How do you guys cope?
Is anyone else /JustSmartEnoughToUnderstandThatYou'reABrainletAndYou'llNeverAmountToAnything/?
I admitted to myself that I'm too stupid for math and science, and went for computer science instead. Currently working as a machine learning researcher (post doc). Feels good, man.
That's great user. I don't know if I would be able to manage compsci.
jusr because your parents called you smart alot when you were little doesnt mean you are if you dont actively study everyday you are a brainlet
also if you dont know calculus 3 you are dumb
>babbys first existential crisis
Im just smart enough to understand that i dont need to compare myself to great geniuses and rather just focus on improving myself, my life and the life of those i hold dear.
"the beginning of wisdom is a just appraisal of one's ignorance"
Jokes on you my friend. I did a CS PhD in quantum information and noe do quantum theory post docs in physics departments
Im jjust smart enough to recognize that intelligence is irrelevant if i study hard enough, ....its worked pretty well so far
Contemplate the idea of suicide and hope I wake up outside of the simulation.
Barely smart enough to scrape by with C's and im unwilling to drop out
It's legitimate suffering
Yes. I realize I'm smart enough to ace undergrad math but too much of a brainlet to actually contribute anything to the field, so I just majored in CS which is easy but profitable.
>jusr because your parents called you smart alot when you were little
This is the primary reason why people get PhDs
You're all capable you just don't want it bad enough. Kill yourselves
Intelligence doesn't automatically equal success. In fact, studies have shown that positive life outcomes (wealth, health, etc) increase with IQ, but only up to a certain point... over about 130, and the correlation breaks down.
There is no way to say this without most people accusing me of bullshit or "IAMVERYSMART"-ing... but the fact is, I have an IQ of 153, and getting told that was the worst thing that ever happened to me.
I was "bad" in school when I was little, and my parents took my to psychologists, and they found out I had a high IQ, and since then, I just took on this sort of "I'll be fine" mentality. I didn't work for anything. Now I'm 35, and unemployed with no prospects and no savings. I was a writer for a while, and the funds from some little shit I wrote in my 20s sustained me for a little while, but I'm fucked now.
Meanwhile, the moderately intelligent friends of mine are all highly successful. All because they simply worked. Most people are idiots, meaning average, meaning 100 IQ. If you have 115 to 130, you're in the golden zone. You can do anything, except high end brainwork... which... who cares.
bro he is probably just comparing himself to someone who cna pass the exams
I don't care but that's a cool picture
My point is... don't make the mistake of conflating "IQ" for "automatic success. That's not the case.
It sounds like a trite cliche, but it's all about hard work. Just work. JUST DO EET.
yeah. It's done by Jean "Moebius" Giraud... the guy who did the work for Alejandro Jodorowsky's "Dune" film back in the mid-1970s. He's awesome.
And another:
one more
"I'm just smart enough to understand how dumb I am" is a stupid depressed-GF meme which is really just you rationalizing your own laziness.
enjoy your b& retard
Awesome, thanks user
Self-awareness and anxiety over these sorts of things are a sign of intelligence. Therefore it's more likely that your difficulty with problem solving is down to stress, the belief that you can't do it, or having gone through an inefficient (or one that's incompatible with your learning style) / incomplete learning process such that you do not have the knowledge to solve the problem yet.
uh oh, the little baby is coping and thinks he's gonna brute force his way into being a genius. never happening, you'll put 10x as much work into learning as someone with an IQ 10 points higher than yours, and eventually you'll hit a ceiling and realize it was all a waste of time. Luckily there's more to life than being an autistic number cruncher, my dear boy.