Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
Other urls found in this thread:
Her dad
>find a girl you really vibe with
>Things are going well
>Casually bring up past relationships in a convo just shitting around
>30+ partners
This is my biggest fear when. It comes to women.
She could of even smoothed this out and said that she had diagnosed nymphomania and depression and some fool would of sympathized.....she she flat out says that "it was a mistake".....like you don't make 30+ mistakes.....
The desperate guys whiteknighting on reddot pretending shes not a roastie because they just want to be noticed by a girl.
But she still has standards and wants a certain type of man, not a reddit warrior so shes complaining to a bunch of guys who'd do anything for her, not the sort of guy she wants.
White women really are the biggest whores and sluts out of every race. Jesus, in Europe, white women are made for raping and fucking while Arab women are meant only to marry and have children.
Feminism destroys another woman
Casual sex has a snowball effect for women, because the more you fuck around, the less men want to be in relationships with you and will just string you along for sex. There's no coming back from promiscuity, you just have to keep dishing it out easily and hope some guy will stick. Men are repulsed by women with high n-counts. It's impossible to be intimate with a girl who has one, and they live their lives wondering what's wrong with men because they always seem distant towards her. Girls having been sluts just creates this invisible barrier between them and other men - there's no coming back from it.
Nigger count?
>30+ partners
Did she at least make them pay the ticket before going in?
That's not a vagina, it's a theatre.
This was a conversation between me and my ex before we started dating
>her: So how many partners have you had.
>me: Four.
>*awkward silence*
>her: Do you want to know mine?
>me with a painful expression: Do I?
>she laughs and tells me five.
She was probably lying but I could feel my heart drop right before she said her answer because I really liked her.
I couldnt care less about body count
Ya can't stop lookin so ya can't stop fuckin
Saddest part for them is that women and the current establishment think they can bully men into changing their natures when in reality avoiding sluts is instinctive. A desirable man has nothing to gain here, similar to how a desirable woman has nothing to gain from dating betas. Difference is that there is also a traditional and moral componet here, as men will be disgusted with this on moral grounds as well. There is no saving them and all they had to do was listen to the voice of traditional ethics and dignity and not be seduced by the lies of the world.
So answer me this, Jow Forums. I ask this in a non combative way because I would seriously like to understand why we do this. A feminist I work with asked me if I would date someone who has slept around and I told her no but the only real reason I could give her was because of STDs. I feel very strong against whores but I can't really think of any reasons outside of STDs. What are some real reasons why we avoid them so that I'll have an answer next time it comes up?
>many of my past experiences are not fully consensual
nice slip changing from past to present, being that she presently decided these were "partially consensual". whatever that means
the obvious answer is to just lie and she knows this, it comes naturally. what she wants with that post is for a bunch of desperate losers to tell her how brave she is for sucking 30 dicks, and she will still lie to chad
You know I used to think like you. But then I realised, why the fuck should I care about these women? It was THEIR choice to fuck around with any guy they could find. Like any adult, women will also have to take the consequences for their actions. And the consequence for these women that fuck around is the rejections they receive later from decent guys. Once they turn 50, cut their hair short and get 6 cats, then they will realise how much they fucked up.
First off you need to understand that you will never be able to logically engage with someone about this. It just isn't possible. They'll think you're a misogynist monster no matter what you say. You basically have three options:
>give in to their demands and give them an inch, buy into their frame basically and agree its misogynistic and wrong. once you do this you've begun a race to the bottom, they will take miles and miles from you
>refuse to engage them seriously, just laugh the question off and say something like "why are you so interested in my dating preferences?" or "I dunno, I've always wanted to marry a Disney princess". If they press you just laugh and walk away. Core thing here is just brush them off and don't even engage them.
>Engage them straight up and say you don't date sluts with a smile on your face. If they get mad, laugh at them. Refuse to explain why, just say you find sluts gross.
I recommend #2
You got me wrong friend, I'm on the same page as you. When I say its sad I mean that its sad that there are so many people out there lying to others destructively and encouraging them to give in to their base desires.
