I wanted a happy family with my ex boyfriend

And instead he doxed me on Jow Forums and made me have a bad reputation on purpose
No proof Because it was all in private and intimate

It sucks that my want for a happy family and baby got warped, I thought he wouldn't do it but he did

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Please no roasting or accusing me of being childish, wanting a family and being doxxed instead is the ultimate victim hood
I wish I was joking, and I already have a call out post up by a ex GF

Some people have all the luck and are left alone

You probably cheated on him roast beef sandwich.

>my boyfriend

No, it was online but I took it seriously. I turned down other's and told him about any potential cheating on my end. I took it seriously.
All I warned was a happy family but he revealed it was one sided

>it was online.
Oh so you're pretending.

And assuming you didnt just ghost him for no reason why did you stop talking.

sounds rough, I was in a similar situation with my ex. she wouldn't treat me right and it made me paranoid about advancing our relationship together, she turned out to be a compulsive liar, a club rat and some other shit. she doxxed me and tried to fuck my friends and a bunch of other stuff. luckily she never doxxed me on this website(she was close)

she also ruined my chances with the girl i dated after her, she found out about it, messaged the girl and made up a bunch of shit about me. I ghosted every one after it all happened. I would have been happy to start a family with her and everything if she wasn't such a crazy vindictive bitch. Now we both have nothing years later. Though I did just get out of another decent relationship recently and she's only been able to get pump and dumps

No, we had each other's intimate information. I can't go into detail because he browses Jow Forums actively too.
I'm upset Because he got into another ldr and pretenses everything was okay he even had the guts to suggest I would enjoy being flirted with irl

You have to understand that most people on Jow Forums are manipulative faggots
>clingy possessive stalkers
The whole nine yards. If you really wanted to start a family then coming on here is NOT the place to be.

Is this the mentally ill Asian living in UK?

No, he's not like that. He doxxed me for fun. Not because he was unstable.
Nothing is ever perfect I guess

I can't say what kind of person he was because of doxxing but was actually normal and more successful than me

>luckily she never doxxed me on this website(she was close)
Worst that could happen you would get some pizzas delivered.Maybe not even that,this place is not what it used to be when it comes to doxxing.

>doxxed me
>gave me a bad reputation on purpose
>"he was a good person I promise!!!!!"
I've had to deal with so many brainwashed girls who thought this way its insane

Are you brooke?

>Worst that could happen you would get some pizzas delivered.
I'm just extremely reclusive and private for reasons, while i know nothing genuinely bad would happen it would still upset me. also upset me that the betrayal of her knowing that's how I am and her intentionally doing it to hurt me.

>He doxxed me for fun. Not because he was unstable.
one could argue the fact he doxxed you for fun implies that he IS mentally unstable, but either way you fucked up even more than me and chose a bad person to want to be partners with. most of my ex did these things out of my rejection of her, not that it makes it much better if any better at all

No, I wish I was though. People respected her trauma and didn't make her masterbate on camera. I read what a user said. I wish someone respected my sexual trauma like that

Also pleased don't make my life into a meme, I still want a family and I can't do it if a entire website makes me into a joke

He only did it to me, it was like the bully gf meme. I'm over it anyway, these threads just help me process

>People respected her trauma and didn't make her masterbate on camera. I read what a user said.
Which trauma?Fill me up on this,I never heard this part.

It's Brooke's trauma to disclose, not mine. And Brooke is treated as a funny joke and not as a real person.
But it was heartwarming to read. Since people are usually rude on here

>as a funny joke
All "fembots" and "femanons" are funny jokes on this board because of the amount of orbits they get

>But it was heartwarming to read.
What the fuck is all of this about?What was heartwarming to read?Some whiteknight complimented her on something or what?Also what about masturbation on camera?Is this about you or her?

Well this another would still have a happy family with you fembot, where can I get you?

