Offer Brooke $1000 a month, no strings attached. She still says no

Offer Brooke $1000 a month, no strings attached. She still says no.


I just want to make her happy.


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Give me money instead user. I'm not as attractive as pic related but I'll at least acknowledge your existence.

Im just an 18yo rich fag and broke STILL rejects me for some 53yr old boomer. What do I have that he doesnt :(

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>Offer Brooke $1000 a month
That's not that much lol

sex appeal
women are whores first and foremost

Where are the nudes? Originally my OP.

She's underage, don't ask for nudes you moron.

Wrong, she's 18 and is graduating this year.

Can you post a picture of a girl you look like? Be honest too.

Give me that money user, pretty please

Not nearly enough originalllaly

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Proof of money I'm offering to Brooke.

I get two of these every month from a small business I help create and sold several years ago.

The money just sits in my bank account. Sometimes I don't even cash the check because I've gotten so lazy at this point of driving to the bank and waiting in line.

I need a girl like Brooke to take this money off my hands. Ultimately, I want to marry her though.

>Not white or black

t. Rich Asian faggot

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What, do you not understand that she would be worth more than $12,000 a year if this dumb her was going to sell herself?

You can barely buy a crackhead for that amount. What is your business in?

Grace already has a bf so gl with that lol

one time I met a girl on Tinder and she said she needed $300 to "get her car out of the impound lot"

we hung out then went back to my place I gave her the $300 and she gave me a blowjob

I cut contact with her though because I'm pretty sure that she was gonna go spend that money on drugs

anyway, I felt pathetic after that, OP, and you should feel pathetic after giving a bitch $1000 for *nothing*

i can user

I make a lot more money than $12,000 a year off these checks. It's more like $32,000.

The two checks I get every month vary depending on how well the business that I sold does.

At this point, the business is very good profitable company - which have made me a millionaire when I sold it. It's worth a lot more now. But I'm not complaining. I still work though, three days a week. I'm not the boss or anything, but a high level employee of a different company that has nothing to do with the small business I sold.

I look like this girl and I can prove it to you if your legit
my email is [email protected]
Please user

>300 dollars for a blowjob

you can bang pretty quality hookers for an hour with that amount

But she isn't married. I'm sure she'll change her mind once she gets accustomed to the riches I'm willing to offer her.

forgot pic in most original way

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Dumb whore*
Why wouldn't she just divorce you if you married her then? If it's just money you have to offer, you're the sucker in the situation.

Women don't marry for money as much as people think. Plenty of bankers or doctors have trouble even getting a date.

there is an 18 year old girl in my town who looks quite similar to brooke, and she has a serious crush on me. too bad i'm about to turn 29 because i want to make this gril my gf.

Why don't you? I've been in a similar situation, the only reason why I didn't go after it is because I'm a complete fucking loser, otherwise it would be great.

>rich people have trouble getting dates

Yes, that's true. That's why I browse Jow Forums and yet I'm a millionaire.

Sad sad truth... :(

OP here,

Get out of town. That is NOT who you look like.

She's very pretty though. I could see her as my wife.

The away around it is to pretend to be middle class or poor until you know that she is at least really into you. Women will always be women but at least you'll get someone that doesn't hate your guts and pretends otherwise.

You still shouldn't marry them unless you have kids.

Her name is Abbie Cobb. The only think worse than a man that would pay for a woman is a man that pretends to be a woman for money.

im a real girl ive even a somewhat well known whore on /b/. He didnt ask for a pic of me he asked for a pic of a girl I look like faggot. im a virgin and ive never gotten money from men like so many roasties do on the daily.

Did you solicit her for prostitution? No? Because you are a faggot and she thinks you are a pussy? You probably like to get fucked by little boys in the ass? You're pathetic? Your asian? LOL

>Whores herself out on /b/.

Show yourself to me, harlot.

omg did you not read what he said?
>Can you post a picture of a girl you look like? Be honest too.
selfoes arent even allowed on r9k so i did that what celebrity do you look like thing and it came out 50% the girl i posted

Give that money to someone in need, like Beautiful Angel Ciara.

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email me then. and it makes sense that I whored on b a couple times and a virgin because attention

I'm not the rich Asian, just a drunk confused as to why you would try to sell your only virtue for very little money.

Just because whores sell themselves, doesn't mean you should. You're still young and have great value in attracting mates that aren't pieces of shit.

>this thread again
You know that disgusting orbiters like you made the angry butthurt incels dox her and made her leave in the first place right?If you had the fucking guts you would've actually talk to her like a normal person and see where it leads,without any money involved and maybe you could've stop her from posting on this shithole.
>no strings attached
Yeah,she is dumb and she did a lot of dumb stuff this summer but she is not THAT dumb,she knows even with your beta 'no strings attached' condition you're going to expect something from her/cry over here when she doesn't reply to you after 5 seconds.And with her looks so may generate a lot more,I'm afraid.Just fucking talk to her.

She's so 50/50 to me, sometimes she's the perfect heroin chic qt but other times she's just a mentally fucked druggie

>1k a month
>decent money

Pick only one

?Is that an alter ego or something?

OP here

Confession: I want to marry a pretty white girl who has a strong sense of morals, and is very intelligent and caring towards people and animals.

Being tall is a definite plus!

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Brooke is not white and you can't buy a marriage.Definitely not a happy one,dude did you even talk to this girl?Like ever?

Not so fast I know a white femanon that's around Brooke's attractiveness that might take you up on this if you live in Cali

>expect something from her

To be married to her and make her happy. I just so happen to have a lot of money, none of which was inherited. I know what it takes to achieve success business wise - girls, not so much. But after seeing Brooke here of all places, a minuscule ray of hope started to shine at the end my dark tunnel (big empty house)

>Asian male
>Marrying white woman
*blocks ur dream*

God dammit, I'm trying to save your life from being awful.

