Make your gains while you can. Soon it will only be legal for mudslimes.
Make your gains while you can. Soon it will only be legal for mudslimes
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does anyone even take the APA seriously?
why is it ok for sandniggers to hate gays and beat their wives, stone people to death and in general be pure evil?
should I convert? ;^)
It informs corporate culture so you will be affected by it unless you NEET mode and even then you need disability benefits to do that long term so either way you are getting estrogenised by the state
>lower IQ line of retardation to cater to niggers (one third of which ARE mentally retarded according to previous European standards)
>removes homosexuality as mental disorder go cater to faggots
>removes transexualism as mental disorder go cater go bruce jenner
>now says masculinity is "toxic"
Psychology as a field is a non-science and is 80+% women. Disregard entirely.
Homophobia isn't the cartoon evil that faggots say it is though. Most people just think gays and trannies are gross because they are. It's an instinctive natural repulsion that probably serves evolutionary purposes
Jordan Peterson has kept quiet about this. Boy I wonder why.
>oy, you look too ripped and masculine for the job. We'll have to give it to Andrea here, she needs it more than you anyway for her HRT.
cmon really?
Jordan Peterson is a pseudo intellectual.
He's in academia and psychology because he's not actually smart.
He just rambles with big words. Pretty easy to fool retards when talking like a prick.
>tripfag cares about Gayordon Memerson
Based. >Your co-workers have made comments about you user we aren't sure you can work in a team with women anymore (which is more and more of the workforce thanks current year mentality)
I agree. But he is a clinical psychologist so by ignoring this he is passively condoning it.
No I think he's a fag but I wanted to point out the fact that he isn't saying anything about this
Oh come on, this is bullshit.
Nobody is trying to prevent you from lifting, toxic masculinity is useless aggression and bullying.
>Ew user you lift I can't date a bigot
This is the future you are allowing
Because women don't bully?
Yes i'm sure that a couple of news articles that women don't even read will change their innate sexual preferences.
Why are you so insecure?
this. I wondered what kind of fag would made such a dumb comment. Then I fucking noticed the trips
Less often and usually not physically.
What is it with yall jees and traps
Who is this qt? I see her here every day.
This. I have no anger towards gay people and am friendly with them if I encounter them, most of those I've encountered have been pleasant people. However I still feel that it doesn't have a place in my family, my home, or my ideal community.
Why are you tripfagging?
physical bullying is way less of a problem than someone shitting right into your soul.
i-it's happening!!
>News articles
The APA had made its biggest ruling in 127 years user.
t.cant handle the reality
Tiktok girl
Why aren't you?
America is next!
Whites shouldn't life anyway.
>does anyone even take the APA seriously?
He's literally one of the top scientists in his field. There's nothing "pseudo" about him.
sticks and stones pussy
in a field of retards
>toxic masculinity is useless aggression and bullying.
Being muscular is useless aggression actually.
It says only certain aspects of masculinity are bad. That's not really something controversial
>It says only certain aspects of masculinity are bad. That's not really something controversial
It's extremely controversial.
Psychology is not a science. "Science" has a fairly strict definition, based upon quantitative measurements and reproducible results. Psychology has neither of these things -- studies are typically performed using qualitative measurements, and published Psych studies have something like a 40% reproducibility rate -- compared to 90+% in the hard (read: actual) sciences like Physics, Chemistry, etc.
He is not a scientist, and his field is not scientific. The only reason you consider him "top" is because he's become a public figure. Nobody cares about his """research""", just like black science man.
>Less often and usually not physically.
Women are more aggressive and men and they bully MORE often. It's just that they're too weak to do it physically.
Have they linked feminine ideology to anything negative yet?
Or have they used the term toxic femininity yet?
Until they do, this is just an attack on men in general and an attempt to demonize yet another normal thing that humanity needs to survive so they can earn more money from retards and have another sphere of influence in which to control the masses.
Part of me would actually love gyms becomming illegal
>Announce that gyms are banned
>Gyms worldwide rush to get rid of all their equipment
>Prices drop drastically
>Will be able to build a home gym for an absolute steal
>Scarcity makes prices drop
Please go take Econ 101
They'd make all the equipment illegal, thus skyrocketing prices.
