Normie males are losing their shit too, we don't even need to bring retribution...

normie males are losing their shit too, we don't even need to bring retribution. chads are usually bitter psychopaths anyway and will do the shootings. Just think of all those guys who "incels are school shooters" "incels are satan" but normie males are the real problem. Fuck them, I hope he splattered some dumb cunts brains. Semper Fi

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Other urls found in this thread:

>implying he was a normie

doesn't seem like it's him

these loners sure are pathetic, betas can't get girls so they shoot up places and do violent things smdh

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White "men" are a danger to society.

with all the suicides there are some men brave enough to do a proper shooting

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based and redpilled m8
fuck roasties and fuck night clubs

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this, this so much. preach, based user.

He suffered from PTSD from his deployment to fight in Afghanistan.

how does ptsd make you want to shoot up a bar full of normies? aren't chads supposed to be mentally tough?

So he made other people suffer. Got it.

Why r9k virtue signal do hard after mass shootings? Who cares if normies die?

Military aren't Chad. They are Warrior class.
Chad is the person who only messes with those who can't defend themselves.
Warriors kill shit dead, regardless if it shoots back. Proof? Killed security and a cop like it was nothing, THEN offed himself.

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>you will never be a warrior and kill chad

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he looks like chad

extremely based tho

Ian, if you can see this in walhalla/heaven, you are my hero


he posted on 8ch, you retards
not a normie

sauce? i don't think you're right

>Chad is the person who only messes with those who can't defend themselves
That's not very Chad
You may be confusing him with his associates Brad or Thad
Chad would never harm an innocent soul due to his righteous and gregarious nature

robots just can't handle his raw charisma and reject the generosity of Chad

oh no it's one of these "chad is a knight in shining armor" bluepillers


repent zoomers originally

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I'm sure it must've been hard to type all that while your face is pressed against Chad's stomach you dick sucking cuck.

Chad is just the Social Peak. He can be good or bad. He only has social status though. Not the heart of a killer. Combat soldiers had that breakthrough in the battlefield. It's how you become a warrior class. You have to kill somebody and be willing to kill some more.

Your really do sound like you were sucking Chads dick when you typed this though. Chad can never be a warrior. For Chad is solely involved in his social sphere.

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>shoots up bar full of yoomers

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Another pile of dead normies. Time to get comfy

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I almost guarantee that was him. The picture he posted would have drawn no attention to his identity but it would drop hints on his background, us marines are pictured in what looks like a firefight in Afghanistan. He simply was computer savvy enough to use proxie(s) and not give much away with his pic related.

Holy shit
original mind blown

Security guards are a joke, and usually consist of fat retards and losers not much different from the people that post on r9k and cops are pussies who are too used to picking on people who wont fight back so when a guy like in the OP comes along, they get their shit pushed in...

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>borderline bar and grill

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OP delivered also 12 kdr is pretty good

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>normie males are losing their shit too
Except he had PTSD a genuine mental illness, not just anxiety or depression that you get over