There is no such as free will?

If you really believe this, than prove it. Free macbook pro if you can make an argument only using anecdotal evidence.

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Other people do define your life and decide if you succeed, it doesn't matter since most people are unconditionally loved

There is free will but it all dependable on others people

You can't even imagine free will. Macbook pls, or just film it going in the trash for me.

don't project your problems lol

Just like any other philosophical question, you can't really explain it with an anecdote. You can't know all the possible outcomes from your point of view, therefore, you can't explain why something happened or how it could have happened. We cannot comprehend what free will actually is and what lack there of would cause.

>can't even imagine free will
The hell!? No macbook pro for you.

What do you mean you can't comprehend what free will actually is?

lol macs suck.

i can't give anecdotal evidence but i can just give my thoughts on it.

i don't think it can be proven that free will is a thing. in my point of view, free will is either a thing or it isn't. i always used to think that life events were pre-determined, but how would we know that anyway. i sometimes want to do certain things really bad which are hard to do and then i feel like "free will" is holding me back. then i think that anything i do will just lead to shit because it was pre-determined for me that way. as for what i mean is that life was setup for me that way already so that it would give me bad luck, no matter what i do.

idk even. would be interesting to see what others have to say about it. perhaps you anons can give me some encouragement.

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*sits down and crosses legs* Heh, this one's easy! let's see:
-Nobody asks to be born, everyone is "empty" when they are born
We can agree with that, yes? Good
-You are born in a body with characteristics you didn't choose
-You grow up in an environment you have no control over
-You are molded by experiences you don't control
So, your entire personality, your tastes, your decisions, your ongoing thoughts...they were all molded by factors in which you had no control, where is the free will in your development then? You didn't choose to like anime girls shitting themselves, you never choose what you want, you don't wake up and free will yourself into a new radical change or new tastes...all of what you are is the result of a long (and ongoing) series of brain processes that simulate that there is a person behind your eyes that makes choices instead of these choices being literally the only choice you could ever make.
Now, you might think "b-but I can choose to eat chocolate ice cream of vanilla ice cream >_

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this is a good answer...
now i see this in a whole different light.
smart user.

How does not being able to change the past translate into there being no free will?
You just used your free will to pick chocolate nobody made you do it.

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Chose not to link who I was replying to

that doesn't exist under christianity
first of all, jesus died for your sins. so yeah, it already happened. second, it's all god's will. third. or satan's fault (which is god's will anyway)

thats a good point as well...

you should be my therapist or something holy shit.

Because "past present and future" are just meaningless human concepts created to find some sort of structure in the passage of time.
Today is the yesterday of tomorrow, and you will think tomorrow "I made a thing and now I cannot change it", but Nishimiya-san, you have to understand that there is no difference between "yesteday" and "today" beyond kidding ourselves that our lives are straight lines and narratives.
Just like you can't change the past, you can't change the present. You just believe you can make choices, but in reality all the choices have been made for yourself. It's not that "someone" is making you choose chocolate, is that we are like little meat puppets who can't see their strings, said strings being pulled by a vast array of complex, mindless forces that involve from the laws of physics to our biology.

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This very much.
Op is a dummy.

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>nobody made you do it
Your "brain" did. Without asking "you"

You see, as "free" as that choice may seem, you didn't magically "free will it" out of thin air, you had a set of parameters that you have been carrying with you all your life that lead you to do that exact thing, and since you are (you), and you can't free will yourself into being someone else, there was no other possible outcome but this.
Had they put you on an MRI scan or something, they would probably be able to see the parts of your brain that activated when you entered the thread, as you read my reply, and as you formulated yours...your brain had already made a choice before you even had the chance to think about it in depth.

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The illusion of a free will is so strong that your day to day experience is of having one.

The absolute chaos of this universe is so complex that you could never even calculate what happens next beyond some very basic things.

