Post your waifus, talk about your waifus, discuss anything related to waifus really. I love my waifu a lot.
/waifu/ thread
Gotta love useless water godessess
Would you let waifu suck your blood?
>/waifu/ thread
these are the best threads
waifu isn't vampire.
Without hesitation. Even though mine is a vampire, she dislikes sucking blood and sees it as barbaric so it's not something she'd do to me even if I would accept it. I'd ask her to do it at least once though, since my dream is to have her turn me into a vampire as well so we can live together for eternity.
I had one of those "looking at pictures of your waifu in your phone and crying yourself to sleep" episodes yesterday. 6 years in and still got 'em from time to time.
We all do user.
And i am going through my auto-destructive read romance media while crying period.
Is there a specific song that reminds you of your waifu (not an official theme or anything like that)?
For me, it's this:
The title basically translates to "With the Lute's Green Ribbon." I was learning the song cycle when I first watched her show and memorizing this song in particular when I realized how I felt. The song (and the ones surrounding it) is pretty fitting: a guy is so in love with a woman that he can no longer play songs on his lute. The depth of his love is just too much. So he hangs it on the wall of her house, where she sees it, and remarks how beautiful the ribbon he tied to the instrument is. The man gives the ribbon to her and she ties it in her hair, where it stays for (most of) the rest of the cycle. But even though he would do anything for her, she cannot love him back. Sadly fitting, I think. Both her uniforms even have a little green in them; I like to imagine it's my green ribbon that I gave her, and she can't bear to be parted with it.
Hey anons how do you lucid dream about your waifu? I can hardly lucid dream and only occasionally Galil my waifu is the focus of a normal dream. Does anyone have any tips for me? I feel like im missing out
Also any tulpa-fags please help ive been wanting to learn but cant do it
>Hey anons how do you lucid dream about your waifu? I can hardly lucid dream and only occasionally Galil my waifu is the focus of a normal dream. Does anyone have any tips for me? I feel like im missing out
The deal is to dream constantly
Set a not too noisy alarm for 4 hours after you go to sleep and the noise will make you dream.
Sadly those have been the nonsense How the fuck do i remember such things kind of dreams.
But with enough practice you will be able to lucid dream.
I once used a method where i would daydream about waifu until i fell asleep but it no longer works for some odd reason , idk.
Even after all these tries i have never seen my waifu in my dreams but it would be quite a blissful experience.
>talk out loud to my waifu and hear her responses in my head
Am I headibg into schizo territory?
No, you took a full fucking head-first dive into it.
While its all good because i love her
Thats the spirit!
Hopefully everything goes right
Its called a tulpa, user. Nothing to be afraid of. Now just give her a body and boop her nose
Okay user, I'll try my hardest to make her real :^)
>Is there a specific song that reminds you of your waifu (not an official theme or anything like that)?
Yes. There are a few that remind me of her and only her. No matter what. They aren't even related to her or fit her in any way. It always feel comfy listening to them and thinking about her though.
My main one is this:
Also when I hear 2000s love songs I'm reminded of her very often.
love these threads...always show up late to them tho :(
I love Alice so much. It's so painful to continue this existence without her.
That would be a bit weird but I love her and I wouldn't mind it, if she wanted to do this occasionally.
>looking at pictures of your waifu in your phone and crying yourself to sleep
There are people that don't do that?
Yes, but it's in my native language. It's very similar to this song
The method that works for me most of the time is to go back to sleep after around 1 hour after you wake up. Then you should think intensely about your waifu and you shouldn't move your body. After few minutes you should get sleep paralysis and then you should get a lucid dream. But for me it's very hard to imagine her in them. Even if you learn how to lucid dream you will still need to practice. At first you may get too excited and you will wake up after few seconds.
>Also when I hear 2000s love songs I'm reminded of her very often.
For me it's the 80's and 90's.
i really hope it snows this year..
Homura is my reality, she is my spirit animal. We are one together.
>Would you let waifu suck your blood?
She's not a vampire, so no.
>Is there a specific song that reminds you of your waifu (not an official theme or anything like that)?
