/fitlit/ thread? What are you reading right now?
/fitlit/ thread? What are you reading right now?
What look is Alex going for? He looks retarded
Who knows, his look changes seemingly every other week. He's in love with this idea that looking 'AS MASCULINE AS POSSIBLE' is the best way of going about life but honestly it just makes you look like a redneck serial rapist.
ISIS militant
for growing as an individual and leader ive started reading extreme ownership by jocko willink. so far its been a really good read and id recommend it. For fun I've been reading guess who's back
I've been reading a ton of cyberpunk lately, but more conceptual and experimental than the 80s philip K dick stuff. really fun reads including some poetry, an excerpt:
Neat breaks of ammo stung the weather
They played my father's rigor mortis over the loudspeaker
Doctors with poor eyesight wearing rubber boots
through his carrion, with southern accents in his carrion,
on lunch break, the color of lotion, his carrion in tents,
said: "toothbrush removes father." They
said: "He served us well, your daddy pile of Frogger super-genes gone splat."
Will give recs if that sounds good to anyone.
Ok I'll bite the bait.
why is exactly wrong with david goggins?
you incels seem to have a personal vendetta against the brother, every other day I end up seeing at least one thread shitting on the man.
someone shoop the book out of his hand and a isis flag behind him
Lord of the flies
Do graphic novels count???
ok but how is that more masculine than this?
have read libido dominandi, barren metal and RJS
patrician taste user
Basic economics by Thomas Sowell
It's good but I'm just not drawn to it, I have to force myself to read it but I enjoy it when I do
finished The Fall yesterday, and started Roadside Picnic. The Fall was pretty challenging, so reading sci-fi is a nice change of pace as I actually want to read more.
nothing. people give him shit for his attitude, but the guy he's accomplished a lot imo and im sure you need to have a stricter mindset to do what he does.
maybe. what is it?
Im reading meditations by Marcus Aurelius. I fell for the Jow Forums meme but I'm enjoying it. Up next Im probably going to read For My Legionaries or maybe City of God
apparently the current 135 post thread wasnt enough for you
Reading a book on Buddhism. I don't believe every word but it still contains lots of good ideas. I finished meditations and it was really nice.
Also working on a c++ programming book. I'm really burnt out on it right now.
it's not a meme lol, it's a classic and still talked about thousands of years after its creation because it has value.
there's a lot of passages i did not get since the references are not really known (it was just some dude's diary so some ppl he mentions are not historically relevant), but i got out of it to have self control and to live with a purpose and passion.
Sowell is a hack
dont listen to him. nothing he talks about is based in reality.
can you elaborate or are you just doing (((yeoman's))) work and besmirching the name of someone vaguely of the right?
because that entire "intellectual" circle of chicago school nerds like sowell and friedman have zero application to the real world and are basically just grifters that are paid to churn out bullshit by shadowy (((think tanks))) funded by bloodsport psycho billionaires.
Any kind of capitalist cheerleaders like Sowell, Friedman, von Mises, Rothbard, etc. have all been proven unbelievably wrong, childish, and borderline malicious after the 2008 crash.
If you want to learn more about economics and how capitalism actually works and materializes in the real world you should read critiques of capitalism and not some talentless hack grifter that gets paid to be a cheerleader while constantly being proven wrong.
Finally finishing Tolkien - LOTR. Been on the list forever, and I've almost cracked it.
On the list for this year, not sure the order:
>Gibson - Neuromancer
>Donovan - A more complete beast
>Dostoevsky - The Brothers Karamazov
>Evola - Ride the tiger (though people on lit told me I needed to start somewhere else because I won't understand the book without context of his other work)
>Marx -- The Communist Manifesto
>Homer -- The Illiad
>Carlson -- Ship of Fools
Might try to fit in Houllebeq's most recent book as well as a book called Deep Work, about creating a state of focus and ignoring distractions while working. Might be good for lifting desu.
What I meant by saying it's a meme is that people talk about it a lot of Jow Forums. I'm loving it so far.
Evola is larpy bullshit for dorks
Read Kapital instead of commie manifesto. commie manifesto is pretty beige.
>1.9 INTJ
reddit in meltdown mode
Found the commie.
I'm not big into books.
You’re truly retarded
>muh capitalism is bad
>Sowell and Friedman are ideologically driven biased hacks
>for proof of this you should read outdated and dangerously manipulative critiques of capitalism written by ideologically driven biased hacks
Pretty much all major critiques of capitalism are muh moralfag based arguments and they advocate for replacing it with much more immoral and malevolent systems.
>I don't like something=it doesn't work
this is wrong my friend
Deep work is good. Much of the advice seems solid, but is hard to employ even with a highly flexible schedule.
Is he mudslime now?
This. I don't think they tolerate manlets though.
This is sort of entry level rightism, conflating libertarianism/ free market economics with the right, which is hierarchical and nationalistic. Sowell, (((Friedman))), especially (((Rothbard))) are antithetical to any real nationalist and would be absolutely fine in a rootless cosmopolitan world of consumerism as the only allowed culture.
Read some Mosley if you want a real treatment of economics from the right, rather than ultra capitalists doing the work of the chosen people. Remember, the pipeline goes
Liberal --> Libertarian / AnCap --> Conservative --> Nationalist. You're only halfway there.
>implying anyone would lend to poor niggers if the gubament didn't force them too
Get back in your cubicle, beans. We'll get you when we need you (end of fiscal year).
it literally doesnt work
Russia's standard of living plummeted after embracing liberalism
the 2008 crash has vaporized the american middle class
none of those clowns have a fucking clue what theyre talking about. none of their ideas translate into reality.