Thanks, but my heart belongs to Brooke right now. Hopefully, forever.

I wanna walk into a room of our house and see the back of Brooke as she busies herself with whatever that she's doing.

Hot air ballon rides are good too.

>I just so happen to have a lot of money, none of which was inherited. I know what it takes to achieve success business wise
>a minuscule ray of hope started to shine at the end my dark tunnel (big empty house)
With every chance you get you bring up your fortune,it gives off deep insecurity vibes.Also what kind of hope?I don't really get that,she was just bored during the summer and came here to shitpost,kek.What exactly gave you 'hope'?

What a filthy smackhead.

No thanks, I dont need the money. I got those Black Friday hours at work baby

Pretty much this.Op is trying to make the best of her kpop fetish but still fails miserably.She's just going through a phase asianon,she doesn't really interact with asians so she thinks of all of them as kpop artists and the changs you see on television.White guys hurt her a lot so she's only going to crave them even more,trust me,that's gonna be the majority of her dates.

Brooke gave me hope that a girl of her stature, who post here openly without being afraid, actually EXISTS. She's a strong independent woman in my book. I need someone like her in my life because I'm the complete opposite when it comes to functioning outside of work.

Manic pixie dream girls don't exist. Your life isn't a film, no one is going to save you.

Oh, I can definitely push her around. You don't become highly successful without being a dick. If you think Chads are assholes, ha! You have another think coming.

My ego is stratosphere level.

>a girl of her stature, who post here openly without being afraid
>She's a strong independent woman in my book
Nigga,despite her looks,she's an awkward shy sperg,who spent most of her summer inside,on r9k and discord and ran away scared when people doxxed her.She's not that strong and independent,kek,also there's so much more to the story, that people don't know.

>hurr durr I think I can fuck a woman by GIVING her something
are you fucking retarded
the best way to fuck a women is by TAKING something
it's been like that since the Stone age
no women wants to be coddled

she talks like a valley girl and thinks there were three world wars

And another thing - has anyone here actually fire people from their jobs? Or is it just me?

Height or race has nothing to do with being an alpha. The feeling of ruining some asshole's life is. And I've ruined plenty of tall dudes careers.

She's funny too. I like that.

>thinks there were three world wars
Kek,any proof?Her dumbness is almost cute.

>Her dumbness is almost cute.

Yes, one of the many reasons why I like Brooke so much.

>OP btw


brooke? discord terrorist

Attached: brooke timestamp.jpg (2320x3088, 573K)

I printed out all her pictures and put them on my wall

OP here

I don't understand. What does that mean?

youre a fucking cuckold beta male and she will see you as nothing other than a beta orbiter. dont fucking do that shit.

OP here

I wife Brooke a lot, but even I wouldn't do that.

That is one of the best photoshops I've ever seen. You got talent, kid.


If she spent a day with me at my job, she wouldn't think so.

Any server she's actually in?Thought she had one.

Sorry, post was meant for:

she got kicked but keeps trying to join back

>this asian nigga's looking at dick pumps as we speak
>b-b-but im no beta

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It's legit,you nigger.I think these guys just made her do a timestamp to shill their server and told her she can come back after she does it,lol.

What don't you understand? I only noticed it was photoshoped from seeing her around, otherwise I would think it was it was real.

honestly I feel bad for you that you throw your feelings (and money) at women who absolutely not only will ignore you but abuse the shit out of it. Maybe you're into it, it's kinda sad.
I'm not one to give advice but if you want to find a woman that appreciates you as a whole, you should find someone without telling them about your money.

No work today. Just bored and thinking about Brooke.

she said in voice chat, no recording; her voice is jarring to me.

100% legit was in the voice call when we told her to write it.

Does Brooke have a nice butt user?

Which voice chat?Link her server here or something.

Am I losing my fucking mind? You mean that she hides all those fucking moles with makeup or is that some other thing I'm not aware of?

Grace is her real name. "brooke" is her online fake name.

>thinking about brooke
>while looking for dick pumps
You sure as hell got her head over heels rn.

Nigga,it's a fucking face mask/some shitty creams.She is autistic about her skin care routine lol.

OP here

I wouldn't know.

she got banned for being underaged it happened a couple of months ago.

the ak'Comfiyya one.
It's a face mask that stays wet longer on acne spots, she's only 15 so she has hormonal acne.

Use that money for therapy and anti-depressants/anti-anxiety pills, OP.

It's a 100% better investment and youll eventually be able to pull your own real life brooke instead of trying to buy her like a creepy autistic faggot no one wants around.

Anyone have a link to her sisters insta? I know she isnt all that great compared to brooke but still had a few good faps

>that stays wet longer on acne spots
Damn,looks like she has lots of those.

Does anyone know how tall brooke is?

Does she really have a bf though?irl?

Wow brooke is tall. Does anyone have a photo of her standing up?.

There used to be a merchant around who had all kinds of pictures of her and kept spreading them around,maybe op has some since he's such an obssessed fag.

>does she really have a bf
She is a 9/10 mixed tall thicc girl attending a majority black school. What do u think

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>What do u think
I think that everyone is a hormone crazed horny dude who only wants to fugg and she's dumb if she falls for that.

Been a while since I cracked open my rare brookes folder

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Why does she dress like a whore?

Is brooke a poorfag? Useally poorfag school districts are mostly black.

Are any of you the merchant dude?How did you get all this stuff?

what do you mean whore? she's a right wing traditional conservative
some anons saved a ton on some imgur pages. I dont remember them all though

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