Robros i need your honest opinion ive got a pretty decently long dick but its the girth of a fucking twizzler ive been...

robros i need your honest opinion ive got a pretty decently long dick but its the girth of a fucking twizzler ive been looking at pumps that are supposed to help and ive came across bathmates penis pimp can i get an honest review if any have tried it please things like a freak of nature

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bump please fellow robros i need your help i dont wanna have a twizzler dick

i been thinking about getting a pump too. bathmate one

yea same but i dont know if its primarily just for length and girth is just a side-effect and id also like to know if its as harmful to your dick as other conventional pumps are

bump cmon bots with all the other shit threads going on you cant at least try and help a bro out

well is for both. I also heard pumps damage your cock. you just have to try it and find out

that is true but id like to hear reviews of something potentially harmful to see risk vs gain

just search bathmate reviews

Might as well wear sleeve bro.

It's all temporary gains.

Nobody knows how to get permanent gains. All the other methods just fuck up something about your dick and you just become that weird guy who tries to his dick.

Fortunately I got a 6x5 that works perfectly well. That upward curve is what makes the ladies squirm.

ive tried its all paid review garbage

yes but i heard bathmates was the "safest" and most proficient on the market right now

nd your lucky youve got a proportional dick i may be longer than you but ive literally got a twizzler dick just imagine a fleshy long thin dick if your a female that shits gross

Supposedly from everything gathered over the years.

Very few actually get gains and the ones claiming do not give any proof or if they do it is so easily shoved aside as bullshit.

The only guarantee is a temporary increase in size that can take anywhere from 10minutrs to maybe an hour to go back to normal. This size increase is via swelling. As you could imagine this IS damaging and you are sacrificing boner strength and vascularity for essentially soft, fatty tissue.

There is however hard evidence that it can damage and it seems obvious it will damage. You are swelling your dick up and expanding it beyond what it is supposed to go.

The only thing I can see from a logical stand point is erectile dysfunction from long term use.

I was thinking about buying various erotic -hobby kits- and testing them then writing down my findings but over all it seems pointless.

Side note, people that work or help those companies actively report on their products to embellish them to get sales. Happens a hell of a lot. I worked sales for a large company that had staff doing the same thing and some sales guys worked multiple sales gigs so they also wrote -reviews- on those sites to encourage people to buy. It is not like the company ever asked them to, they did this on their own merit to basically kiss ass.

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just buy l arginine and horny goat weed

I know your right but i just wanna be confirmed by someones whose actually used it im sorry man i just cant take being a freak

>l arginine and horny goat weed
wtf are those user

the upward curve emulates more girth and being stretched more, so that's why they like it. girls are into fat cocks. 5.5girth is the best objective girth but unfortunately like you im about 4.8 in the middle and 5.25 around the base, so not thicc dicc status. especially with my ~7 length it just looks thin.

i never tried horny goat weed but i took l arginie and i had solid boners and was horny all time. its a supplement

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I want to see your dick now with how much you talk about. Stop making me gay.

L arginine and horny goat weed is a supplement and a vitamin.
Horny goat weed had no effect on me but L Arginine increases blood flow.

These will not make you girthier per se and if they do it will not be that noticeable. They will make you rock hard and probably give your dick an upward curve from being so hard.
Good L Arginine tastes like bitter shit but is bearable if you mix it with iced tea (home made and sweet tea to USA)

I would recommend cock rings. It traps the blood just do not use it for long or too much but it will make you veins pop and give more sensation if she is tight enough for that.

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dude youre misinterpreting what im saying i can get hard fine what i need is something thatll give my dick girth because it literally looks like a twizzler

I think it is the width that gives us the thin look / feel. Girth wise you could be fine but width may not be that impressive.
I feel like I have a pencil dick but am too afraid to measure lol.