>muh capitalism is bad
its certainly not good especially since the 80s
>Sowell and Friedman are ideologically driven biased hacks
they are
>for proof of this you should read outdated and dangerously manipulative critiques of capitalism written by ideologically driven biased hacks
im not talking about Marx im talking about Mark Fisher or other contemporary writers.
Started pic related, in addition to my work related and scholarly interests. It seemed like a good way to dip my toe in the water while not committing a lot of time. My work requires 4+ hours a day of reading, and pleasure reading often suffers.
I like it thus far and will likely recommend it for /sig/ types.
pretentious nigger bullshit. got so bored and stopped reading halfway. the book tries to be some kind of tearjerker autobiography mixed with casual motivational bullcrap.
not bad compared to other motivational bullshit books. it's just overrated.
I know about Evola, but I do want to be able to speak intelligently about his work, whether I agree or not. I'm not reading capital, I don't have the time or willpower to slog through it.
I think it might be good to hear what he says, even if it's practically difficult to do.
If he wants to look more masculine then he should invest in some collared shirts ffs
Am I wrong in inferring that you would advocate replacing capitalism with socialism or communism?
If I am the that’s my mistake. Tell me what you actually think would help society.
If I’m not wrong then reading modern or classic recommendations of the same failed systems is irrelevant.
You also point out that capitalism has been particular bad since roughly the time we stated moving further and further from capitalism.
It is 8 Mile meets Lone Survivor. LMAO dude sounds like he is LARPing as a GI Joe.
Right now I just started Mishima's Spring Snow. I see why people compare him to Dostoevsky.
You feel like that's a good place to start with him? Been wanting to break into Mishima but want a good experience.
Hi Brian
i mean i havent read all of kapital so i can understand that.
Whether its socialism or capitalism with very strong oversight im in favor of it.
How anybody can be pro-capitalism after 2008 in good conscious i have no fucking idea.
America has been increasingly liberalizing the economy and cutting regulations, gutting unions, defunding government programs like medicare/medicade/social security, etc.
The trend of neo-liberalism which started with regan in the 80s has been pushing for more free markets in the US and largely succeeding. Almost no left wing regulation has passed for almost 50 years at this point. Even the Affordable care act is a right wing capitalist attempt at universal healthcare and you can clearly see just how disastrous some of these neo-liberal ideas are.
by reading critiques of capitalism and our current economy you'll learn way fucking more. Studying how the system breaks down and how it doesnt actually work is much more valuable than reading some hack like Sowell thats just wishful thinking and writing about fantasies in his head that never have a chance at materializing in the real world
"A Short History of the American Revolution" by James Stokesbury
Socialism is great
t. Hugo Chavez
venezuela isnt even socialist
like 75% of its economy is privately owned
I agree that libertarian idealism is just another extreme end of the spectrum and isn’t realistic however I don’t agree that people like Sowell are guilty of this, at least not wholly. He has very relevant critiques of the broken systems which which funnel the lower classes into entrenched poverty for instance and these are fundamentally antithetical to market philosophy (gubment gibs, quotas, Aff action etc). He may oversimplify the solutions however I think he’s looking in a much better direction than the modern revolutionary socialists like sanders and Cortez.
You mustn’t forget either that the issues you are talking about are a direct product of the type of pseudo capitalism we have developed in which market participation is heavily regulated and filed out in return for bribes and favours instead of being determined by the market.
There’s no doubt that there should be oversight because there are glaring issues in a fully unregulated market, but the quality of oversight needs to be rectified. You can’t just increase the level of control afforded to the government and you expect everything to get better.
its not pseudo capitalism created by the government. thats actually how capitalism works. that is its real form.
stuff like welfare and affirmative action is so non consequential its almost laughable to say it has any impact let alone the cause of systemic breakdown and failure in the country
Yeah it's a fine place to start. If you want something a little more usual you can check out the Sound of Waves, which, coming from Occidental Literature I read it as a neat subversion of a star-crossed lovers trope that serves to celebrate traditional culture.
The Count of Monte Cristo
I've got this. Haven't listened to it yet.
Roadside picnic is pretty great, short but impactful. Imo pairs well with notes from underground.
chechen terrorist
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov. One of the best books of the 20th century.
I hope you're re-reading it and have read a lot of 20th Century literature, because otherwise calling it one of the best books of the 20th Century just seems like you're parroting stuff other people said.
It's a fine book, but there are loads better.
I am parroting stuff other people have said. Give an example of something better.
Currently reading Tides of War by Steven Pressfield.
Very specific reasons he can't talk about on his channel
I literally bought this book from amazon 2 days ago
I've been reading this, it's about a guy retelling esp experiments he conducted for the CIA
>He's in love with this idea that looking 'AS MASCULINE AS POSSIBLE' is the best way of going about life
inb4 he becomes a homosexual
gonna be like that jack donovan guy
alex we didn't mean to make you upset don't feel so bad we're sorry
>A Secular Age by Charles Taylor
>The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Heinlein
>Threats of Pain and Ruin by Dalrymple
>The New Media Invasion by John David Ebert
>Violence and the Sacred by Rene Girard
>Two different bibles
Also currently listening to pic related while lifting.
>bhagavad gita
>poetic edda
>atlantis, edda, and bible
>myth of the twentieth century
>jung: the relationship between ego and unconscious
>vril, the power of the coming race
I've been reading Joseph Goebbels diaries.
Microsaggreser is my favorite short story in that book
is this from an ISIS video or something