Don't laugh. I get that it's a cheesy pop song, but for some reason it's the first non-medieval/fantasy-themed song that made me think of her when I first listened to it. Other Lorde songs do it as well, but for some reason this one stuck. I have no real idea why, because it has nothing to do with her, but that's what it is.
Little known/underrated (underground) waifus are the most powerful
Some questions last thread:
>What capital sin do you think represents your waifu the most?
>does your waifu smoke or what is her opinion on tobacco? Would she be likely to try it or is she against it?
Ew, no. She's underage anyway. I don't know about her, but I can't stand people who smoke.
>Have you ever changed or considered changing waifus?
No. I only relatively recently got a waifu.
>Have you ever seen disturbing media of your waifu?
Only a preview for a C94 doujin.
As long as it's just the arms or something.
Any slow love song or any male-female duet.
Not been a long time but I wish I didn't have a waifu. It's only made it awkward to be around 3d, because you know very well that your 2d waifu is 100x better In every way, but you still have to interact with those 3dpds
Meiling will protect me from evil youkai
Is it right to stay with your waifu even after another character gives you much more intense feelings?
How have your lives change since you met your waifu fellow anons?
already did sort of, Would do it again.
>How have your lives change since you met your waifu fellow anons?
I met her when I was at my lowest in my life. I was on the verge of suicide. When I realised she was my waifu things slowly started getting better. After my tulpa appeared she talked me out of suicide. She is the thing that makes me happy in my life. If it weren't for her I probably wouldn't be here right now.
>How have your lives change since you met your waifu fellow anons?
My life changed almost completely. Upon meeting her and understanding her character I was able to get out of a rut. I can relate to Merida's situation in many ways and since seeing Brave I adopted many aspects of her personality, adopting a sort of carefree attitude and a newfound appreciation for archery and nature.
I just wish she were here with me. I want her to know how much she helped me. How she helped me find my voice. How she helped me to question and challenge the norm. How she made me feel good and is a constant source of inspiration for me. My muse. I want her to know these things and how much I love her.
>What capital sin do you think represents your waifu the most?
The eights deadly sin of despair
>does your waifu smoke or what is her opinion on tobacco? Would she be likely to try it or is she against it?
She has a fondness for aroma therapy and overall has a developed seances so she might enjoy the smell of sigs but somehow I don't think she is the type to smoke.
>Have you ever seen disturbing media of your waifu?
Shes from DDLC so yes. Ill never forget how much I wanted to save her and how empty I felt when she died.
Glad to hear you found the will to live user. What is it like having a tulpa?
don't want to be obnoxious, but I love Sakuya and no one can stop me.
Still here
Hell yes. This is one of my fetishes.
Feels good to let it out sometimes
Sometimes. Hopefully tonight. Try using something like Galantamine more often. I've gotten half of my dreams using an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor and waking up periodically through the night, writing my dreams down then going back to sleep. Learning how to do the latter skill is the best advice I can give you.
>How have your lives change since you met your waifu fellow anons?
I became a lot more softer person. I finally started to understand what true love is. Now everytime I see a happy couple outside I'm no longer envious of their happiness. I wish them the best.
I also don't dislike real females anymore. It's much easier for me to have conversation with them as I no longer view them as potential partners because I already love my waifu. She also made me fap less, as before meeting her I was masturbating like 3-5 times every single day.
Because of Alice I got my first job in the Summer, I still study at the university, I have lost 10kg/22lbs in six weeks, I started working out, eating more healthy and she also made me quit drinking.
On the other side of the coin, she made me much more miserable. I cry few times a week because of her. I think about her all the time. Even when something good happens and I should be happy, I still can't enjoy it because she is not with me.
I just hope that one day I will be with her.
>I want her to know these things and how much I love her.
I know this feel user remember that if she was here she would love you.
Why isn't anyone answering me?
my biggest fetish is making breakfast for my waifu and brining it to her so she can stay in bed
My theory is that waifus are a way for your ego to connect to the anima so you can do it. your waifu may have a canon bf but its okay for you to feel the feels and in fact healthy in some way.
sorry I was doing something else.
