Why don't you have a grimey gf?

Why don't you have a grimey gf?

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c'est la vie
ce la dit
oh montreal

I'm not a billionaire man who promises space travel

dogshit tier airhead bourgeoisie whore

ohh montreal pull apart

Did someone say space travel?

Attached: elon.jpg (474x331, 15K)

Grimes gets cold
in February air
please dont lose hope of me out there

too old

this is our new /girl/

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ghostmane's sister?

>tfw no grimeth gf
her lithp is so cute

Have you heard her new song with Poppy?

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literally my ideal girl but would settle for some one that is half as grimey, unfortunately they think i'm too straight edge even though i'm absolutely more wild than them in every way and have to be as tranquil as possible or shit will get wild real quick.

musk ruined her and completely proved tru the manosphere's argument that women become the ideology of their partner
>tfw grimes will never be your anti-imperialist gf now that musk has poisoned her mind

sounds like kittie, but with grimes singing Art Angels
the guitarist looks like fatman's wife


that bitch was garbage from the start dawg

she is the definition of surface level, easily influenced stuffing. I don't wanna believe most women are like her, but she is the archetypal stereotype of what a woman is within right wing fanfiction.

There's only one type of grime I like lad


the kind that doesn't have MCs yea


sounds like Hadouken!


I'm disappointed this exists, but not surprised. It's from 2018, after all.

why dont u be nice to grimes..

her husband is a bloviated fish masquerading as a human being who's only job is to eradicate as many people as possible in flavor of personal gain

you can't claim to be a feminist and fighting for equality while propping up the worst humans imaginable for your own gain

also her music is fucking trash, fuck off /mu/, you dick licking goblins

*plays reALitI*

She looks like a boy WTF Elon are you literally gay?

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that grimes is dead now, she's dating Elon Musk.

je comprends
cie la dit
c'est la vie
oh montreal pull apart
i think i love u

what do you mean? im about to give her a listening to.

why is this imminent school shooter still on this board? go back to Jow Forums you dumbfuck, don't ruin Jow Forums's reputation any further

>bourgeoisie whore
this t b h. It's ironic that we live in a day where the bourgeois attempt to make themselves look poor in order to try to convince everybody that they're not rich and pampered yet their attempted recreation of what the working class look like is so inaccurate that it makes it even easier to identify them. The funniest part about it is that they don't even realise what they're doing, they just blindly follow capitalistic fashion trends while spouting the same old thoughtless champagne socialist shite that their professors told them to say in their 70,000 a year political science classes.
What the fuck is going on anons? Why is this world so fucking insane?

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what do you mean? what. pardon me

and now i dont see the light i saw in you before.
and now i dont
and now i dont,
and now i dont CARE ANYMORE!
now you'll never know