Any advice for a ex lifter who nearly made it and is thinking of making a come back .also ama.
Any advice for a ex lifter who nearly made it and is thinking of making a come back .also ama
my advice is to life weights and don't act like lifting weights in the past is an accomplishment
Why didn't my priest molested me as a child?
ur ugly
you need to go back
You're a dirty jew nigger
u got me
Thank you for admitting that, at least one thing I achieved today, calling out a real jew nigger.
How can a jew be a nigger, nigger?
sauce on the thot?
search for "future single mom with a nigglet" on youporn
i migrated
who? name?
>search for "future single mom with a nigglet" on youporn
He told you twice
>that projection
its a trap u faggot lmao
>>that projection
It's not projection when it's true
like this
steven universe is fucking kino, take that back you jerk
Can you give an example of good lower body lifts for girls? I don't want anything that'll give me broad shoulder or big arms
Kill yourself zoomerfag
How many men have made love to your anus?
Wow this girl is sooo sexy. Can anyone source me??
The only direction of forward in life.
t. someone who made it
Shut the FUCK up non-binary crystal nigga.
Adventure time is superior in every way.
am i banned or what?
say what you want about the gay reddit OP but i would wrench my ball yogurt all over those milk factories
you SHUT THE FUCK UP, the best is Regular Show, dont even try to prove me wrong
>if you accomplished more than me in the past its not really an accomplishment because im a weak salty fag with zero accomplishments
Lmao imagine the mental gymnastics involved in this post.
You do realize people who quit lifting for a few years who get back into it will recover their lost strength exponentially quicker than the average new lifter?
Pee pee poo poo
now my mommy has to change me
Regular Show is possibly the most based and redpilled CN show in the past decade.
>making fun of beaners
>trying to get a gf problems
>bro time