300 ml 25% cream

300 ml 25% cream
1 banana

1000 calories and fucking delicious.
Now tell me that gaining weight is hard.

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It's not, the twig twinks here just refuse to eat and constantly overestimate their calories

of course its not, only literal children say so, like they need parents to force feed them and they're gonna cry about it too

I eat peanut butter with nutella and I get lke 2 000 calories in a single meal, it's easy as FUCK, twinkshits are just stupid as fuck and eat a bunch of filling foods and think they're eating enough.

>gaining weight is hard
Only stubborn skellies say that.

>bulking on pure sugar

You're right I'll just go out and buy some bananas

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>Natural peanut butter with 0 sugar and a good ammount of protein and a lot of fat
>nutella which has some sugar but also fat and small ammounts of protein
>pure sugar
pick one lmao


Get a job and stop being poor faggot

Nutella gives me runny diarrhea if i eat it more than two days in a row but i'm not allergic to anything,how come ?

Good stuff OP. Anyone else have more cheap/quick calorie dense recipes for this hungry skelly?

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Nutella is more than half sugar with some fat and almost no protein

Gaining weight is easy. Gaining muscle while staying leanis the difficult part

so don’t stay lean. get fat and strong and then cut later. it’s bulking season baby embrace it

m8 nutella is nutrition void sugarpaste

im a massive brainlet and european, can someone tell me what that is? 300ml whole milk is just like 200cals and a banana cant be much, and i dont think cream either

>Just drink 300 ml of cream bro.

>Just eat quarter a jar of peanut butter and Nutella bro.

The very fact that you guys can eat that much of that stuff without vomiting, and think that is normal, shows how much crap your parents shoveled down your throat as a kid just because they couldn't arse with cooking you real food. We aren't used to it.

Not here in the Southern hemisphere

1 cup of heavy cream is like 800 calories

Drink clarified butter
Put clarified butter in everything you eat

>90% fat 10% muscle ''''weight'''''

>Gaining muscle while staying leanis the difficult part
>Thus, having the highest possible relative strength should be your primary concern, rather than the greatest absolute strength. This, of course, flies in the face of the conventional online wisdom that "he who lifts the most wins", as anyone who's not a sloppy fucking mass of adipose tissue would be far more impressed with a stupendous lift by a guy with visable musculature than they would with a Louis Cyr lookalike's world-shattering lift. This is why everyone shits their pants about Stan Efferding, Joe Ladnier, and Matt Kroczaleski when there's a new record broken in the squat by a different circus fat man every 45 minutes. This is also the reason why most of you know who 170 lb Bulgarian Olympic Ivan Stoitsov is, and have seen his pic a thousand times, but have no idea who Tatiana Kashirina is, in spite of the fact that she probably clean and jerks what you deadlift.
>If you're wondering why no one knows the name of a fat Russian chick who holds the world record in the clean and press and the snatch (a chick who probably outlifts the vast majority of us on just about everything), don't. Fat people aren't really people- they're placeholders where people should be. No one wants to look at them, strong or not, nor be around them long enough to locate their genitalia and fuck. They look like shit, wheeze when they breathe, and are in mortal danger of stroking out when doing anything other than doing a single repetition on one of their pet exercises or eating. This doesn't change much when a fat guy or girl picks up something heavy- we expect them to be able to do so when the object they're lifting is a fraction of their bodyweight, no matter how heavy that object is. Thus, if really doesn't matter that a fat person is all that strong.

peanuts aren't complete proteins. You need at least the 8 essential amino acids to build any muscle or else its just empty calories. Eat peanuts for the fat in them.

I can't eat constantly, I'm always about to fucking throw up shoving shit down my throat. How tf do people eat 3k+ calories???


Based. Bloatlords are disgusting creatures

just become taller lmaooo

yeah no shit if you eat 4500 calories a day you’re gonna be a fat piece of shit. i’m talking about moderate fat gain which is normal on any bulk. getting autistic about staying lean with a small surplus is only going to slow your gains and make
your bulk cycle less efficient

is that sour cream?

Which pathetic DYEL twink's blog is this and why should I take it seriousy?

Here is a fact: There is absolutely no significance to your weight to strength ratio, unless you are a gymnast. None. Nobody IRL cares about how much weight you can lift relative to your height. I am a manlet and pressed my body weight after 4 months of lifting. Do you think that was just as impressive as Eddie Hall's lmao4pl8 overhead press? No, of course not, because of the simple fact that 4pl8 is more weight than 1pl8. An ant is stronger for its size than an elephant, but only brainlets are awed by the ant lifting lmao1leaf and not by the elephant lifting a fucking tree trunk. When you say "strong", people think of a gorilla or a bear or a hippo; not an ant, not a dung beetle, not a rat. The reason why people are fascinated by guys like Naim Süleymanoğlu is because it is just physically more unlikely for someone who weighs 135 lbs to lift 4pl8 over his head; not becase they actually think it is a more impressive feat than fucking Clarence's 5pl8 lift. If Brock Lesnar was coming to kill you, you would pick Clarence to defend you, not Naim. Let's be honest here, why strength is impressive to people in the first place is because strenght is useful. It is useful in a fight, it is useful for survival, it is useful against aging and sickness. There is zero functional use to how strong your are relative to your size, other than in acrobatics or running... but you are doing neither? You are doing lifting. You are doing a strength sport. If someone is stronger than you, they will fuck you up in a fight, carry more than you, and withstand more physical stress; in real life it doesn't matter if they are bigger. Some guy who can lift more than you is a better lifter than you no matter what. Fucking duh.

Weight classes are the ultimate cope. All of them should be abolished, in every sport.

A large plate of cheese and crackers with butter.
Wash it down with some milk, eat that 3x a day and you bulk easily.

>Which pathetic DYEL twink's blog is this

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>make your bulk cycle less efficient
If you kept lean while bulking you wouldn't need to cycle between bulking and cutting, and by extension wouldn't need to "autistically" worry about maximizing your weight gain in the X months you've decided are for making yourself fat

You know, being stronger means shit when you can't use your strength more than twice without getting a stroke

have fun making x0.5 the gains someone bulking would make over the same time

The only reason why heavier pro athletes are at a higher risk of disease is because all pro athletes are. Roids. Natty strength athletes will still be in relatively decent health no matter how fat they get, unless they reach Grizzly levels.

how tf do people even thrkw up from eating too much anyways

I've hit thousands of calories in a single meal before and haven't even felt close to throwing up

ain't gonna lie bro, i would if i could but currently 18 years old and 5'7.

Not as quick but my go-to:

400ml whole milk
2 tbsp peanut butter
100g oats
1 scoop whey powder

Is about 1000 calories but healthier than OP's. Also add a good amount of berries for taste if you want, but it tastes alright on its own IMO.

just eat bread & drink dairy and sips

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>just dirty bulk bro!
No thanks

>5 dl milk
>3 dl quick oats
>1-2 cooked, skinless potatoes
>2 dl ice cream
>1 banana

>All those calories with literally no animal protein/leucine
You're never gonna make it you retard

>t. student that takes ketamine and smokes weed every day

