Furious Pete


>gets cancer
>continues to eat like shit
>gets cancer again
>hurr, surely it's fine if i continue eating like a retard

>about to lose second testicle
>hurr why does this always happen to me

Anyone else realise that not being vegan predisposes you to cancer and basically confirms you will be an eternal cuck with no testicles??

Attached: furious cuck.png (1290x823, 1.18M)

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Veganism is a death cult. Just stop eating animal products. Continue to wear leather and create white babies.

Prayin for my nigga Pete

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He could have eaten vegan and still have had the cancer come back. It's not a magical cure. But yes, he was an idiot to continue eating the way he did.

seriously, if you actually think eating those retarded amounts of calories in one go and so much meat doesnt affect oncogenesis then you're a literal brainlet.

Granted, his genetics are likely playing a huge part, but don't make it so easy for yourself to get cancer again by continuing your shitty lifestyle

surprised you had the energy to make this thread

All that shit sitting in his colon surprised it wasn't colorectal cancer.

I want some studies on testicular cancer and meat consumption boyos.

Meanwhile, testicular cancer rates have gone up WAAAAY high since everybody started using cell phones. I'm interested about this more than veganism.

Also if you're over 6.2 and smoke weed you're like 400% more likely to get TC.

fuck this pathetic beta söyboy

>wears hats inside

lmao. kys hairlets

>has no medical degree
>feels like he knows for sure what gave him cancer

you're either: the greatest doctor without a degree who knows for sure the cause of cancer OR a fucking dunning krueger idiot.

is not that hard to guess which one you qualify ass

OP here
>mfw i'm an actual doctor and can't believe his faggot ass made zero lifestyle changes

he deserved what he got. this stupid nigger doesnt even know how to assess changes in his other testicle until its basically a cancer.

fucking lmao. ameritards

i love when they take hours to say what they have to say

what a great video maker

Its cause hes canadian

ITT brainlets who think they're doctors.
You could get hit by a car tomorrow so do shit you enjoy, hopefully Pete makes it through.

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Hope he dies, honestly. Dude makes dumbass videos eating burritos... this is whats considered entertainment these days?

I suppose it is LMAO

holy shit i had testicular cancer 6 years ago, stage 1 no chemo or anything

i know that the chances of relapse are higher after going through chemo or radiation, but to get in the remaining testicle? that's just fucking awful

had to finally get on trt myself last year, but after seeing this video I'm a little anxious after being getting the clear from my oncologist and not doing more scans myself

fucking hell

wtf does height have to do with tc?

Attached: Venn Diagram Vegan.jpg (920x602, 105K)

i agree and i am vegan but besides the meat i get why he eated so much, dude just wanted to be swole. could have gone vegan at least to try to see a difference tho

>putting doctors on a pedestal
Doctors are just glorified salesmen user, stop worshiping them.

Pete was, is and always will be a fucking faggot.

Manlets don't got big ol swinging nuts like master race 6'2" do

vegans are weak and get more ilness than any man who eats also meat.

It's pesticides mostly

fun fact, vegans have a higher risk of colorectal cancer

Explain how 90% of other meat eaters don't get cancer?

That means he is not able to produce testosterone anymore? Damn, poor guy. Even sex will not be the same.

literally who

have you ever heard of a black person or asian with testicular cancer?

You can ask that to one of his 4.9m subscribers

Just watched the video, he’ll have to be on trt his whole life. Why did he wait so late to have kids???

>Why did he wait so late to have kids???

Selfishness. The man is 33 years old, he should have 2-3 children by now.

>Anyone else realise that not being vegan predisposes you to cancer and basically confirms you will be an eternal cuck with no testicles??


Attached: tfw not vegan.jpg (650x491, 56K)

How old are you and have did you found out?