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what 's the measurements of ur dick? are you overweight and do you exercise? i used to be badly obese like 5'10 260 and when i got to 190 i could see the whole length of my dick and it looked bigger and also i measured that i gained like .2 in girth from better blood flow from exercising. especially running and doing leg workouts it really really helped erection quality and also size.

>I would recommend cock rings
this shit fuck ups your cock

It def increases the bloodflow in the penor

There's dudes out there with less than average girth too

From long term use, yes they certainly do. I seldom use one and it is just a fun addition but nothing more. I think one major issue is people get the shopper drug mart ones which pinch the fuck out of your dick.

Anyways, there is no true help for size and society is doing everything but helping men accept their size and how they were born. Society being both men and women. Honestly Tinder seems to have made things worse too.

Thus is life.

>I want to see your dick now with how much you talk about. Stop making me gay

i dont even wanna show girls my cock as is what make u think im gonna show some dude ont the web, stop thinking about dick your making yourself gay

>what 's the measurements of ur dick? are you overweight and do you exercise?

ima about 7.5" 8" on a good day and width and girth-wise im really thin literally twizzler thin dude

some females prefer thin dicks because they dont want their pussies stretched

dont worry about the thickness until you get a complaint

Well yeah, lol. Seems kinda no shit.
Height, muscles, penis size, and everything else a human has we have our highs, lows and averages.

I think the biggest part is getting over that it is not average but this site sure does not help with the ads people are getting.

Most women do not complain to your face. Just like men, it is behind the back.

Have you seen the board you chose to post in, lol.

Unless you got a 4x4 I wouldn't worry. (That's sad though)

imagine if they made a pill that makes you get a 9inch cock? what do think all these roasties will try to do? i bet some will do everything to keep their bfs.

do your fingers touch if you wrap your fingers around and try to touch your thumb and index finger? is there a lot of overap? but seriously you should get a ruler and piece of paper and mark down 1 inch 2 inch 3 inch up to like 6 inches and wrap it around the thickest part of the middle of your dick. at least then people here will have some information to work with.

if you're almost 8 inches an average girth or even slighly above would look thin because of the length. it probably isnt that bad desu i thought mine looked super thin because its long and i have a flared out tip and it's not as bad as i thought it was.

>dont worry about the thickness until you get a complaint

do you think id be posting here if i havent gotten complaints ive had a girl call my dick an E.T finger and walk out of my apartment laughing at me i literally almost ended it that night

don't do it it'll damage your p-due

Honestly I know some guys with dicks worse than that but they still find women to marry. But I have noticed those women tend to get unhealthy and fat. Not sure if it is because of a sexual fulfillment thing or a marriage thing.
If they made it they would push it so hard and it would probably costs tens of thousands of dollars. If it was available to all then it would be pushed and I feel the society we live in would adapt to that and in time we will either have people complaining dicks are too big or praising even larger dicks.

But they would all leave their bfs again the moment they find out theyre broke from all the pills

Your dick made her go home

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>do your fingers touch if you wrap your fingers around

i can literally wrap the my middle finger around my dick girth wise and still have a lil room for more

yes i tought all roasties care about is length but they want girth too FUUUUUUUCK

hahahaaaaaa oh oh


On reddit there is a community dedicated to penis enlargement it's called ajelqforyou, should probably ask them

buddy idk what to tell you. the only thing i've heard and looked into was jelqing or pumping is supposed to help and if you do it slowly and consistently and most importantly, gently over a long period of time, you might actually gain some girth. if not im sure there's a couple girls out there somewhere with long and tight pussies.

gtfo redditfag i would ever go to a putrid place like reddit begone fiend

bless you for your kind words user i hope you live a prosperous life so your naivety wont be your downfall

daily reminder that there is absolutely NO evidence that PE works.

>Have you seen the board you chose to post in, lol.

i chose this board for a reason if anyone would know its other bots with the same problem

please is there no other that can help with my affliction i beg of thee please come forth


then get someone who can faggot

OP I can help you but you will need to post discord, file size limits