Is there really any need for a reason? Isn't this just a matter of preference? I've never really understood the need to rationalize your personal tastes
That was really sad and really funny at the same time. If this is real I hope she ends up alright.
>sleep around with a lot of guys
>face consequences and regret it
>"Actually I was raped guys it's not my fault"
basic bitch reason is that they doesn't exactly inspire trust, abundance of throwaway encounters indicates that they won't do so well in a committed relationship.
200iq reason is that men are evolved to select women for chastity. during the whole of human evolution there were no paternity tests, so locking that shit down was the only way to be sure your child was yours. and obviously the men who did this passed on more genes than those who were less vigilant
Jesus man
>Having to justify your sexual preferences
So if you cant come up with a valid reason you will be forced to marry a roastie and procreate?
Basically this. Do you really want the mother of your kids to be a whore with tons of sexual baggage? Imagine your and your wife are with your kids at the grocery store and you bump into one of the dudes she fucked. I mean does it really even have to be explained? I swear to God the more you grow up the more you realize liberal types live their lives in a constant series of attempts to deny simple reality.
It could also be a competition thing too. No man wants to hear about how their partner has been conquered by 15 other guys before you. When you're number 16 it stops being special for the both of you.
>once you do this you've begun a race to the bottom, they will take miles and miles from you
This. First it's "why don't you date this slut user? She's a nice person and there's nothing WRONG with being a slut anyway!" then it will be "why don't you have a open relationship with your life user? Its [current year], monogamy is misogynistic and patriarchal! Just because your wife enjoys her time with Tyrone doesn't mean she loves you any less!" then its "who cares if your daughter wants to have sex? its totally natural and its none of YOUR business, you misognystic pig!"
a man's entire future can be destroyed by one compromise
yeah but.. at the bottom of the 'competition' is my previous answer. the underlying competition of life is to pass on your genes
This. I would rather die lonely and childless than marry some woman that fucked around and have kids with her. There extreme low chance to marry a girl that had a non-slutty amound of partners. Heck, in my college even the ultra conservative muslimas that wear burkas have regular sex with guys.
they make for bad wives and mothers. that's your instincts are telling you that they are horrible for your tribe/society
People should be able to fuck/marry anyone they want to, so long as it's consensual.
Similarly, people can refuse to fuck/marry whoever they want, for whatever reason they want.
No one is in the wrong.
I mean shit even as a man. I feel as though having too many partners is a sign of some type of mental illness. I personally believe that people should prioritize long term rel
You would like to say this until there is a video of your wife on porn hub guzzling cum from 5 dicks at a frat party....
>You would like to say this until there is a video of your wife on porn hub guzzling cum from 5 dicks at a frat party....
>Assuming I'll ever enter a contract with a woman
Even if I did, I'd just leave her and find a new one.
What if you fuck a guy's daughter without his consent? Is it okay if she wants it, but her father doesn't want his beloved daughter getting fucked by some random guy?
fpbp once again
I mean, is it rape or consensual? wtf kind of stupid question is that. You let your parents control your sex life? off yourself
>I'll just leave her.
Dude if your that emotionally solid I'd applude you. But majority of dudes I seen strawman for their chick just because love..
Also, if the father didn't want his daughter to be a slut, he should have raised her better. It's his fault anyway.
I 2nd this. There should be priority on making daughters realize that their bodies are somewhat valuable. And that the more people you let in the less value it holds long term.
Women have no personal responsibility even when they do.
It's always a mans fault.
No, not her or the mother's fault.
It's the father's fault.
>I hope she ends up alright
NO. She is getting exactly what what she deserves for being a degenerate in her youth.
If you've fucked over 5 guys just go and do porn
The "good men" who feel somehow intimidated by her sexual experience.
>Dude if your that emotionally solid I'd applude you. But majority of dudes I seen strawman for their chick just because love..
I'm confident I'd react that way because I've already experienced emotional pain that completely broke me, and I managed to put myself together after that.
Even if my parents, my friends, and everything I loved died or betrayed me tomorrow, I would be ok. Upset, but ok, and I'd move past it.
Uh, no.
As a matter of fact, it's a major reason why men are now staying virgins or not having much sex anymore.
