How does it feels like to have someone else sleeping in your bed Jow Forums?
How does it feels like to have someone else sleeping in your bed Jow Forums?
it's okay, but honestly it's hard to sleep in one of those spooning or sexy positions with someone without your arm falling asleep
got less room
Warm and comfy, but you hurt in weird places in the morning, because of legs and arms resting on shit like the side of your knee or on your ribs.
Annoying and leads to a loss of covers
Yeah the arm falling asleep sucks but it’s worth it to have ur dick tucked in between her sweaty ass cheeks like a hotdog. Those were the days...
This is why you only cuddle for 10 mins or so then go in to your own sleeping position
Someone post the full webm
This, I cant find this full vid anywhere can someone sauce me?
Well, that would be my wife, and she is not nearly as hot as the girl in the OP, so I do not really know how to answer that question now.
easier to fall asleep, have sleep either naked or just in boxers(as opposed to the usual socks, boxers and shirt) due to all the body heat beneath the covers.
comfy af to cuddle but like other anons mentioned can't fall asleep that way or you wake up with numb limbs or sore necks
too hot
Cuddle up next to my gf every night
pic related
Post wife pic
>wearing socks to bed
What the heck? Why?
That's it, I'm killing myself by trying to bench 300 kilos today.
Its also fucking impossible to breath of they have long hair
I always bench more when thinking about hot girls
It's cold as fuck because she keeps taking the fucking covers.
What for? She is not that hot.
The arm thing can be handled with careful pillow positioning, but a faceful of stray hairs is a lot more annoying.
Holy FUCK.
I am going to run the fastest I have ever run today whilst thinking of her.
It's great until she rolls over to your side or sprawls out in the middle
it's been three months
why is this thot demon in full make up in bed, inshallah they shall taste my sword
It's shit in all honesty
No, I'm not even gonna attempt it. I just want my obituary to say 'user dies in a bizarre homemade guillotine accident'
>have sleep either naked or just in boxers(as opposed to the usual socks, boxers and shirt)
I am so disgusted by the thought of anyone sleeping in my bed, I hate it
I'm getting anxious just thinking about it
I don't know if I'm asexual because humans/mammals/insects etc disgust me or I developed asexuality as a result of the disgust
>have high sex drive
>can't fall asleep next to girlfriend if we haven't had sex
It's not great
You disgusting motherfucker.
It's great if the bed is big enough and if it's not summer
Sometimes if you really love each other you can actually stay cuddled up for the whole night, but after three months or so, not so much.
The worst thing ever is when someone is sleeping in your bed for most of every day for weeks without providing any utility whatsoever and dragging you deep into the morass of their pathological self-pity, and you feel like it must be your fault somehow, even though in your logical mind, you know this person is just poison.
At that point, I recommend cutting your losses and finding a new bed.
It's great for the first few nights then you realize your nights of doing whatever you want are over since you have to go to bed at roughly the same time and then she moans if you stay up late and you go to bed and cant really sleep unless you're in a good mood
I am married (inb4 hurr cuck jewslave etc) and when it is with someone you love wholeheartedly, it is awesome.
I struggle to sleep alone now.
A good firm mattress is vital though, or every time one of you moves, the other wakes up.