Why the fuck would I NOT be a vegan? LITERALLY no need in this day and age for animal products...

Why the fuck would I NOT be a vegan? LITERALLY no need in this day and age for animal products. You live longer if you are a vegan. retards

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Why would you like to live longer and be weak as fuck? 20 years in daipers, enjoy that.

I'm easing my way into vegetarianism right now

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I can't afford it. I can barely afford food as it is.

pic related

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Now that I eat mostly fruits, nuts, and vegetables it's actually way cheaper than other types of prepared foods. Those other foods require a lot of handling and prep to make them edible whereas raw and lightly cooked vegan foods don't. Of course you can make it fancier but you don't have to.

I actually love being vegan. I think for nonwhites it's the only rational thing to do since we can't drink milk. I want to eat those peppers in your pic so badly now and before I became vegan I craved all sorts of gross, unhealthy junk

post body with timestamp

>Now that I eat mostly fruits, nuts, and vegetables it's actually way cheaper than other types of prepared foods
that's bullshit. I eat mostly locally sourced meat, dairy and eggs with some vegies and potators. the nuts seeds and all that crap cost me double if I wanted to eat them.

> I love being a vegan.
Yeah wait another few years until the malnutrition effects really start to kick in. you'll love it bro! don't listen to those meat eaters! God made you to eat plants! why aern't you eating grass in the fields with the cows!!

I went from vegan to grass only cause yeah why hurt all those minority plants. grass is so fucking available everywhere we should all just eat gras!


>you live longer
At the off chance of this not being false, Im not going to risk it

yeah ok vegetable cuck I'm not reading all that

Steve Jobs died of pancreatic cancer. He was a fruitarian. He only ate fruits and, obviously the best quality, natural and organic. When Ashton Kutcher was preparing for his role for the movie of Steve Jobs, he wanted to get into his lifestyle and started his fruitarian diet. Immediately was hospitalized urgently because his pancreas collapsed. Let that sink in..

Meat taste good.
Me like meat
Me eat meat.

>Why the fuck would I NOT be a vegan?
Because picanha.

I like eating meat, its tasty as fuck.
I dont care about the animals or the planet. Many of my family members never had any problems with their hearts but only with their liver, and that is because all of them were alcoholics and non of them died of natural causes they all commited suicide before the age of 77.
This tells me that even being an alcoholic all their lives they all got to the age of 70. Well i'm not drinking at all, am active and try to eat a balanced diet.

>fruitarian = vegan

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vegans vegetarians fruitarians, the same shit, they eat mostly plants.

do you get off posting brainlets?

P1. A vegan is someone who doesn't consume animal products.
P2. Fruitarians eat only fruit.
P3. Fruit is not an animal product
C. Fruitarians are vegan.

Being this gone in the mind

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vegan is not the same as fruitarian, dumbfucks

Are you denying that fruitarians are vegan?

no but equals implies it goes both ways

We can't digest the nutrients from grass in the way that cows do, because we don't have 4 chambered stomachs and the enzymes to break it down. This strawman fails on every level.

Conversely, you can get all the essential vitamins, minerals, and macro-nutrients you need for survival from fruits, nuts, vegetables, and seeds.

The only big thing you can't get on a vegan diet is vitamin B12, but nowadays most vegan food is fortified with it, and I actually eat a lot of nori and tempeh, which naturally contain b12

Originally Adam and Eve didn't eat animals, people only started doing that after the flood.

Those individuals you're cherrypicking have orthorexia, and I'm willing to bet that they restrict many other foods that are outside of the scope of the vegan diet.

Your viewpoint is unscientific and illogical. Also, I'm not a 'bro'.

Adam and Eve were immortal and lived in eternal bliss. They were cast from Eden to Earth as punishment and made mortal. The Bible says that Man has mastery over all creatures of the land, sea and air.

>Conversely, you can get all the essential vitamins, minerals, and macro-nutrients you need for survival from fruits, nuts, vegetables, and seeds.
there is no proof for this and I dare you to try it and eat nuts seeds and greens for 20 years.

also lol at you thinking my post was serious about the eating of gras, just goes to show how stupid you are.

don't bitch when your life is over before you realise your organism is primed for meat consupmtion.

don't bitch when you get what you want and devolve into a fucking grass eating sheeple.

based bible educater

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>no bioavailability
>no creatine and other aminoacids, essential for muscle growth, which can only be found in animal muscle
nice try

Because I can eat both

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im currently cutting down for summer.
onions protein isolate makes it easier for me to eat less volume as I'm still not used to the volume of food on plant based diet.

I also wasted to use iodized salt but this would put we well above 3000mg of sodium a day, i try to keep it as low as possible.

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Fuck you OP.

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she is frutarian not a normal vegan.

How fit would I have to get before my body could withstand the damage of going vegan, if I chose to do do for ethical reasons?


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>it wasn't real veganism

That's what happens when your brain rots away

Either only idiots become vegans and that's why vegans children are dumber than normal ones, or it's because of the malnutrition from the vegan diet not allowing the child's brain to grow properly.

We have mastery over them, but we were not explicitly permitted to eat them until after the flood: Genesis 9:3.

I'm trying it now. Working pretty good for me.

I didn't take your point very seriously, it was just to explain how it makes a really bad strawman.

but I like chicken

She isn't though.

>P2. Fruitarians eat only fruit.
>P3. Fruit is not an animal product
>C. Fruitarians are vegan.

OP's assertion was questioning the fact that 'vegans & fruitarians are the same thing'.

This is not the case. Yes all fruitarians are vegans, but not all vegans are fruitarians.

- Vegan diet healthy for all stages of life


- Vegan B12 in traditional fermented foods & seaweed e.g. tempeh, kimchi etc.

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC242746/ - Tempeh

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3062981/ - Traditional Korean fermented foods provide adequate B12

- Loads vegan products fortified with B12 (produced without the use of animals)

godairyfree.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/So-Delicious-Dairy-Free-Cashew-Milk-Nutrition-Facts.jpg - Cashew Milk

static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/319/817/200/0120/nutrition_fr.8.full.jpg - Corn Flakes

- USDA 40% of US population flirting with B12 deficiency due to modern farming


- Processed meattrash lowers sperm count


- Estrogen in milk lowers test and stops you developing into a real man


- Casomorphine in milk is addictive


- Milk gives you prostate cancer


- Milk gives you acne


- Heme iron in red meat gives you esophageal and stomach cancer


- Meat gives you colorectal cancer


- Eggs increase cancer risk even when adjusted for intakes of macronutrients or for other food groups
