Which boards do you like even more than Jow Forums? I like going to Jow Forums and /lit/ better than I like going to Jow Forums.
Which boards do you like even more than Jow Forums...
lit, biz and at night hm
Jow Forums
Jow Forums and /tv/
/ck/ /out/ Jow Forums sometimes Jow Forums but it's more just like /a/ now
I like literature a lot but /lit/ is full of a bunch of brain dead fags who huff the farts of their professors in order to appear smart.
Jow Forums is unironically the best board on Jow Forums
/tv/ for the shitposting
Jow Forums for the info
you know I'm an /asp/chad
who here /sneed/
the only boards I visit to have some form of discussion.
the only board i visit to make fun of retards
Boards I visit that are better than Jow Forums
Jow Forums
Boards I dont visit, that are as shit as Jow Forums
Jow Forums
Jow Forums is my go to for memes. Don't use Jow Forums that much anymore.
Jow Forums
/tg/, /ck/, /an/, /sp/
/o/ /fa/ and
um sweatys you have to go back..
/fitlitpolsp/ here
Jow Forums is my current favourite, but I frequent /diy/, /an/, /out/, and /sci/ too.
Loving Jow Forums right now, wish I started going here sooner. I also lurk /fa/, Jow Forums, and Jow Forums.
I hate Jow Forums, really wish I could leave
/sci/ when there's a topic of interest with a good quality content thread
/sp/ and Jow Forums for the memes and keks
r8 my 4chanx hotbar
I lift because I hate the idea of being a nerd stereotype.
Nothing comes close to Jow Forums. I browse Jow Forums and Jow Forums sometimes.
Porn board.
>Jow Forums
>Jow Forumscel
Jow Forums /out/ sometimes Jow Forums
used to go to Jow Forums got bored of it.