I know the feel OP. I just wanted to end my relationship with my underage gf but someone posted my kik on here and said I'd post nudes of her if they messaged me. she had never sent me nudes though. And so a bunch of people out of frustration from not receiving nudes that I never had doxxed me and have been harassing me ever since. All because I wanted to end my relationship with this girl who I was never going to meet and I wanted to end the relationship in a way that would make her hate me that way she would feel that our relationship ending was a good thing, so I told her I was cheating on her and sent her pictures of girls from Google images. It was a retarded idea honestly I should've just told her that since I was 18 she and I weren't going to be able to date anymore. I was a fool but oh well. Had she and I met in person it would've been nice to have had children and a happy life with her.

No, it was just nice to see someone being respectful of trauma and being real. I mentioned it because I got asked if I was Brooke

Also mods can you delete my thread, my ip is different because I'm on mobile. I justice wander some external validation

Oh my fucking god it's you again. Do you seriously think spamming these threads is going to help?
You have serious mental issues and you need to see a therapist.

I swear every thread/post you ever made is the most confusing thing ever.Was she molested or some shit?She never talked about any traumas,stop feeding her meme persona/lore.

It's all real, I can't say why or how I know. She had her irl friends in vc once. This is her true self.
Anyway don't assume things about people, it makes society more childish

>It's all real
You're doing it again.What's real?
>her irl friends
Thought she had none and thats why she came here?
>This is her true self.
Who?Can we stop hiding behind the finger?THAT's way more childish.What the fuck happened to her?Are you in a mutual server?

I assume she's just saying that, the irl friends could have been her online friends she trusted

I heard intimate information that seemed too intimate to be a internet persona, it is her true self

Ok this is clearly her trying to gain sympathy for some fake shit again just like the last time.

Not making things up for attention
This was in a private vc with no one else, I can't speak for her.

She says things for herself, not for other people

>This was in a private vc with no one else
Are you 2 friends?How else did you get in a 'private' vc?Getting your lies mixed up?

it's just normal for Asian women really.
>Single Yellow Female Syndrome, it's called

>h my fucking god it's you again. Do you seriously think spamming these threads is going to help?
Who? Spill the beans knowledgeable user

No but I talked to her briefly

And stop, it's really childish to Accuse people of lying abouttheir own lives or what they do, it's the same thing as saying someone lied about going to the store

Hey mods delete this thread, there's a user who claims I made up being raped by my dad's step dad and makes it into public drama

Is she still around tho?Hook me up with an invite to her disc

No its a user who says I made up being a csa survivor, I asked the mods for help and filed a cyber crime complaint but he's still alive and accusing me making up being raped as a 8 year old when it ruined my life

No idea what this post is supposed to mean but I found out about this girl by a post similar to the one I made. She regularly posts about this breakup and how the fact that her e-boyfriend saying "that she would enjoy being flirted irl" is somehow a massively traumatic event.
My suspicion is that at the very least she's mentally unstable or she has BPD. Also probably underage because I can't imagine an adult female having an e-bf

Sounds good to me. I'd breed this girl.

I'm really confused right now.Is op brooke?

I'm a csa survivor and can't enjoy sex unconditionally, it was something deeply intimate.And it's none of your business, mods delete this thread before someone else steeds drama

>none of your business
That's very very true. And I would like to stay that way because I have no interest in your life. But it happens to be that you're spamming this shit on a board I like to use occasionally and unfortunately I keep seeing it.
Leave Jow Forums and get help from a therapist.

This is what you get for trusting people too easily. Or at all, really. It's almost always a bad idea. Least you didn't get stuck with the kid!

small story
unmuted myself in ts, she didnt realised an was talking about me that i was doing sport and all. the moment she saw i was back she instantly stopped and pretend nothing happened and we played all night long. that guy she was talking to never sayed one thing again until i said goodbye(he dosnt play the games we have, neither he wanted to talk.. seemed unhappy?).
whats that fucking supposed to mean, stuff like this makes my anxiety go full autism mode.

Attached: 1521682018902-s4s.jpg (184x184, 11K)

Mods delete my own thread

Not sure what this story means, but thanks for sharing anyway