Have you ever seriously thought about what will happen when you die, user?
Everyone is living on a timer. You'd like to think you're invincible, but soon enough you'll join the billions of other men who have passed on to the next phase.
Have you ever seriously thought about what will happen when you die, user?
Other urls found in this thread:
>babbys almost at his first existential crisis
>Have you ever seriously thought about what your religion always talks about daily
Why yes. Yes I have. More so in my mid-teens. Often imagining life after death til I reached 19
Whatever learned is, if you want to go without regret or guilt do everything while you can.
If you failed short or didn't do as much as you should of, then it's your responsibility
So now Im chill
When I am dead and gone, hopefully my music will live on. I am confident that it will as long as I secure a place for it to survive. I hope that all of the music I have written will be recorded and permanently uploaded on SoundCloud and YouTube. I am working towards this life long goal. I know that my music will never be popular or well known but only to a small handful of people. It is for this reason that I have to use the internet as a permanent location for my music.
Ah! A wise man. Tell me, sage, since you appear to be so knowledgeable; what exactly is the meaning of life? What will happen after our brains cease to function?
Post it, user, I'll add one to the count of people who've heard it.
>he's in his sarcastic, disengaged phase
ask more specific questions. how are your grades doing?
probably nothing
but if anything happens, it's most likely some weird trippy stuff, like when you take psychedelics, cause your conciousness will be completely detached from your senses, before arriving in heaven or hell or whatever
Mhmm... if I were to do that I would reveal who I am. This is not a good place to be known in. I will think about it for as long as this thread still lives.
Fairly confident that there is an afterlife. NDE research is fucking insane when you look into it. A lot of it is completely inexplicable.
And no, it is not DMT released in the brain. That has been disproven. Stop taking Joe Rogan's word for gospel.
I really can't wait, fuck this fucked life of mine in this fucked world. Twenty two years of this cow shit and I've more than had it.
>claims its inexplicable
>"fairly confident there is an afterlife"
disproven by the absence of a beforelife. if there is a soul you don't get to keep your memories or personality, see: symptoms of brain disorders.
Quit it with your government keeps us all here to tax us bull shit. Go fuck yourself, some of us want off now.
Why do you assume that there wasn't a "beforelife"? You're trusting your brain, in this phase of existence, to remember a time before it existed. Do you not see how futile that is?
Did you reply to the wrong thing user. If you meant to reply to me, I have no idea what you mean
They're pretty good but I've lost motivation to do anything now that I've had these revelations. Good job seeing right through me though, I'm embarrassed.
If you don't think about what will happen if you die every day you do not belong here. Fuck off back to plebbit you faggot. For me it would be like this
If I an hero Mr Shekelstein would be the first to realize my absence, though wouldn't know why. Probably would assume I quit without notice. no calls/texts for the month. Fast forward to the first of the month. Landlord notices rent is late. five days later pay or quit eviction notice posted. All this time he hasn't heard a word from me. Possibly 2 - 3 weeks into the month is when my landlord would come into my apartment and find the remains
Anyone else know for a fact they would not be found until 6 - 7 weeks after their suicide?
>he trusts his lower state primal brain to have memories and comprehension of the higher layer
Afterlife is made up to keep us working and taxed. Drop that shit and suicide isn't as scary.
>word salad
this contradicts any argument that there is an afterlife. the connotation for afterlife implies an experience. you're just saying there is a supernatural connection to some other existence in 5D Chess Land, which is fine to be agnostic about but meaningless to talk about. Why not simulation? why not this being the highest layer? why not everyone = one? these are the most basic and inconsequential philosophical debates. if you'll have them, take drugs first.
I think about getting old fairly often. Not "oh no I'm over 30" old but "everyone I knew growing up is either dead or dying, my body is failing, my mind is failing, my grand list of life achievements has for sure seen its last entry" old
Hi robot, how are you today
Weird how i'm both terrified and relieved I will die. What kind of fucked up existence is this to induce such a feeling?
There's nothing except a void of darkness after death, try and enjoy what life is left.
To be honest, I can't wait to see what happens and how it will happen. I hope the gut that tries doesn't lose his life lol. i'll probably just revive while you NPCs will cease to exist.
im a sic fric i like to kill spic
I used to think about it a lot. The idea of not existing gives me panic attacks. Now I just ignore it.
I was expecting "fuck niggers!" and I'm sorely disappointed. Terrible.
>you'd like to think you're invincible
no i fucking don't
I hope your found sooner, friend