy gf mommy dom gentle femdom is my kink
>Slightly older chicks
>Slightly chubby girls
>pregnancy/ impregnation
>thighs, legs
>feet maybe, but only if in stockings or pantyhose
> Big Boobs and Butt OwO
>modest but cute clothing
> European foreign chicks
Am I a degenerate?

i like those exact things as well, i might be a degenerate but i dont care

That's not "more" kinky, really. Footfaggotry is an almost strictly male thing. Can't really help you with that though. A general tip I can give you is that _how_ you do something is a lot more important than what you're doing. You just have to lead the dance.
Also, ask... no tell him to find you some doujin that he likes a lot so that you can read it and "review" it with him. Honestly, even being teased over something like that sounds pretty damn hot, but what he sends you will probably give you some good insight, especially if he clarifies what he likes about it when asked.

>small/medium size breasts
>leg lock
>cute girls
>light choking(me)
honestly most things could fit in my list my only exceptions are really
>anything gay male/male shit
I'm open to alot of things desu

>nice looking breasts (not sagging or downwards facing ones)
>round thighs/butts
>very intelligent women
>surgically enhanced boobs and lips
>muscular women with nice legs
>transformation from normal to gyaru/bimbo
>cockthirsty/sexually deviant bimbos in general
>bdsm submissive chicks
>women clothed in business suits/office apparel
>mild women with cute/comfy clothing (can be with too big clothes)
>mfw when I'm only into these things and people call me asshole irl for being rude to others and not getting a gf

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I understand all of that except piss. why the piss? just why?

OP would be attractive for a degenerate but robot male subs are always bi and thats gross