i know i've said you deserve my indifference and to live a miserable life as you are, BUT
i want to be pitiless on you.
You cheated on me, you lied to me with that dumb poker fece your have. You said to me you traveled a lot but you were just cheating on me with that ugly ass bitch.
You prepared pic of yourself to send me to prove you were at home when you instead were with her.
I can't believe i've been that close to you during your convalescence.
You're just able to exploit and manipulate people.
It makes me sick to think I sucked your cock while you were in the hospital bed.
Be prepared for my revenge, you will suffer.
Your parents won't be involved, they're nice person.
>The retard is back again
Just stop, it's embarrassing.
don't understimate me
i know so many things about him, i know where to hit.
I know where both of you live.
Just watch your back.
You know very well your biggest weakness.
You're actually insane. Stop it. Get some help.
God I want this so badly to be true. You suck so bad and I AM SO BORED
I am firm and determined to take my revenge Mac.
Watch your back
you are no longer safe
I'd rather keep just you safe forever anyway. That is enough.
i'm not in danger at all
this girl has nothing to worry about
Irrelevant, idiot, I said what I said.
you fool are probably not taking this seriously.
i know that probably you knew the girl you're now in with, here on r9k, because you just don't know how to socialize irl.
I don't care about your new relationship, but i'm thinking about you telling a tons of lies to hide the fact you cheated her with me.
You're so good at telling lies.
Freaking bastard.
I just want to inflict you pain, i don't care about that whore.
good luck girl
>reminder that you should never try and form any sort of friendship/relationships off Jow Forums, especially Jow Forums since most of its inhabitants have a reason for being losers, just like the homeless and niggers.
My name is macaroni you dumb bitch
il tuo nome e' miserabile coglione.
stop being such a fucking crybaby and get over it. this is like the second thread that i am seeing from you. please stop bitching about some guy that fucked you over. at this point, you are giving him what he wants and you are the one losing here so stop giving him attention. it's a lost cause and he wont give a fuck about you or your empty rants on this cancer forum. start fresh and work on your goals.
stupid faggot.
i want him to suffer.
i want him to live in a never ending fear status.
he has to watch his back.
i will have my revenge soon.
The girl he is now with is so naive, she knows he is a cheater and despite this she stays with him.
Girl to girl, how can you be with a unfaithful man?
They are two disperate and miserable beings.
he has to suffer.
i can't believe he is such a manipulator, he attempted suicide for getting her love.
you're so petty "Ale".
God I want a girl like this. Please let me date you.
thank you but i don't like long-distance relationships
i'm sorry
i don't think you live in Rome or in the surroundings
aaaand you are proving my point.
you are such a faggot, my god. grow up and get over it. nobody gives a shit about the things you have to say about someone. last time that i'll say this.
buuuuut i won't say anithing
my revenge will be something really really bad
something barely legal
my rage took over me
No wonder he cheated on you, you're fucking bananas.
pic related of me reacting to you for being this much of a fragile baby that can't keep his emotions in check.
originalio lolololo
greentext hospital blowjob
How can we help you getting your revenge little gal?
I got a serious call out post for cheating and it hunted my online reputation for years
I'm fine though. Mentally
Sorry thar happened to you, it's tricky, people don't think they're capable of harm
No one can
no one have to be involved
bumperino origheno
Germany. Im not too far. What do you think?
It is quite far away
why are you so interested in me?
inb4 itt we are talking about revenge
is this shit for real?
you're worse than i thought
that wasn't your fisrt time