Help on bench

I bench 47.5kg for 5 reps. This is my absolute max and for the love of me I can't progress you guys.

I need help to develop my pecs.

Can you help me? How to get stronger and do more reps?

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Lmao by you saying it's already your absolute max you have already failed. Think about the mindset and try again

Also how are we supposed to help you exactly without you posting your stats and bodyweight as well and also your routine

consume food
aquire sleep
lift consistently

you are probably not doing them all, food is insanely important

If you count the bar, it'll be 67kg and it's more than 1pl8

I bench three times a week, 5x5.

5'10, 141lbs.

I already counted the bar.

I don't want to get fat. Trying to lean bulk. I have already been cutting for 2 times because I lost my abs.

>try harder
>eat more
>bench more
>bench more often
It's probably the first one

That's not me by the way.

I really do my best.

Not gonna lie the way I personally improved on my bench was that I always had a spotter with me(my friend) so I would always go heavy and my numbers just sky rocketed because I wasn't concerned with the weight falling on me because I knew my friend had my back

Damn. Maybe I should try that.

Bad advice.
OP you'll be made fun of for lifting 27kg. That's completely unacceptable for grown man.

do you do any dumbell chest exercises?

Retract your scapula

I don't, at all.

Dont listen to this fag who actually gives a shit about what other gym members say. Everyone starts somewhere but the end result is what matters and the journey leading up to your Greek sculpture body. Get one of your friends to start lifting with you and they will be forever grateful 2 years down the line when both of you are fucking ripped(assuming proper diet and lifting)

i do inclined dumbell press and chest flies

pyramid down
47.5kg for 5
then do some more sets at 40kg -> 35kg -> 30kg, then do some push ups

in other words, do more work

Maybe try doing weighted dips for a month or two and then switch back to benching.

Honestly just try harder.

I was stuck at 60kg for a while and managed to get to 70kg in 2 weeks after starting a minicut. I heard that to preserve muscle it's best to keep intensity high, so I started putting more effort in. Just learn how to do the roll of shame and you'll have no problem failing a lift at that weight.
If that doesn't work try experimenting with your grip width and form. What I did, was lower the empty bar to my chest, just below my nips and place my hands somewhere where my arms were bent at 90 degrees and experiment from there moving a finger width at a time.

WHat frequency did you bench at?


Running Phrak's Greyskull LP so 1.5 times a week on avg. Been on it for 4 months now so after exam's will probably swap to more frequency to see how it goes

>he actually counted the bar

Im sorry, theres no help for you except roids

I was stuck at 52,5 kg for ages.
I squatted 90 kg but for the life of me couldn’t bench more.
Do you follow a PPL routine? As soon as I switched to full body I progressed on bench and incline bench.

I don't, I run 5x5 stronglifts.

eat more, at your height/weight and strength level you look like shit so don't worry about losing your abs. How long have you been lifting that you've wanted to cut twice?

That guy () wasn't me.

Post your other lifts

all the same eat more, and get enough protein. You don't need the 2g per lb that everyone one here shill but try to get AT LEAST 60g a day

80kg 5x5 squat

30kg OHP

70kg DL

Weighted dips, more heavy horizontal row, JM press.

serious question, genuinely not memeing
are you a girl?

I'm a 140lbs dude. 5'10.

eat more get your protons

I'm 172cn 51kg and bench 47.5kg x 5 too, just eat more and stick to an LP program.

I bench 3x a week and my bench is going up pretty steadily. I want a big chest

Do ancillary work; dumbbell bench, flies, etc.
Eat more protein and make sure it is the right mix and you aren't missing an essential amino acid or something. Eat at least a little bit right immediately after you bench.
Have some electrolytes and carbs before you lift. I assume you already use creatine, but if not, use it.
Reduce weight slightly, work on building your number of reps up a lot, then push into the higher weights by reducing reps.
Make your chest a priority for a while. Train it twice a week (but not more than that) and do the bench as the first exercise in your routine. Possibly even deliberately plateau on your leg work until the bench catches up.
Get your head settled about it. Psychological factors can be important. Approaching a weight you have stalled on before can be demoralising. Accept that stalls happen, work around them.
Practise rolling the bar off you. It reduces the fear of failure when you know how simple it is to deal with not being able to lift it.
If it really, really matters to you and nothing else is working, make a conscious decision to lose you abs for a couple of months (it isn't summer, you are safe for a while) and just eat a lot.


I just feel so weak tbqh. I can do the reps no problem, but I can't seem to add even the tiniest amount of weight without it becoming insanely hard.

I know I don't eat enough, I'm currently bulking hard right now.

What would be the best ancillary exercises for me?

>5'10 141lbs
eat more. and 15 sets of bench in a week is a lot, especially for a beginner, do fewer sets, id say fewer times benching, or do 3 sets each day if you want to keep the current routine, either way that reduction could mean you can up the weight
I don't think you should be writing your own program though

How long have you been lifting?

4 months.

>tfw was at 70kg 3 x 5 after a month of SS then got shoulder impingment because of my shit form
been a bit more than a week and I can feel my gaind evaporating

focus on form over weight OP

height weight?

>get more protein
>get enough sleep
>do other chest related exercises if you aren't already
Whenever I do bench it's always 5x5. I was stuck for the longest times at 155lbs for 5 reps until I realized I was benching like a retard. If you aren't already doing this what you want to do before you bench is set yourself first. Tighten your upper back as much as you can and arch your back when you're on the bench. You need to be positioned where you're hands have to reach up to your head to unrack the bar. Keep your upperback tight throughout the whole lift, use it as a sort of anchor or wall to push off of. Once I started doing that I went from being stuck at 155 to being able to do 175 and I'm now progressing every week.

60kg 5'8 but i've had previous lifting experience so i'm not a true beginner

Got any advice to become this strong?

you're asking the wrong person, sorry

thanks op for posting this. first time ever im mogging someone on bench. im currently at 50kg bench.

just start pumping out reps as much you can behind the 47kg. like on 40 42 and pump one of them high as you can. then go to 47 a few times too

bench more, more days of the week
some days try 1rm, other days bench for volume. try going amrap on 50-60% max
Also try pause bench, start your reps from the pins

Im 173cm 60kg bench 80kg x5rm. ufpwlifter is my inspiration