It wouldn't be scarce though, gyms would be rushing to make *any* money off their equipment before the bans take place
Psychology is a real science, and his field is actually psychometrics and personality. Here results are are derived quantitatively and require little qualitative inference. This field is concerned with describing the nature of human behavior, statistically. And we haven't even touched upon his work on addiction, which is certainly closely tied in with neuroscience.
>and published Psych studies have something like a 40% reproducibility rate
That's SOCIAL psychology, something which Peterson criticizes often. Don't conflate that particular field with anything else. I think this may be your main problem: you read some (perfectly valid) criticism of a subfield of psychology, and now you think you know enough to make away with an entire body of knowledge derived of centuries of scientific study. It's extremely arrogant.
the madman
If you still dont believe that (((they))) are trying to turn males more and more into low test obedient cucks youre a fucking brainlet. Just saying
Theyve been doing that for years in Sweden user, its nothing new. Gyms and police have the authority to randomly test you for steroid use if you look "too big"
It is true that many guys want to be more jacked and associate size with power. It’s also true that becoming more muscular buys you some social clout based, in part, on associations with physical dominance. We are all larping to an extent here. I personally enjoy doing this and know for a fucking fact that I am treated with respect and deference based on being a muscular man. At the same time, I don’t believe it is really “fair”, given a supposed capitalist meritocracy, but we enjoy “off the books” or personal privileges related to other’s perceptions of us all the time. I don’t mind this and intend to leverage it every time I can, but it’s naive to pretend that it doesn’t exist and that it is not “fair” according to the supposedly prevailing system of valuation. In other words, you don’t hate women, you hate capitalism.
They going to ban iron bar stock and sand for making molds. Cast your own plates. Niggers build smd's in the jungle in gun free countries. I am sure Jow Forums can cast plates.
I think you conflated capitalism with meritocracy.
my sides
What are you screeching about? This is obviously true
I bet you fuckers cant even cry
And still you would protect your opressors like the good little slaves you are
>people think they are gross because they are
The level of philosophy here is so low it hurts
Tripfagging on an anonymous image board is honestly pathetic, if you want a super special username you can use reddit
Otherwise I'll be filtering you
It's more a matter of common sense desu, I'm sorry but most people think your a bit gross
The common sense you should apply is that reality doesn't care about your feelings
Also older civilizations didnt care if men fucked other men, its a monotheism thing, so your evolutionary model doesn't hold
Read about it if you dont believe me
Not gay btw, just not retarded
psychological bullying is way worse than physical
Welp, time to drop my shrink
This. I'm not afraid of faggots. I just don't want them anywhere near my kids
Tbf a lot of manly dudes are homophobic. Not misogynistic tho
I bet you have no problem with priests though
>cut your dick off because you think your a woman GOOD
>lift weights because your a guy BAD
all the college institutions and academia, even in third wolrd countries.
t. college student from the third world
>Top in his field
Lmao no. He's some mid tier prof. who got efamous. His shitty book he made in the 90s 'maps of meaning' barely sold. Until recently he was barely relevant
I can't deny it anymore
Okay nigger
I don't hate fags just the iffeminite ones.
Welcome to 2019
what sneakers are those? not onitsuka tigers obvoisuly
Based. If he asks why email him this or gonold school and print it out and give it to him. If it was a woman then you have been doubly cucked but now you can unJUST
College institutions and academia are overtly hostile to men and are just giant daycares for well off(mostly white)girls who'll end up turned, out, mostly infertile, "pansexual" debt slaves.
>Lmao no.
lmao yes
His H index is extraordinarily high. He has over 10,000 citations. There is no arguing with his impact in science.
if you want to do that then go live in one of their countries
Logo looks like a knock-off Mizuno, not sure if that helps
He has talked extensively about iq wtf are you talking about
Can confirm, but go damn is it a pussy playground here. I'm not even on good shape by Jow Forums standards, but I got big arms a thick neck and no fucking tits which puts me in the top 20% right off the bat. Couple that with my age and social skills and general good looks and I climb into the single digits without even trying. Fucking glad I decided to go.
He doesn't like to talk about IQ and race, but he has acknowledged the reality of the data on at least one occasion. He knows it's career suicide to talk publicly about it.
>Pussy playground
No, not it isn't.
It's a sexual harrassment/rape minefield filled with creeper snowflakes and bottom of the barrel bitches everywhere.
