Why are asian guys so beta? Is it because of all the onions in their food?
Why are asian guys so beta? Is it because of all the onions in their food?
Isn't onion supposed to boost testosterone level rather than decrease it? That kind of defeat the purpose of this post desu.
Is that Ninja?
I believe its their small dick complex
Stereotypical i know but can you deny its true?
Hey, asians. Mexican, here. Want us to kill these whitebois for you?
lol at this newfag that doesn't know about the word filters.
>inb4 I've totally been here since forever and have spent the last year or so magically avoiding all threads where someone said onions
Well onions do. But not... you know, onions.
first, how do you feel about asians who like latinas
He tried to say S O Y but got filtered, and the Onions increasing test is from one study on rats in Iran.
*deports you
What was he supposed to do there? Attack whitey for daring to kiss a woman of his race?
nobody kisses my sister but me!
onions are based
actually i think newfags at this point are MORE likely to remember the onions word filter. i had completely forgotten desu, i thought you were talking about about 'desu' being in their post at first. haha
I never payed attention to the word filter other than roody-poo.
I mean you see these asian guys online who reee at asian women and white men 24/7, They never get mad at asian women and black men or asian women and any other type of man.
Clearly white men are sexually threatening to asian boys
asians in the west dont have the enzymes to eat the same shit that we consume so their bodies cant handle the amino acids that we can. Its also why most asians are lactose intolerant.
asians eat a lot of rice. so id say its rice.
what if that dude was her relative
>no u
Do you have the attention span of a mosquito or something?
Then he could go home and fap to hearing his sister get plowed by her white boyfriend
If you want to know the definition of omega male, you only have to look to any boy in a KPOP video
you can't act alpha when you are 5'6" with no facial/body hair, weak jawline and skinny frame. people will just shoot you down
there's no concrete proof s.o.y. has any impact on estrogen levels, it's a meme conjured up by alt-righters to sell their manly man pills
desu only betas need to resort to asian girls. I've only ever slept with white girls and you're a virgin even with the advantage of being white so w/e
This way of thinking puts white women on a pedastol. The reason both white women and asian women think asian men are pathetic
I can't stand not having an asian gf. Fuck, I'm just going to go to Thailand or the Philippines and get it over with.
awww, is the phone poster zoomer getting upset that they can't understand what it's like to have a 10+ year relationship with this site?
ITT: SEETHING angry chinks
I for one want white guys and asian girls to date more because white men are superior and they should colonize gook pussy. Asian guys are pathetic insectoids with no emotions and no soul. Either get on hrt or stop whining and kill yourself.
t. trap
they actually try to push BM/AF. It's embarrassing. Instead of pushing AM/AF they take the cucking to the next level to somehow get back at white men for preferring their women. Makes no sense.
Probably not a coincidence they're called gymrats
Tbh, I find this type of shit hot. I really want a cute beta asian friend.