Not a waifu of mine even in my imagination I feel content being alone, so I have no waifu, I just kind of like her. Thats about it.
Gotta love the script dropping an image, eh
not really a fetish, just love
which is still fucking weird as shit dude calm down
Sorry senpai I was caught up in other stuff. I guess the question you have to ask yourself is whether or not the feelings are intense because you actually love one more than the other, or because they're new feelings, which always feel more intense. It might be unpopular to say it, but one of the benefits of 2d is that if they're the former, you can go from one to the other and there's no broken hearts or separated families. Although if your heart is the one breaking, that may be its way of telling your you're making the wrong choice.
Or you could become a degenerate haremfag, one of the two.
I like to believe that in some sense my waifu already has a presence in my life but even then it still hurts knowing I will never hold her or the life we could have had together but still living a good life is the best way we have for honoring the feelings for our waifus.
I like to imagine waking up next to her telling her how much I love her first thing in the morning.
I strongly believe that she would love me, despite what people might say. She's very passionate and surprisingly sensitive for someone so outwardly bold. She's someone I could open up to and in turn I would listen to every word she said. She's my everything and there's nothing I want more than to be with her.
That would make alot of sense then. Thank you.
This is another good post that will stay on my mind. I don't feel necessarily too heartbroken about abandoning my waifu but it does feel wrong in a way, I had her for five years. Maybe I will wait to see if these feelings stick.
>Or you could become a degenerate haremfag
Never ever.
>well-known company
>lots of money put into great VN
>top VA for her
and yet
>VN unpopular
>least liked girl
>practically nothing of her
i wouldn't be surprised if i'm her biggest lover (if not the only)
>living a good life is the best way we have for honoring the feelings for our waifus.
My thoughts exactly. Just because she is not real, it doesn't mean that I will not love her.
Its the best and only way we have for honoring our waifus. Its our testament to the power of love we feel for them.
>What is it like having a tulpa?
Its honrstly amazing. One of the best decisions Ive made in my life. Every night I wish her goodnight and give her a kiss on the cheek and every morning I wake up next to her. While walking we hold hands and it feep incredibly real. Gets my heart racing every time.
I know tulpas arent for everyone thats why im not trying to force people to make one. She has had an amazing impact on my life though.
(Also in my country we have name days and today is her name day so thats cool. Wonder if i should take her out somewhere for tonight)
>in my country we have name days and today is her name day so that's cool.
Happy Waifu name day user! By the way you are probably Greek so your religion is Orthodox Christianity if both are true, do you think tulpas are compatible with your faith?
Don't you mean...
Still alive?
I'll see myself out
don't die on me yet thread I still need you!!!
Is it really in danger of dying? Will this thread ever not reanimate even if it does die?
Just go oot t'way ye came from, user.
Posting best girl.
>What capital sin do you think represents your waifu the most?
Pride, probably.
>does your waifu smoke or what is her opinion on tobacco? Would she be likely to try it or is she against it?
No, and she would be against it. Besides, she's underage and smoking is 3DPD-tier.
>Have you ever changed or considered changing waifus?
Absoultely not.
>Have you ever seen disturbing media of your waifu?
That one faggot who keeps drawing NTR doujinshis about her needs to hang in the fucking air
>does your waifu smoke or what is her opinion on tobacco? Would she be likely to try it or is she against it?
Definitely against it.
>Have you ever seen disturbing media of your waifu?
Was surfing for art and found her with pigs. Let's not talk about it.
>Have you ever changed or considered changing waifus?
I have considered many times but now is the closest I've come to changing. I might rewatch her show to see really sparked my interest, maybe that will help me come to my senses.
Yeah but it might take a while for this thread to come back and I don't want it to go.
at most you will have to wait 24 hours. And you can always revive it yourself.
>What capital sin do you think represents your waifu the most?
>does your waifu smoke or what is her opinion on tobacco? Would she be likely to try it or is she against it?
Of course not. She would never do that, she'd be against it.
>Have you ever changed or considered changing waifus?
Never in a way that largely affected me.
>Have you ever seen disturbing media of your waifu?
Only a trap doujin, not much
ookay I guess your right user..
