Anyone still sad that moot left?

Anyone still sad that moot left?
This site is changing so much and I feel like it's lost its charm. The fact that moot isn't even around anymore just makes me feel like the Jow Forums I used to like has gone forever

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Would moot have changed anything? Probably not. He would not have kicked out gays and trannies either and would have let them kill Jow Forums.

>This site is changing so much
This site has been the same since 2012, it's just that people grow up and move on every couple of years, memes die, new ones are born, that's it.
Plus that influx of Jow Forums retards ever since Trump's election, but other than that it's the same.

Jow Forums killed Jow Forums
>Plus that influx of Jow Forums retards ever since Trump's election, but other than that it's the same.
yeah and jfk was about the same too after the bullet passed through his brain
still had the entire rest of his body
the only thing "different" was that he had no head anymore

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>implying /lgbt/ isn't the cancer killing Jow Forums

It's a minuscule influence compared to the wave of reddit retards the election brought

You obviously are blind to the masses of gay tranny dick threads.

>its a miniscule influence

you must be either a complete newfag or a homo trying to downplay the literal thousands of sissy, gay, trap threads that flood this board on a daily basis

>Literal braindead retards

yep a homo, called it

always the same tactic. "im gonna blast you with my gay fagposting erping 24/7 but thats not the real problem, the real problem is those evil nazis at pol!"

On THIS board which is notorious for housing mentally ill autists, which is why they feel welcome. If you browse literally any other board though you will see the influence of pol there. It's disgusting

its not just this board fags have spread to, they're everywhere on /tv/ and /v/ as well

hell even fucking Jow Forums has them, they shill their polgbt discord there all the time

Gays have literally killed boards like /gif/ and /soc/. It's impossible to find girls to hook up with from /soc/ now because it is faggot central.

I see maybe like one barafag thread on v a day and like seven pol bait threads in that same timespan. I don't browse tv

He was becoming a shitlib faggot so I'm glad he has no influence here any more.

You weren't going to find a girl on Jow Forums anyway, bucko

I have hooked up with girls from Jow Forums before.

>Jow Forums killed Jow Forums
Nothing you say will convince Jow Forums faggots that this is the case. I remember when you could have a thread about a sensitive topic, and not have 50 fucking mouthbreathers all spam "ur a degenerate and belong on a cross" this site is fucking ruined.
please fucking LEAVE

nope him sperging out killed r9k and the resulting res left broken and progressed into this(which is fine it acts as a containment board of sorts)

He was trying to make the site profitable and combined with the new progress company he chose to surround himself with, there prob would have been greater changes and more oppressive moderation (most likely from the same groups he likes), pol would be kill, followed by r9k again

I'm sure you did originallayhgelnh;

It had already grown well beyond his control by the time he sold it off. There was nothing he could have done to make it the site it once was.

I hate tripfags dood wtf why would i care for this moot person lmao

you know what you are right. He grew completely apathetic his last few years. Im not sure it wouldve gotten this bad though
at least moot wasnt jew enough to inject malware ads into this site

Epin bait

Yeah I knew that. I just made this thread because I remembered moot and how the site used to be. Unlike the guy who says it hasn't changed since 2012 I disagree. Since the last american elections I don't recognise most of the boards I used to browse.

Fuck moot