What the actual fuck am I reading. Jesus Christ, FeMC fags.

well god definitely dosnt make you jack off to that shit in the thumbnail so theres my argument

Truth be told, I hate the universe and all life in it because those Fatlus jack-offs refuse to make her canon.
Christ, her music, her design and her "personality" were better than the original MC's. Fucking Atlus shitheads.

But you are your brain though.
I don't understand I don't think the definition of free will mentions anything about free will not being free will if you made a choice based on your preferences.
>your brain had already made a choice before you even had the chance to think about it in depth.
Are you also somehow not your brain?
You sound crazy

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Where are you in the brain exactly? We can even remove half of the brain and you are still there and it doesnt matter which half..

You are just a collection of habits and conditioning with a story built around it.

There was no you when the body was a baby so where did it come from?

There's free will within the frame of your own reality, you CAN wake wake up early and have a breakfast if you work for it with anticipation if that's your will, if you have the chance you CAN live as a NEET, you CAN run away from home, live as a bum and eat from the garbage, you CANNOT scape reality, that's the problem.

You're in the part of the brain that's still working.
Does your consciousness split into two when its removed for a second while there's still blood flowing and stuff if you were awake that is?
Yeah I guess were just like our memories and our brains using that information to think what we think we should be thinking.
You were there in a way but your brain could only handle the simple stuff swallow shit sleep and memory wasn't developed yet so it's like you didn't exist and weren't really there.

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Kant called this question an antinomy, after defining exactly the limits of human knowledge, he pointed out a few cases where humans are naturally led to WANT answers to questions that are by definition beyond the capacity of human reason and understanding, particularly with respect to time and space

Free will doesn't exist, we live in a deterministic if in theory a computer would analysis all possible factors of your life it would have a near 100% accuracy of each of your future actions, statements and choices.
We should take out of this and try and get people in the most beneficial circumstances to get them to get the best outcome for there lives

in short envinronment plays an important role but not believing in free will means you subject yourself to figurative cuckoldry
you can make something out of your situation

I completely get what you are saying but I don't think that it is necessarily true. That is a very materialistic view of the universe. It very well may be true that we are like universal clockwork and the molecular and quantum forces in our brains are as set in time as said clockwork, that we are just meat puppets reacting to external stimuli and neural impulses beyond our comprehension or control, but what is the point in thinking this way? First of all, there is nothing to prove that what you said is the case, and second of all, it is an ideology that is not gonna have a good bearing on your life. It is just a way to live as a failure and blame it on fate, not take responsibility for your actions.

I choose to believe that we do have some kind of metaphysical element or "soul" of some kind that interacts with the world by altering the conscious patterns of our brains. I believe that tomorrow does not exist and that we do have agency or freedom of choice. Whether this is true or not does not matter, all I know is that believing this has made me a better person and one that tries harder in life than when I believed what you believe now.

Yeah, so the brain and all its wonderful functions exist before you do. They remove half of your brain and "you" are part of what processes remain in that part of the brain.
So, there is no aspect of "you" that has special properties or can act independently of the brain...I'm sorry lad, but the perception of you being a cohesive and constant "you" is a lie madr up by the brain.
>b b but arent you your brain?
Only a part of it, think of it as a program running in a computer: youre not even a part, you are just a constant process that keeps changing...your 10 year old self might as well be dead because you have changed enough to be a completely different person, yet you still make these mental connections that create your identity.

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Freewill =/= Free from all constraints
You do have freedom of choice, in any instance. If people didn't, they would listen to their most basic desires and live their full lifespans. No lifeform says, life isn't worth living. They all just carry out their tasks to their fulfillment. Even to death. Humans, capable of going on and being productive for 20-60 years will just decide to pull the plug.

2. Freewill =/= Free from constraints
In the event nothing makes any sense, people will still move and try things. Animals freeze up. People can freeze up, only those living an animalistic life though. It's why true normies freeze during shootings, while their more self moderating friends will duck for cover. While the robot is making his way through his pre-prepped escape route out of the building. Though inevitably getting shot, because he took too long to check if there were other shooters waiting outside the door.

