>Lmao dude you're life shouldn't revolve around women. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is for pseuds.
Every aspect of your biology is geared towards reproduction. Without proper cohesion: you fall to pieces.
Lmao dude you're life shouldn't revolve around women. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is for pseuds
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Is your main objective in life to have children?
I have no objective since I'm incompetent. However, in an ideal world, my objective would be to have children.
Of course some people choose not to have kids. But every action they carry out is derivative of some primal desire which is part of their cause for reproduction.
>muh primal instict
>muh need for reprodution
How can you guys hate normalfags for being petty while you are this shallow yourselves. You literally choose to be losers by believing in this. MGTOW at least got the shit about manginas and how men chose to be gynocentric right. I hate you people more than feminists I swear. No sane mature man cares if you get pussy or not.
Well say what you want but I never speak to or have sex with women and I'm perfectly fine.
If this is how you really feel about life I'm glad it's being weeded out.
Reminder that genetic death is as selected against as physical death. Evolutionarily not reproducing is the same as being killed.
True, this is why we live in houses now instead of flinging shit at each other, good job.
>No sane mature man cares if you get pussy or not.
Quite the opposite. Oh but in this scenario you're the sane one, right?
Everyone else is just insane but thank god for enlightened user, am I right? *tips* *sips*.
*dabs on you*
We live in houses to avoid genetic death
Yep every person who ever says that shit always happens to be in a relationship and cries when single.
And we don't fling shit at each other anymore, because we evolved. We got rid of the shit flingers by "killing" them off. Now we use words.
>Caring about sex this god damn much after the age of like 16
Top tier bait
Imagine having such a shallow understanding of science, philosophy and psychology that you actually believed something like that.
Sorry I thought you were trying to imply we'd moved past being afraid of not reproducing because we live in houses or something.
Nah, I live in a house to avoid your ugly ass.
>imagine being a vast majority of people
nice banter, redpilled
No but we haven't yet reached the point where incels are capable of understanding basic biology or empathy, so it's just some defunct code.
It's not really more defunct than it's ever been unless you think we've reached a stage where we're beyond evolution. People with the strongest drive to reproduce are still going to be the ones that produce the most offspring. If anything fear of not reproducing is going to become stronger over time as the incentives to not reproduce pile up. You assume noncels don't have the same attitude towards sex that incels do, which I find hard to believe personally.
>I don't understand a thing I'm talking about
If civilization is about to collapse and the only people left still reproducing are the ones that are too dumb to realize it, don't you think that might have some negative effects in the future? Not just the distant one.
You may kill my genes.
But my memes will live forever
This has legs. Why hasn't it been used the whole time?
I never said dumb, just horny and entitled. Which most people are already, incel or not. Not that evolution plans ahead, if organisms are specialized for one environment and then that enviroment changes they've always just fucking died. Of course that's the advantage of being intelligent organisms is that we can plan ahead for a change in environment, but the entire reason we're intelligent in the first place is that it gives us an advantage when preserving our genes. Using that intelligence in a way that prevents us from reproducing is an actual evolutionary dead end, being a volcel is like logically deducing that your life doesn't have value and the only reason you were afraid of killing yourself was your base instincts. Which is a step I wouldn't expect most people to be able to make.
t. Richard Dawkins
It's absolutely retarded
>who cares if you can't get sex there's so much more to life!
>who cares if you lose your legs you can do so much with your hands!
You can overcome your biology through willpower. Or you can get chemically castrated if it's really that big of a deal.