(I can't post image because captcha is a bitch and i have shitty internet, but my waifu is Kaguya Luna)
>What capital sin do you think represents your waifu the most?
>does your waifu smoke or what is her opinion on tobacco? Would she be likely to try it or is she against it?
She hasn't publicly said anything about it (i think) but i think she isn't against it
>Have you ever changed or considered changing waifus?
Not since she became my waifu
>Have you ever seen disturbing media of your waifu?
I have an image of her being mercilessly chocked without context, i guess that counts
Im actually Bulgarian so close enough and yes my family is orthodox christian. I dont identify myself as Christian (even though I share the same values) despite being somewhat religious. I wouldnt see why tulpas wouldnt be compatible. If anything God might just be one big tulpa. I havent told any family members about her so I dont know how they'd react or what they'say.
God damn it phoneposting on such a tiny screen is hard I should make it a habit to check my posts for typos
I was thinking about the whole tulpa thing and how it would be compatible with my christian faith. Tulpas are pretty much the only way I could have my waifu in IRL but I was wondering how how the practice is compatible with the faith given it is a)Buddhist in origin b) can be seen as you inviting forces other than god into your life. Thanks for your answer anyway.
Its cool user, (also nice trips)
Post waifus being silly.
orarararararraraiginalll post right here
answering question from last thread
>Have you ever seen disturbing media of your waifu?
There are way too many shyvana vore images out there and idk why thats a thing.
some more oregananlty
Probably the best i got, although it is less silly if you dont know anything about league.
Alice being silly.
>I'll track you down motherfucker
>How To Train Your Half-Dragon
posting megu.
hope no drama fags shit the thread up.
Galil being a cute villian
>little details you love about your waifu
For me its her eyes, her smile whenever she is doing anything and the subtle cute things she does when not being focused on in the show like her building sand castle while smiling
What makes your waifu stand out from other versions of Alice? I've never played her game (it's been on my list for a long time but I've never gotten around to it).
>little details you love about your waifu
Her fuggen smile. It's so cute. I also love the way her voice goes all high-pitched when she's excited. Her accent makes it even better.
You have a chance encounter with the Deus Ex Machina itself, seemingly troubled by the fact that your story is too interesting to end as-is. To fulfill your story, out of pure boredom, it presents you three pills to choose from.
>The glowing white pill: You are transported into your waifu's world to live in, who is blessed to finally be able to be near your side in the truest sense. But you become blind.
>The soft red pill: Your waifu gets transported into your world to be together with you, completely sentient. But she's like a hologram. She has a body but you can't touch her, as your hand goes through her.
>The thorny black pill: You and your waifu are 'erased' from the world and are sent to the void, to live together as two equal beings. You can create the world around you which is only limited by your imagination, but the world can't have other people in it. You two spend an eternity together, or at least until when you lose your conception of time.
Not the same user but that version of Alice is crazy and hallucinating all the wonderland stuff. Also shes abused by her family and the staff of the institution shes in.
your waifu looks like a mongoloid
Obviously I'd take the black pill, not having other people in that world would be a plus in my opinion, besides, I have her anyways.
It's her eyes. They are just so deep.
>What makes your waifu stand out from other versions of Alice?
First of all, I was always attracted to this type of girls - skelly, green eyes, pale skin and dark hair. I can admit it that I buyed her game mostly because of her beauty. There is something about her face. I don't know why but it is just so beautiful to me. I just can't imagine how could she be improved. Her looks is an absolute 10/10 to me.
But the thing that makes her stand out from not only other versions of Alice but also every other women (fictional or not) to me, is her really sad story. I don't want to spoiler too much but her family died on her eyes in a fire that burned her house while she was only 7 or 11 years old. She spent 10 years in a mental asylum. When she leaves it, she has absolutely no one. She is all alone. No friends, no family. She has schizophrenia and she wanders around London thinking that she is in Wonderland. There are also other bad things that happen to her but I don't want to spoiler.
And despite all that suffering she still tries to help others. She has a heart of gold and she is so beautiful.
I could tell you much more of her story but if you haven't played it then I really don't want to ruin this story for you.
