What are the 4 biggest dealbreakers in a guy?
>dicklet (less than 5 inch)
>does drugs/drink alcohol
>rabid misogynist
Well i am a rabid misogynist but not any of those other things would you still date me?
look another thread where lonely women complain about lonely men not being good enough for them
Of those, I only suffer from two of those dealbreakers.
>small peepee
>refuses to not look at porn while in a relationship
>refuses to exercise
>large facial moles
Check out these stupid attention whores guys.
>thinks traveling makes them interesting
>thinks liking pizza makes them interesting
>thinks their music taste makes them interesting
isn't this the worst? like get a personality, am I right ladies?
Look at this proud owner of a small peepee ladies.
>tall, dominant, brown haired, big peepee
Guess you're my gf now huh fembot
You are unironically right. There are too many boys that think liking Death Grip is a personality.
> Rabid Misogynist
Attention whores are the worst a girls personality can get. That's why you're here now to subsist off of easy attention where there are no other normies who can be better than you.
Man fembots are basically just failed narcissists
>>dicklet (less than 5 inch)
My dick is a little less than 8 inches and nobody will ever see it because I am a robot
>>does drugs/drink alcohol
I don't see a point in alcohol or drugs, they aren't fun
I am Jow Forums
>>rabid misogynist
Yes, also if I were to ever have a wife I would want her to stay at home playing video games and working on improving her art skills and educating herself. I would want this so that she could teach the kids and help better themselves so they would have a better future. Also I would want to watch her make her art and hope to support it. Work is overrated, men should provide for their women. I would never want my wife to work, it's soul crushing.
to be fair everyone wants attention. no other reason we're here. its just that females have it easier so they can go choke on my dick.
Women are corrupted by it, all their posts scream look at me guys it's a girl
I want work for the money. I don't care about the fulfillment meme. I want cash to spend how I want it. Work sucks but kids suck too. They always tantrum and shit their pants.
As a short submissive ginger with a small peepee, just know that I will be gone from this world very soon
I'm sure you must be delighted
your value isnt determined by what a dumb prejudiced person thinks about you user. dont be sad!
You deserve to get cucked by all the stupid cunts you bootlicking faggot lmao.
Stop trying to make these bait threads you faggot.
I just am here to read the comments while
i take a crap. Better a few minutes doing this then hours watching t.v.
You probably know a guy for at least a few months before seeing his dick. By then it doesn't matter.
Oh jesus christ.
Will you kids stop taking this shit so seriously?
Fucking stop-- and hide the thread. I only have your best interests at heart.
>get's too much attention from women (I get jealous easily)
Alright lets make this thread interesting.
Things you look for in a guy.
I'd assume it would be of the following;
>above 5"10
>fit and or average weight
>7" or above cock
>open minded to kinks etc
Lmao, you gay ass buttlicker. We know all your tricks and you all shall pay.
>likes women up to milf age
>above 5'5
>6' inch bepie that isn't very thin
>not poltard or social liberal
>Females don't belong on Jow Forums
>Your standards are shallow and vain
>Niggers deserve the rope
>Promiscuity is ruining our once great nation (The West and also Europe)
>Women will simply adapt to their partners anyways assuming he's not a spineless KEK
>hates me
>not attracted to me
Are you a cougar or something?
literally all me. does being tall and having pretty eyes make up for it?
>Fembots what are th-
Not on my board faggot
Nope, I am 18 but I think milf-lovers are the most virtuous men because they will love you into old age.
What about small facial moles?
Small moles are okay, even cute if they are flat! Big moles or super moley faces freak me out though.
>I want work for the money. I don't care about the fulfillment meme. I want cash to spend how I want it. Work sucks but kids suck too. They always tantrum and shit their pants.
Raising kids > Work
You're probably a white girl, huh? I swear every day that goes by getting with an East Asian starts sounding better and better.
A man should make enough money to be able to purchase realistic possessions his female partner wants. If girl has unrealistic expectations and is materialistic they shouldn't be worth any mans time.
That's disgusting, if a girl ever cheated on me i'd dump her instantly. Degenerates like you should be shot and thrown in a ditch.
they don't love into old age you moron, it's literally a fetish they will most likely grow out off once they've tried once. A woman of old age's body is not a nice sight.
that's me but fuck off since you wont reply anyway
But you're also dumb and lazy though now how the fuck is that fair?
that is extremely smart of you.
>doesn't watch SoL anime
>shorter than 5'4"
>plays fortnite or any other teenager-tier garbage video game
Why does this man not have (you's)? The last one is literally BASED AND RED PILLED women adapt to their partners all the fucking type hell even men do it's fucking nature!
This is why most standards are complete bs
I don't believe you, there are plenty of men out there that will like your body at every stage of life, from your teens to older age, especially if you take good care of your health. There are tons of even senior couples that are still intimate and loving with each other.
You have a bad attitude.
>hates teenage-tier video gamers
>doesn't hate teenage-tier anime taste
>likes women up to milf age
I do but it might be because I'm damaged. Will you contact me if I posted my throwaway?
>they won't love you into old age
>guys can't love old ladies cause I don't!
user can't comprehend the power of the mommy gf meme
>bad attitude
wouldnt you if you realized all men fucking suck by their very nature? it's that way with women.
I might, but I think you are looking for a mommy gf to take care of your emotional needs. I am not that, I want someone that will not be repulsed when I grow old and have a more balanced dynamic.