And not just because of all of the shit that is destroying their test either.
Excuse me, what is that major reason? Just caught up on the thread
Wow. So racist I know you regret sleeping with black guys but you can't just refer to it as your nigger count.
Also so women can't fucking lie all of a sudden. Fuck it I lie at the beginning of a relationship. Everyone lies at the beginning its common sense. Another example of why stupid socially inept people will be forever alone. They believe retarded memes like "honesty is the best policy" "you can't build relationships on lies" and many other retarded facebook image posts. Here's a couple for you retards "leave sleeping dogs where they lie" and "what they don't know can't hurt them" human society is built on these simple concepts. Oversharing is for the mentally disabled.
Men can get sex or sexual release easy. It's everywhere.
And porn and media has basically hardwired them into voyeuristic cucks who have a fear of and slight hatreds towards intimacy and sex.
Not to mention how relationships are kind of fucked in every corner of society and everywhere they look.
I assume not wanting to get involved with sluts
>Also so women can't fucking lie all of a sudden. Fuck it I lie at the beginning of a relationship. Everyone lies at the beginning its common sense. Another example of why stupid socially inept people will be forever alone. They believe retarded memes like "honesty is the best policy" "you can't build relationships on lies" and many other retarded facebook image posts. Here's a couple for you retards "leave sleeping dogs where they lie" and "what they don't know can't hurt them" human society is built on these simple concepts. Oversharing is for the mentally disabled.
Shut the fuck up retard, encouraging oversharing is a tactic to get information from people we wouldn't otherwise get. Girl in OP's pic is a prime example. Don't discourage honesty you retard, just quietly go about your business.
You keep saying of when you mean have. What you're hearing that sounds like "would of" is actually "would've" a contraction of would and have.
they can lie, but their true nature will shine through when an appropriate amount of time has passed. You can't de-whore a woman. In their subconscious mind, the idea that somewhere a better cock exists will forever be present, and when the moment arises, they will surely act out. I've seen it happen countless of times, have it done to me when I was a youngfag and to other friends. Luckily, men can somewhat "de-whore" themselves because women don't actively chat up random guys unless they're giga chads. There is less constant temptation. If you're a woman, you're fucked (haha), since you'll be hit on a lot.
It happens. There's ways she could offset it but as it stands I don't think she'd be worth the emotional strife of dating someone thirty guys pumped and dumped. Yes, it's my "fragile male ego," as some feminists would say or as I like to call it, my "sense of dignity." I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with sleeping with a lot of men but I don't see why I should be the one who puts in more resources for the same benefit. Commodifying to her? Sure, but she's commodifying me by believing that I can be a first "good" guy, who emotionally props her up and supports her and does all the things a good bf does. We both want something from each other, everything is transactional no matter how many times you cum in your copy of Das Kapital.
She could even outweigh it by being a seriously mature, awesome woman. I could look past it if some chick was amazingly moral, loyal, and owned her shit. If her past was something she had some mistaken attitudes in but learned and changed and grew from, and it came across in her behavior, I might even consider gfing her. I might benefit from all that past experience if she retains some of her whore skills like letting me fuck her ass frequently, eating my ass, deepthroating, weird kinky shit, threesomes, etc. That'd honestly offset it too. I'm not a maniac, but since we see each other as commodities (never actually read das kapital, the pages are stuck together in every copy I find) I want something of extreme value if I'm going to put my sense of dignity on hold. That value could be an amazing life partner or a loyal ride or die dirty slut, but none of these come across in her writing, so I would not date her.
Still, I don't think she's in the wrong. I think she needs to own her mistakes and really take a look at herself, make changes where needed so she not only doesn't make those mistakes again but actually becomes the type of person who would never make those mistakes.
pt 2: Her whole "I was pressured" thing is the type of excuse I would never accept from a guy, and I think men and women are equal spiritually and morally speaking, so I won't accept it from her.
>Everyone lies at the beginning its common sense.
There's a special place in hell for people like you. Kill yourself asap.
You can "cusually date" them. Fwb or something like that.
They are NOT marriage material though, and you should never treat them as such
She’s a fucking whore and she’s saying guys don’t deserve her? Her entitlement is bewildering.
