I really wished i lived in a misty dim forest
I really wished i lived in a misty dim forest
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No thank you
I do too user, unfortunately I live in North Dakota.
Insects and humidity are literally everywhere also high humidity is a good thing because it keeps uou from drying out.
When did robots become such basedboys?
Lol same here basically but a state south. Can wr just plant tons of norweogan spruce everywhere we get enough snowfall for it.this place is nothing like my natural environment
without trees hot chads like this will die and females like me will be stuck with smelly pajeets and niggers
trees are the perfect place to hide in dogs can only smell up so high so i can hide from feds in the trees forevever if we genetically engineer tall enough ones
just think how differetn we would be if we lived in trees 24/7 that would be so nice
Not your personal or original army
yes you actually are.
In one thread someone said that if just one autisti with nothing to do planted trees everyday for 20 years they could create a great huge forest
Ive always wanted to live or maybe just stay for a while somewhere where the desert meets the sea.
Greetings fellow gringos
South american spic here
I dont personally live in a misty jungle or forrest but I live close to one and honestly its one of the most amazing environments ive ever been in
Yeah it has its things
if you hate saunas youre not going to like it probably but if youre a true native you probably wont mind
Insects yea plenty but just like the other living beings if you dont bother them they wont bother you
its really all about perspective and how easily can u adapt to a misty jungle what will tell if youll enjoy it or not
>if you hate saunas
"did somebody day saunas?"
finns actually conquered all of europe twice and every king is descended from finns
Yeah, and it ain't happening. lol.
live in the american southwest
I would kill or die to live anywhere green again
all I need is one
pictured is you the filthy white people hating sandnigger who wants mother evropa to die out and turn into a desert
you are so fucking racist you hate white people and want them to die which is why you want the world to turn into a dry lifeless desert mentall spiritually emotionally and physically
the third planting discord raid.
lol, get fucked tree hugger.
this is not a raid this is just me acting on my own terms trying to post things as to stop the r9k trap shilling, give you new ideas and help you guises depression. r9k has no topic and an enlightened articulate and intellectual man such as myself knows the way the truth and the light to humanities salvation
>a man that wants to live in mud huts is enlightened
>a man that doesn't understand anything of European history is educated
>a man that makes run on sentences that amount to "I am angry" is articulate
el oh el
I am talking about evropean prehistory not the midEVIL history
When we were forest hunter gatherers
>when we were nigger tier
I'll pass.
the so called "barbaric" parts of europe created art so delicate it cannot even be replicated today
No They didn't. lol.
just look up germanic art and watch as your mind is bl0wn into oblivion
>you provide the proof to my claims
lol, no. It's on you. Paleolithic art only, everything else is post agriculture, specially anything that involves metal, as metal smelting and smithing both require lots of charcoal.
>i actually live surrounded by misty dim forest
hope your dream is one day fulfilled user. its a comfy one.
took pic related this weekend. got more misty pics if u wanna see
That is s0 beautiful omg I envy you so much you could spend all day there lucky you/