post favorite metal album
deathcore preferred
side note: confirming I am not a robot feels like I'm lying every time
post favorite metal album
deathcore preferred
side note: confirming I am not a robot feels like I'm lying every time
i dont know about album but.. i like this song alot, i think the one you posted is a bit too growly i dont like, i dont really like anyones voice in music so exxcesive roaring pushes me past being able to enjoy it thoroughly..
One of their more underrated albums IMO, their best work since Fear of the Dark.
>steal the name of one of the greatest pieces of modern literature
>form some failed metal band
Metalheads truly are completely braindead retards
One of the few albums I can listen to start to finish
this album is good, Hate Me is a very memorable track :)
originally a comfy album
i'm not sure anything has surpassed this album yet.
people will link albums, but they aren't as well rounded as LD 50 was.
the only thing LD 50 didn't have was traditional guitar solos, but the album before that did, so it didn't matter.
Black Metal is robotcore
yup, this is a comfy album and their bassplayer is really gud
lately have listened to
still their best work but the self titled album could rival it
Lugal is what got me into deathcore, such an amazing album. But Ashes to Ashes by Chelsea Grin is also amazing, along with Eternal Nightmare.
prepare for a ride kiddo
this is the real shit
Metalcore and deathcore are the worst types of metal lol
14 Sacred Words
This is the real shit kiddo, drop the deathcore and listen to some black metal.
Great album, I prefer The Book of Souls but still top tier.
Choose one buddy
as I lay dying is metalcore not deathcore are you like 13?
>As I Lay Dying
why does that girl have a folded pillow case on her head?
Their latest album is GOAT
Pretty shit taste so far, kind of confirms that r9k isn't populated by robots no longer.
For me it's
I loved this one as a kid, remeber being a highschool freshman playing this on my discman on the way to school
At least put a good album
Holy fucking based
also pic related
I generally find metal to be shit, but ex lives by every time I die is a great album.
From the cradle, to the grave, it has been a walk of shame.
New album next year, r-right guys?
Punk vocals with heavy metal riffs
This shit will always be my favorite album
I always have a hard time considering tool "metal" just seems like heavy psychedelic prog rock
If you're going to listen to metal, it's gotta be stoner doom. Electric wizard and monolord are so fucking THICC it's unreal.
I hope so. All that we can do is pray like a martyr and be patient
the chasm desu
Deathcore is almost entirely garbage my man.
brutal death is the only real
submit to the truth
This one
Jabroni bot is laying down for the 123, originally
top 3 off the top of my head: cryptopsy - none so vile, behemoth - apostasy, jfac - doom
This and also every other Death album. Specifically Symbolic and Human.