Woman has won right to IVF treatment without estranged husband's consent

>Woman has won right to IVF treatment without estranged husband's consent
>The 45-year-old woman was under a tight time pressure to get the IVF treatment
>Her lawyers have hailed the court ruling as a success for gender equality


How the hell is this in any way gender equality? You are literally not even entitled to your own sperm anymore. It belongs to women. If men do not take away women's "rights" the whole world is going to collapse.

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>you should sleep with atleast 25 g-

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Because like what I was saying over and over again.

Women are evil. They are not capable of having feelings or of showing compassion unlike men.

Why cant you listen to me when I say this? Misogyny is a good thing!


>Women are evil. They are not capable of having feelings or of showing compassion unlike men.
>Misogyny is a good thing!
You can't be serious.

So, by that logic, I should be able to use my ex's womb if I wanted a child, and she should be able to deny it.

>shouldn't be able to**

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>You can't b-

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>most women are on at least 25 or more

They'll just lie about it if they really like a guy or think he's comfy enough betabux.

wait, IVF is in vitro, right?
She didn't do anything to her husband. She just took another mans sperm, right?
Basically she just cucked him

But they weren't together anymore though. The only problem is they were still legally married so it was a case of "is it his business anymore if we are not really in a relationship?"

25 ain't even far fetched these days. That's a new guy ever month for a couple years. Not uncommon at all, unfortunately. Most sluts get fucked by a new guy every week.

Did you even read the article? She didn't win the right to use the husband's sperm without his consent. She won the right to get an IVF done using donor sperm without her husband's consent. Which is still shitty, but not for the same reasons. And not with the same implications.

You can't be serious, how much are men supposed to take?!

That's downright cuckolding.

dont see anything wrong with this, seems bizarre there's some requirement of spousal consent in the case of ivf when it's not his genetic material but i guess that's what you would assume it to be
it would be fucked up if he were legally and financially responsible for the child resultant from this particular case though

Yeah, very similar.

But cuckoldry has been legal for a long time. It's shitty, but it's not illegal.

Until he has to pay child support for it if he wants to leave

Right, still legalizing cuckolding which might even be worse actually since this further reinforces their hypergamy.

Idk if its the same in australia, but in the usa for sure he would pay alimony

considering they are separated that is probably in the process of happening

>Right, still legalizing cuckolding which might even be worse actually since this further reinforces their hypergamy.

You don't need to make cucking illegal.

The real solution is to get rid of no-fault divorce and go back to penalizing the at-fault party financially. Do that and you'll see cheating, by both men and women, drop drastically.

are you retarded op? how does that in any way look unreasonable, it looks as if an archaic law was overruled and a woman doesn't need her "ESTRANGED" husband's consent to do it.
It's not like she's demanding his sperm you fucking retard

>I can't find something to be upset about women with in the article so I'm just going to make it up
never change r9k

So they just made getting pregnant via ivf legal without telling the husband. The state just legalized genetic cuckolding and are calling it a blow for "equality". You could not make this shit up if you tried.

At that point I'd just kill her and take the jail sentence if fleeing the country wasn't an option.

Are you one user spreading this based pepes or are there more of you? I'd be proud seeing more men think the way I do.

> That's a new guy ever month for a couple years.

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How are women oppressed again? I would like to know.

Because most CEOs are those damn privileged, white males. Women want those positions.
They want all those promotions and higher earnings, but refuse the additional responsibilities and to work as hard as their male peers.
tldr: Women want to have their cake and eat it too.