Children don't have freewill. They do respond solely on instinct and parental programming. It's why the cry during nightmares, or wait for the monster under the bed to devour while they hide shitting themselves under their blanket. An adult, if it ever felt anything was under the bed, could simply override fear and check.

The ability to override the most basic animalistic self, is freewill. I really think that most people have far too romantic thoughts about the subject. Free will is not an, I can do anything I want card. That's an animalistic card. Free will is the choice employed to do something you otherwise wouldn't. Like waking up in the morning to go to a job you wouldn't normally. Even Freewill can be directed and manipulated. Freewill can't be forced, but it can be manipulated.

expressing willingness to carry out a request or suggestion.

It's basically the driving force of life. Without all the science babble. Freewill is the ability to choose where you direct yourself and your pursuits.

I thought that the brown hair was poo

I thought what I said was basically what you just said.
The brain being able to function without its other half doesn't make you any less your brain though just means there's a lot of extra components that aren't used it's still the computer that runs the program.
And the program is like this character you've created and been molded into by life.
A-also I don't stutter like that.

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Nope, that's just Tewi!

yeah but what about determinism? you might not be a slave to your base desires, but you are still a slave to physics. conscious objects are still subject to all the laws of physics that all other objects must obey.

>yet another episode of an edgy teen listens to some philosopher

Speaking of physics, what about our bodys ability to convert energy?

Sure, we are bound by physical processes but isn't our body (and therefore the brain) a vessel in which endothermic reactions are performed?

In some sense you could say that our brain takes energy and turns it into "free will".

That completely ignores what you were replying to. I don't think you understood. What the user is saying is that because our brains and bodies are essentially just collectives of particles bound by the reactions of physics, there is no real free will since all our actions can be explained by these interactions of particles obeying physical laws. Not saying I agree with the guy but your response to him basically had nothing to do with anything.

And I fail to see what endothermic reactions have to do with free will. The Sun is also a giant ball of endothermic reactions, so are you saying that the Sun somehow has free will?

Fuck (((Sam Harris)))

That guy is a pinko pseudo intellectual.

I see your point and I'm inclined to agree for a bit. This is just pure conjecture since I don't know anything about biology.

But I'm just thinking about engines for example. It's a machine which takes in energy and outputs some desirable effect, in this case propulsion for a car or whatever. So we know that there is a way for us to actively manipulate energy to produce a desired effect.

Couldn't the brain just be such a machine? When we eat we get energy which is used to "overpower" the natural physical reactions which would naturally happen in our brain and give us free will (in some sense at least).

Not to be harsh but that is complete nonsense. No, the energy we get from food is not used to "overpower" the natural physical reactions in our brains, on the contrary it is used to fuel those reactions. The reason that the reactions in our brains are able to form a functioning human consciousness is not because of some mystical force that keeps it from devolving into chaos (although I am not one to be so closed minded as to ignore the possibility of a metaphysical element like a soul). The scientific explanation is that evolution since the earliest and simplest form of life has favoured any pattern of reactions and molecular interactions that allowed that lifeform to proliferate and survive.

Back when it was just a single celled lifeform, this would have been as simple as the cell taking in nutrients, dividing and growing. Over hundreds of millions of years it has become far more complex to the point where our reactions to stimuli and our instincts are so complex that one might mistake them for some kind of free will or intelligent behaviour beyond what can be explained by physics. However, we still have a very limited knowledge of biochemistry and physics in general as a species and there is nothing that has been discovered yet that debunks the possibility that our consciousness is very well just a byproduct of physical interactions in the brain that have come about via evolution.

Comparing the human mind to a car is wrong since you are inferring that we are designed, which has no scientific basis. Consciousness is not a desired effect since there was no one to desire it, it is most likely just something that evolution ended up producing since it kept us alive

Different question. Freewill =/= free from all constraints. To a Solipsism this whole thread is presumptuous.

>different question
>doesn't ask a question
You are a retard