Thank you literacy-chan
Hello NSA agent Smith
It can... It depends some people it actually was a phase or they were very naive and were manipulated by bad dudes
T. Oversharing autist who emotionally burdens people at the get and wonders why everything falls to pieces
How the hell does the average of 75% and 69% equal 80%?
The only two permutations of 1 partner is virgin and non-virgin bride. For the graph to be correct one of them has to be above the average rate.
Because it's one study superimposed on a different one
Sex like is like blackjack, once you go over 21 you go bust and you're out of the relationship game
I think its as simple as "I seek intimacy with a partner, and I see someone who has had that much sex cant value the intimacy of sex just as much as I do" or something amognst those lines. I dont belive if someone has had sex so many times with so many people will view it as a truly bonding experience.
> 30+ dicks
Is that it? That doesn’t seem that high to me. To me a sloot is 100+ by mid-20’s.
Absolutely correct
Source of studies?
Read the title you nigger
teach me your ways Abdullah, i am willing to go to the ends of the earth(middle East)
>Hello NSA agent Smith
"Hurr durr I want to make things even harder on myself by encouraging sociopathic behavior in the general population"
this, Im from Canada most have slept with this many who are Muslim even (dick sucking included)
jesus christ user. have some standards.
burn the place to the ground already.
top kek
fucking o o f
There are no girls on the internet, cut this self-congratulatory (?) Reddit shit out of your life.
Oversharing hurts more than helps. You think you're helping but you aren't.
The almighty GOD created the hymen for a reason.
and you ancestors used that to decide if a girls is marrige material.
Don't cuck your bloodline user.
once it is broken you assume the worst at least 10s of guys has been there.
>roasties who break 20+ get so desperate to hold onto a man their percentage actually goes up
Damn maybe if they get to 50 they’ll start having stable marriage rates equivalent to a virgin.
Cry me a river.
Women ask me whether or not I've been in LTR before, on the first date.
First thing, treat women like dogs and beat them and threat them with violence so they cant whore out and cheat. Give zero shits about everyone else, do all high test activities like beating up gays, leftists and liberals and eat high quality meats and food. Easy
>no one is in the wrong
*destroys your S O C I E T Y*
Women are by nature more selective since getting pregnant was a geniune risk in the past, that biologiy is still there, so a woman with a high partner count seems odd, defective
literally every time a woman has sex with a different man, her oxytocin level is decreased, meaning she doesn't bond with that male as strongly as the last one. Women were'nt meant to have more than one partner. Studies have shown that even just one extra partner results in a huge spike in divorce rates. Virgin brides have a 90% marriage success rate. A woman with just one partner other than her current one is more likely to divorce her man by a substantial amount. It takes a man having sex with 6 women to have a dip in that bonding chemical, and even then its less than the massive drop a woman experiences.
You have no idea what you're talking about brainlet
Correlative study, you are drawing too many conclusions. What if it is the other way around? Women become sluts (have more lifetime partners) because they have genetically inherited (or even environmentally influenced) lower rates of oxytocin release during sexual intercourse. In that situation it may be perfectly feasible to find quite a few women who both happened to have high past partner counts and high oxytocin release and bonding behavior (though obviously this would be a minority because of the correlation noted in your study). Either way though really it should be noted that no causality has been observed and that there are exceptions to your "rule"
Dude that is the stupidest shit I’ve ever read... it’s not like it’s fucking 10 or 15. It’s one more above you. Oh wait, it’s probably because that makes you feel weak or beta. If it’s literally one more, and it makes you feel like she’s more alpha, then act like you don’t give a shit and lead her in the relationship then you’ll wear the pants. It all depends on how you handle it
The causative reason why honestly doesn't really matter, the point is don't marry a slut.
even if it's not causal the correlation is still useful
No, I do. Next time you want to share your deepest darkest shame remember this pic and thank god you encountered user on 4channel
Wrong. It's one.
There’s this girl that desperately wants to fuck me. But she has slept with 10+ people and I swear she’s partially retarded. I’m strictly friends with her out of pity for her.
Pack up boys, thread's over.