What's your opinion on pedophiles Jow Forums? Should they have rights?

What's your opinion on pedophiles Jow Forums? Should they have rights?

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They need some help, I can think most are mentally ill

Pedobros are unjustly oppressed by normalfags because they think thoughts. Jow Forums is anti normalfags and pro pedobros

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>implying laws arent the only thing stopping pedos from raping kids
try again apologist

Who are you quoting, normalnig?

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They should all be bound and gagged and then shot by firing squad

honestly, this
Sick of people claiming it's "ableist" to say pedos are mentally ill. If you wanna fuck children, something went wrong in your brain that needs to be corrected.

You do know they are mentally I'll though right?? You think they want to have that urge dude??

You do realise thats what they used to say about homosexuals back in the day right?
Its just a matter of time user

but thats what im saying, though?

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you mean men

These two things arent comparable because one involves consenting adults

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Give me one instance of people calling pedos mentallly ill "ableist".


I just don't understand how can someone claim to not be attracted to pubescent girls? It's the ultimate female form, combing the best assets of womanhood that inspire attraction with all the innocence of youth which inspires affection. Anyone with a waifu over 14 just has bad taste.

prepubescent girls are better

going by maternal death rates, optimal age for a woman to have a child is between 17 and 25

Literally nothing adults do with kids involves their consent, so why should this one thing be so different?

They should have rights.
And lefts.
And repeat until they're dead.

All these gratuitously violent fantasies many right wingers have about what they would do to pedophiles... What the hell? I get that you think it should be illegal but please chill.

yes, until they commit a crime which is when society limits their rights, like what we already do.

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probably for the same reason you can't make children sign binding contracts

That doesn't relate to my post.

It's ok if she consents

A prepubescent girl would never ask you to fuck her though. It's less appealing to fantasise about a girl who would realistically never ever want to have sex with you, and who you would be an undeniable monster for molesting. A bratty, hormonal 12 year old is much more believable.

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I'm pretty much a hebe, so I'll say that I should have rights. Heck, I already do.

I think if we stopped demonizing their very existence and tried psychological intervention early into their developmental years or considered alternative sexual outlets they wouldn't be so hellbent on raping kids, but that's just me
also the templar attitude people have towards immoral behavior is seriously disturbing, I don't think any action is cause for literal crucifixion or skinning offenders alive like a lot of the populace apparently supports

they need help, not hatred, especially if they have never consumed child porn or done pedo stuff, whatever. i can only imagine it must be a nightmare living a life where the only thing you are attracted to is immoral and illegal. the self hatred, the punishment...

obviously, if you abuse a child, or aid in the abuse of a child, you should be punished, but i think help could go a long way too. i think condemning pedophiles who haven't actually acted on their urges is tantamount to punishing them simply because you perceive the fetish as "creepy".

no i am not personally a pedophile and i don't know any personally but i do have pedo online friends who only consume loli hentai to prevent themselves from harming anyone.

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tfw no hebe gf desu

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lefts too, and maybe a few knees

Pedos base their entire identities on violent rape fantasies though

An eye for an eye, a noose for a pedo

>Pedos base their entire identities on violent rape fantasies though
Even if that were true(It's not) you can't justly prosecute thought crimes.

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They should have the right to fuck kids

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Humanity has been prosecuting thought crimes for thousands of years. Laws don't change human nature.

Key word. I know normalfags are stupid.

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holy crap she's beautiful

bbl gonna go register down at the sherriff's office and get it over with

Just because people have been doing something for a long time doesn't mean it's the right thing to do or a good thing to do. Something being "natural" or in "our nature" is not a proper justification either.

Normalfags are the majority. You're not superior to them because you take a centrist view on the kid molesting question.

>Something being "natural" or in "our nature" is not a proper justification either.

That is literally the argument for tolerating attraction to underage girls

There is no age of consent in nature. Just raw sex

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And guess what?

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Offenders should be gased, those who don't act on it should be treated like nutcases were treated 50 years ago.

Pedophilia is a state of mind, not action in the world. I am not center, I am on the side of the unjustly oppressed, in this case pedobros.

Crack the nuts with a nutcracker.

Yes, Only rapist, murderers, and minorities shouldn't have rights.

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they should not have rights, no

there are no laws of any kind in nature, dumbass

Thats the only thin that separates us from other animals

If you like cowtits your rights should be taken away.
Just my opinion.

>A prepubescent girl would never ask you to fuck her though
if only you knew

So you don't have to follow them.

Many people don't, that's why we have the justice system.

I don't think so. I don't think so.

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All humans should have rights
Paedophiles should receive support from therapists
Local hospital has TV ads for its pedo program
If they touch children they should serve their time but the aim should be therapy/rehabilitation/prevention and not punishment

He attacks, and harasses to this very day, my beautiful angel. I will never forgive him.

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Yep of course. It's the child molesters in prison (and anyone in prison for that matter) who shouldn't have rights.