I finally asked out the girl I was creeping on for the last 2 months in my gym


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Ill bite, howd she react retard?

Does she have a sizable behind?

Two ducks or one goose?
If you had to choose.

she was smiling the whole time so I dont know if it was out of pity or joy.
She said yes, we going out. Probably gonna take her to minigolf or something.

yeah, she is a little bit chubby, and all of it is on her ass.

greentext now faggot

In winter?

you do realize that different places on earth have different climates?

Dude it's literally snowing rn

Okay yeah. But in winter?

dude its sunny right now.

I always try to get em' for the lunch date, I live in a densely populated suburb but its a short drive from a few really "quaint" small towns. Take her to a small family owned cafe. Walk her around to see some of the cool old architecture.
It gets the pussy juices FLOWING


my gym crush saw me shirtless and she stared at me for a bit. Is this a good sign?

Depends on her facial expression


It was pretty neutral but as i turned from her, i saw her continue to look at me in the glass reflection

OP I wanna know EXACTLY how you did it and what you said so I can judge where you are on the autism/chad continuum

im not op but im pretty autistic
>in sauna
>take a break
>finish my water bottle
>step out to the hall to refill it
>as im walking back to the sauna the qt girl comes out
>i look at her for a bit
>see her staring at me
>turn to go back
>catch her still looking at me
i've caught her miring me when i lift but i've never even talked to her. i have a decent physique but im an autist

how did you do it OP? i want to do the same

I’m looking outside my window right now, it’s snowing you fucking retard.

Male and female duck?

I bet this incel hasn't been out of the basement for a few months

I haven’t been out of your mom’s love basement in a few months

p.s. that’s what we call her butthole

>see the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen in the gym on a sunday when it was just me and her
>she eye fuck me the whole time
>don’t approach her
>leave the gym like a pussy
>say the next time i see her i’ll say hello
>never see her again

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Post body

Jow Forums

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Ask if you can take her to pound town first. She’ll love your openness!

Your torso looks freakishly long but other than that good physique


nice. Would look really good if you add some lbs

yeah a lot of people think im a swimmer because of my torso
5'8 150lbs
my goal weight is 160 but im still working on overcoming my skelly appetite

Why are all the /aesthetic/ posters manlets?

Atta boy, dont worry I'm autistic too
>At restaurant/bar with friends
>be 6'5"
>extremely short waitress walks by a few times
>every single time she walks by gives me a strong side eyes
>probably just cuz of tattoos and height desu
>inb4 edgyfag. I know.
>everytime it happens I nudge my friends girlfriend and say
>"do you see how hard this bitch mirin'?"
>friends all tell me to ask for her number
>I don't
Anticlimactic, but ya boy was getting mired hard

>say the next time i see her i’ll make a move
>see her again
>pussy out again
story of muh life