If I had only one class of the martial arts to master, which should I choose? Emphasis on real-world street fighting ability.
Martial Arts
Pipe bomb no jutsu
pipe bombs are surprisingly ineffective in close quarters if you want to also survive.
Boxing/muay thai + bjj/judo/wrestling
Can we just add thisto the fucking sticky?
I'd say aikido, ninjitsu and kendo
This. We always get the most basic questions about it.
Used to be more depth.
>one class
>lists 17
Why not MMA?
MMA is a pretty gud and versatile technique imo
Can you faggots stop asking the same fucking question and just look at mma videos and shit
It's really easy to tell what works and what doesn't
What is working best in your opinion?
How can you have time for lifting and another two or three martial arts? Are you NEETS?
just think about it, do really not have any time between work and sleep for training AND something else productive?
We're here on Jow Forums not /lift/, bro... even tho I have to admit it's sometimes easy to forget.
I tried kickboxing, taekwondo, jiu jitsu and judo. My vote definitely goes to judo because I think it's very effective and you don't break your fucking hands if you get into a fight. When you're boxing you have bandages and gloves to protect you hands/wrists. Good luck throwing a hard punch against a skull with no warmup and no protection. Risk of injuring yourself is too high for me. That said, it's more effective against multiple opponents than judo.
elmayo people have been punching for no shit 100k years you don't NEEEED to do that just slowly strengthen your 26 tiny hand and wrist bones slowly, punch properly with the right mechanics wrestler...
also judo
>throw me to the ground and watch me Armbar u
Krav Maga is pretty much the only martial art that actually exists for real world fights. So that.
Because the term is very broadーyou could do aikido and tai chi for fighting and still be considered doing mixed martial arts.
Not him but I don't understand why people keep asking for
>le best martial art
Just learn MMA, it has been proven effective and combines a lot of good martial arts that you couldn't all train at the same time otherwise. It gives you a very solid base. If you want to learn some "streetfighting techniques" just take a krav maga seminar once in a while.
Doing self defense oriented martial arts on their own usually does not teach you the fundamentals of fighting like combat sports do.
I'm not saying you can't punch without hurting yourself but I still think there's a substantial risk.
Also, good luck attempting an armbar after being slammed onto concrete floor. And depending on the gym you go to your floor game in judo can be really strong.
And even if bjj or jiu jitsu will destroy judo in a floor fight, what are the odds you get into a fight with someone who's proficient in any martial art? Usually it's a drunk manlet so it doesn't matter too much what martial art you're training
I did Krav Maga for a while and then started doing MMA instead. Feels like a way better use of my time to be honest. I feel like Krav Maga is not bad in theory but in most cases suffers from the same disadvantages as other self defense arts:
>most students are out of shape/ pussies/ women
>no regular sparring
>training is not hard enough
>most techniques are trained with a compliant partner only
>many techniques rely on your opponent being a fucking retard (overcommiting with punches, not retracting his hands etc.)
>focus on very specific scenarios instead of fighting basics
I still do Krav Maga sometimes but I am always disappointed how bad the students generally are. They can't even throw a proper kick or punch, have no footwork whatsoever. Combat sports are much better at teaching you the basics of fighting because you train to beat up a resisting opponent. Learn MMA and once you have that basis you can add a few street techniques from Krav Maga or other self defense arts. They won't take much time to learn if you can already fight. Thank me later.
Go to an MMA gym and they will show you how to fight, smartass. Even though "technically" everything could be considered MMA it is pretty much the same in every gym now. If you go to a boxing gym they will teach you the same punches you would learn in any other boxing gym even though you could punch in any way you want to, as long as it not against the rules.
Krav Maga is a massively over complicated shit tier version of US army WW2 hand to hand combat techniques. It has had all its lethality removed and is nothing more than a merchant trick and propaganda some people also make money promoting usually ex national servicemen that never saw combat.
Some of the stuff seems useful to me IF you already know how to fight
If we are talking self defense, wrestling or judo. Preferably wrestling. You want to be able to throw your opponents on the ground and bolt the fuck out of there. That's how you defend yourself.