That's college now. The hot horny college girls stereotype that academia pushes in desperate hopes of keeping men going to that giant hustle is beginning to fall apart.
They can't juggle the hot college bitches who're just begging for cock and the rapes/sexual assaults happen every 10 seconds so women need special treatment lie they have going. It's not going to work.
Something has to give, and there's been a meteoric drop in general male attendance.
And you should kill yourself.
This. They will give up their most fertile years for some job that is probably dominated by women anyway like secretary or teaching or social care etc. A few of them might get semi decent corporate roles that they will have to give up being a mother for what to serve them.
>Imagine being this much of a Peterson cocksucker. Now name one theory that normal people outside academia would attribute to Peterson? I'll wait.
He doesn't talk about iq and race and hasn't addressed the APA on this new development at all. Get fucked bucko.
This. Also most girls in college are so self absorbed they will look like trash by the end of the first year. The ones that don't are doing ectasy and banging their roommate out of boredom
>tfw brown
Blow me nerds
Rapefugees > black women >white women >Asian women >black men >Asian men >white men
I mean you are doing better then me but not by asuch as you think
I mean I am currently going to college right now, and have never had a problem like you describe or known anyone who has. In fact the only times I ever hear about sexual assault it's always an "international" (read curry nigger) student. The white frat guy rapist is little more than a propaganda issue because the truth would be racist and everyone knows it. If you are white and don't take up the habit of fucking the low hanging fruit you will be just fine.
Mexicans > power gap > rapefugees > niggeress > cumskin womyn > insect women > niggers > insect men > cumskin "men"
It's claimed to be an issue in every college in the west
Secondly, are you really going to say that white frat guys dindu nuffin?
>Progressiv bullshit for 500
What is toxic femininity, Alex.
>He just rambles with big words
Lol, really? I like him because he keeps it simple. If you think he talks with ''big words'' to sound smart, then I have bad news for ya.
>>Imagine being this much of a Peterson cocksucker. Now name one theory that normal people outside academia would attribute to Peterson? I'll wait.
Normal people aren't scientists. Certainly, his work on addiction and personality has gotten impact in other areas as well though. And he is one of the most successful public intellectuals of our time, as well. His ideas have reached millions and millions of laymen already. So you kind of lay a trap for yourself there and fell into it. Sorry.
>big words
Oh boy.
Unironically because they get funding for claiming rapes/sexual assaults happened on their campus. Look at how many rape cases actually run though court in college counties compared to how many are claimed to have happened by the college.
And or course a white frat guy somewhere did something, the point is that the real problem is the international (Indian) students who practically make up a lower caste on college campuses, but they don't want to draw attention to that because international students are a cash cow for the universities.
had to hang out with some fag yesterday and the fucker couldnt stop talking about fucking other men and 'being a bitch''
jesus christ what have we become
I fucking hate it but it's the only way I can get a job in electrical engineering.
And in the case of this poor fucker, they were right.
>vigorexia is a good thing
the LARPers in this thread are really stunning.
No. Not at all.
You can get a job in that field without a bachelors degree.
I want to at least have the CHANCE to be promoted to a higher authoritative position instead of just implementing other people's designs.
Haven't since they took being a faggot off the list of mental illnesses
This is something I have been saying for years. Psychologists are a bunch of lying faggots who don't know shit. Had a friend go through depression who went to different psychiatrists. Every single one of them diagnosed him with some other shit. At the end he had all kinds of mental disorders. What did the dude really need? Some pussy.
>older civilizations didnt care if men fucked other men
they kind of did, user
>Not gay btw, just not retarded
and very absent minded
You're confusing psychologists with psychiatrists.
>Young men getting drunk and trying to get laid
>Young sluts trying to make there killcount seem lower by claiming rape after the fact
>Can't name any theory of daddy peterson that entered the public sphere
Wow I guess that means he is influential right? You Peterson nob gobblers are hilarious.
Based. Same with the anxiety meme, it's a way to get people not to make life decisions by getting on the medical Jew instead
WIll all of you idiots get off the internet for a few weeks, the second you stop actively looking for these retarded articles to get upset at you start realizing how few people actually know about/believe any of this. I have NEVER heard anyone bitching about muh toxic maxculinity in real life, I've never been treated strangely for fucking lifted weights, and I would bet money that you fearmongering dipshits haven't either
>The APA making the biggest announcement in 127 years is 'going looking for jt