But most men do suck, I think there are more evil men than there are evil women.
I'll guess we can try and find out. Email me if you want
[email protected]
>under 4'11
>penis smaller than 4.5"
>over 200lbs
>no plans to move out of parents' home if he doesn't already live alone
>does drugs/drink alcohol
nope (unless if caffeine in tea counts)
>rabid misogynist
damn, can't win 'em all
Sure is easy to just call men evil and that's why women get it better. Fuck you self righteous bitch.
But men do commit more evil acts, they make up most of the child molesters, murderers and rapists. I guess it's the testosterone or something, and the lower impulse control. There are definitely good and virtuous men out there too but most evil acts are still done by men.
They're just the evil acts that are illegal. Women do plenty of evil and morally ambiguous stuff, but since we don't expect any women to ever change their act then we don't make it illegal.
>tfw I could lose 20 pounds tbqh
>tfw I smoke pot
>tfw always on thot patrol
>tfw have a big cock regardless
Anyone else only fuck girls in the ass?
>Member of any type of club
>Uses Facebook
>Has had a romantic relationship
How likely am I to find a femoid that will tolerate my small peepee? Might just give up and remain celibate.
Sheep. Do girls take it up the butt? I thought that was just a thing on the internet.
I have given it to girls up the butt, yes, they do it.
You kinda sound like a control freak, user.
>Be OP
>Be a larping whiteknight faggot
>Make this post
You should be gone along with the rest of them
Dude. Unless you plan on sending loads of dick piks like yer average perv, it ain't gonna matter. Showing your dick off comes around later in a relationship.
U a girl? Soo if I whip it out and I'm like 4 inches u would be okay with it? U sure? I'm gonna be OK?
>small dick energy (judging others and seeking ego boosts in this manner)
That dealbreaker is the root of all dealbreakers.
Would you date me? Inb4 muted
im girl user im not supposed to have a dick
not with that thing in your mouth.
But realistically speaking, no I would not. Youre way too old for me.
No, you look hapa.
he looks about 21 you pedo
Im 100 European
clearly you dont know what a hapa looks like. pic related is a hapa
Well you have brown eyes so no, please develop prettier eyes.
>any kind of addiction
>hipster style (beard, manbun)
>audience members loudly mingling
>Microphone Feedback
Could I have your attention please?
>clinks fork on glass
>Noise gets quiet
Thank you all, I wont keep you long. I'd like to give a quick announcement...
>refuses to exercise
And im sure you dont either
Another based post, here's a (you)
Well that guy is cute, even with his brown eyes. The other guy just seemed to have hapa-vibes though.
I think my shape aesthetics are solid
You are mistaken, I exercise every day.
But where are your eyebrows?
Did you read the OP?
You didn't, did you?
Look at the other photo and youll see em, either way Im not surprised, I cant get a girl to even acknowledge me
>self pitying/submissive/insecure personality
>really, obsessively into anime or videogames and collects stuff related to anime or videogames
>loli (I wont tolerate this one at all)
>doesnt care about the way he dresses or what people think of him
Oh, you were finished? Well then allow me to retort...
Dealbreakers in girls:
>Expects men to exercise but doesn't exercise themselves
>Derives sense of self from material belongings/goals
>Doesn't think sobriety is an important goal
>Doesn't want a family
>Believes all that is "weird" is repulsive
>Can't share a comfortable silence with
>J types
>Doesn't believe in exercise
>Sees a relationship as an "opportunity" for material growth
and lastly
>this but for girls
>does drugs/drinks a lot
>not a loyal person
>has a horrid voice
>picky eater
Four was hard. I wish I could have added one more related to babies.
I would have loved you if you weren't a filthy alcoholic.
The thread said four.
>likes SoL when most of them are absolutely fucking garbage
how does having a beard automatically make you a hipster?
What kind of sorry ass woman would even consider posting on this autistic Mongolian fishing tips and tricks forum. You really need to be a special sort of depressive mental ill retard that belongs in some welfare facility for the disabled. Imagine being a woman, having life on easy mode since the start, affirmative action, white knights, cucks and everything western society has mustered up until now and you still end up in r9k with the lowest of the lowest male scum. If you are a female browsing this shit, reconsider your life choices, I for one recommend utter and immediate suicide by throwing yourself out of your closest window, thank you and have a good day, sir or madam
Not sure if bait but can some femanon tell me about the bisexual hate? I'm not bi but I've had multiple gfs who HATED bi faggots but never explained why. Pls respond
The thread also said it's for fembots. Literally suck my dick.
Because like a lot of men, they're sexually bigoted, but the difference is that men have been encouraged to enjoy female on female sex so they typically don't feel the same way about bi females.
A girl who hates bi guys probably has an irrational fear of STDs, and thinks her man can't be "man enough" if he's taken dick or boipussy as well like the conqueror he is.
this post made my nunu wet
pls talk down to me
I don't hate bisexual guys by any means, but I find the thought of being with a man that is sexually attracted to other men to be gross. To explain a little better, I am not even someone that is into being "dominated" or whatever, so it is not just that I associate bisexuality in men with being feminine/submissive just plain "icky". There isn't much rhyme or reason to it. On the flip side, I have a lot of friends that think bisexual guys are hot though they are kinda fujoshi-ish.
I don't like it because I consider them more promiscuous, more likely to cheat, now all the population can steal them away and I just want a traditional man to give me babies and to grow old with and not a closet gay.
incredibly originally based
tfw your none of those