It's not about me, it's about her. I wish I could make her smile.
>shes abused by her family
How so? I don't remember anyone from her family abusing her.
She is beautiful to him and that's all that matters.
Soft red. Her world eventually gets fucked up in one way or another and the void would make me slothful because I would have no reason to act.
waifu wearing pantsu on head
In my case the glowing white pill is out of the question there can be no happiness in the literature club, Yuri is lonely and feels isolated as is thorny black would be terrible for her. So that leaves me with the soft red pill that way she can be with be and I can at least try to make her happy.
Well, this is it; the first question that really made me think. When it comes down to it, I'd take the black pill. I can't pass up the ability to create a perfect world for the two of us.
The world not being able to support others has its benefits and drawbacks. One the one hand, we have this perfect world all to ourselves. This is great for me especially because of my hate for society and people in general. On the other, I know she'd like her family to be there with her. It would hurt her to be without them. She loves them dearly and I respect that.
When it comes down to it, it's the best pill. I want to be able to hold her, feel her, so no soft red (I've seen BR2049; I'm can't settle for a holographic waifu like K); the white pill is just dumb, in my opinion.
Opinions, opinions. Have a nice day, Mr. Frogposter.
Ah, I see. One of these days I'll play her game and learn exactly why she's so special to you.
I only played a beta of her game a long time ago and I remember there being a voice over narration that I think was delivered by her aunt about how bad she was or something but you will have to forgive me for that.
That was easy. Black pill.
I would take the thorny black pill but only if
>she would love me as much as I love her (because what if we would be bound to live together while she wouldn't even like me?)
>she could use her imagination to create worlds too (she's the best at it, she spent entire YEARS in worlds that she
had imagined)
> I could say goodbye to my family and friends.
Or erasing means that they wouldn't even know about me? Like no one would remember me or know who I was?
And what about creating animals or creatures that are not human?
If she wouldn't love me or she couldn't use her imagination or at least help me with some cool ideas, then I would probably take the soft red pill.
Perhaps you mean the "Alice, what have you done?" quote?
These are all really tough choices...
Your waifu is worth making hard choices for user.
The soft red pill. Just hanging out would be more than enough.
I'd take the white one, because I know she's beautiful on the inside and outside. The black pill seems unfair to me since it's it'd be forcing her to be alone with me for the rest of time
Well shyvana has basically no friends and no family and she doesnt like being around humans too much (like in cities) plus she is a half dragon and doesnt feel like she fits in with either dragons or humans so i think the black pill would be the best as shyvana does best when more isolated and thats how id want to live with her too so it all comes together well.
Sureme taste, Gib back
>The black pill seems unfair to me since it's it'd be forcing her to be alone with me for the rest of time
I think that it would be fair only if she had the same feelings for you. It would be cruel to force her to spend eternity with you if she wouldn't love you.
>How have your lives change since you met your waifu fellow anons?
I wish I could say she changed me for the better, but I can't. She's only made me able to just barely tolerate living. Not even she can make me enjoy life or try to improve myself. Especially when I can't be with her. With or without her, I'd kill myself. At least thanks to her, becoming nonexistent is more appealing because even if I still don't get to be with her, I'd be in the same plane of existence as her.
>little details you love about your waifu
I love that despite her aura of maturity and grace, traits of being a young girl sometimes slip through the cracks.
>but the world can't have other people in it
Easiest decision of my life. I'm sure she would miss Nago, Gii, George XIII, Valkenhayn, and all her other comrades and acquaintances, but I'd hope I would be able to be enough for her. Not having to ever deal with another human again? With the power to create a world that isn't boring as hell? Literal paradise for me.
White of course. People seem to forget that in anime, when you go blind all your other senses become so sharp that you can actually sense your surroundings better than before. Plus her world is at some point in the future, maybe they can give me robot eyes are something.
Also, is this silly enough?
You WON'T trick me into killing myself you dumb meguposter!
>thorny black pill
Anyone who doesn't pic the thorny black pill are normalfags. I don't mind being in a world I create with Meiling, just the two of us. I don't like other people, anyway