Quick, type one (1) reason to not end your life right now

Quick, type one (1) reason to not end your life right now.
I'm in the middle of a pretty good book, and it'd be a shame not to finish it.

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Because I do not have any reasons to end it either.

The spread of hatred

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I went to uni and people forced themselves on me so now i have friends that i want to do well for.

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I'm having fun with warhammer.

The act of suicide without purpose is contrary to virtue. Also I want to find a gf.

I haven't lost my virginity yet, and I want to fuck a qt girls dirty poopchute before I die.

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because I know that I may become immortal thus making me realise that this world along with all the things that make me want to end my life will perish, unlike me

god you sound like a fucking obnoxious piece of shit
imagine not being purely motivated because u want to do better than ur friends

Because I'd probably mess it up and just end up in the hospital. Again. For the 9th time in my lifetime. For the same thing. Also, my husband would be unhappy about it.

Ive never had friends why would i wanna be better than them? surely i would want to do well so i can stay with them? not everythings a competition. Competitive fags ruined gaming now ruining real life

Evolution didn't grant humans an easy way to self terminate. Nature didn't do shit for us, the human condition is a circus. God was most cruel to us

no, it's the opposite user. He doesn't want to be a burden on his friends, so he's improving himself. A part of being real friends is bringing out the best in each other. A mutually beneficial relationship.

I like drugs

Twas unoriginal

this user gets it. It means i can be good knowing that everyone else is trying and helping making sure no one is left behind

The way you worded it was so perverse I don't know whether to fap or castrate myself

I'm reading m*a*s*h right now. Then I have Dickens waiting.
Suicide is painless but it can wait.

i got tomorrow coming

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The failure rate is high and euthanasia is illegal

Is that really how they do it? Seems unnecessarily complicated. Just get a regular car and drive there instead.

What's perverse about it normie?

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i still owe my friend $7 usd

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I have yet to fix my reputation

i wanna see how one piece ends

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I often wonder whether or not I'll die without experiencing sex. I honestly don't think it'll ever happen, I just don't see how it could.
>I'd probably mess it up
>For the 9th time in my lifetime
>my husband
Why are women so bad at killing themselves?

pic related
but another reason is that i really like food and i'm just waiting around till the next time i get to eat some of my favorite food

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lol gl with that

>Super Smash Bros Ultimate
>the new McDonald's being built five minutes from my place (I've never lived this close to a Maccys before)

It's not much but at least it's something.

>Quick, type one (1) reason to not end your life right now.

fug i cant think of anything

best reasons here, I'm always looking forward to my next delicious meal. Honestly, food is really the only reason I get out of bed in the morning and work.

I confessed to my fellow students at uni that I have a psychotic disorder and now they're finaly nice to me.