How come you KHVs want a gf so bad? I will never get it. I might be a KHV too but at least I'm not pathetic enough to care about sex so much that it takes up all of my mental energy lol. You're not robots, you're just failed normies at heart.
How come you KHVs want a gf so bad? I will never get it...
>to care about sex so much that it takes up all of my mental energy lol
If all I wanted was sex I'd go to a hooker.
I remember when i was in your phase. When your balls drop you will also realize masturbation is not enough and that you will need a gf
>I'm a a real robot because i don't want sex lol i'm so special
Go back to r*it attention whore
This. It's not just sex we want it's love
>masturbation is not enough
Boy do i know that feel when i fap i'm horny 10 minutes later and even the act it's self is not satisfying at all but it's all i can do to vent my sexual frustration
Imagine living your whole life having never experienced this
I just turned 22 last month. So when do my "balls drop" as you so eloquently put it, dear robot? Will I start longing for le perfect gf who will love me long time when I'm 25 or something? Or is it more likely that you're just a disgusting normalfag who's projecting his own inability to not think with his penis
This is you
It's torture not having ever felt the intimate touch of another human being never knowing what true love is
i really, really hate this board.
>no one will ever love me
>I want muh intimate touch
>tfw no gf
its just the most feminine whiny shit.
Are you by chance autistic? It's not sex we want it's someone who loves and understands us to have sex with
i'm horribly addicted to porn and it's ruining my life
I don't care because I'm a failed chad and know I could get it if I could just manage to make one friend and snowball my social life from there
>i really, really hate this board.
Ok leave than
actually posted a similar thread yesterday originali
all of socializing revolves around sex and gf
i don't understand how incels even make friends unless you're only making friends with autists who do nothing but play video games all day, every normie constantly talks about muh hookups muh girls muh gfs
>It's not sex we want it's someone who loves and understands us to have sex with
I understand where you're coming from, but women will never love or understand you, especially if you're a KHV loser. Women don't even love Chad and swap him out with other Chads all the time, seen it happen on my campus multiple times. Friends will backstab each other just for a chance at some disgusting, STD-ridden roast beef pussy, so you don't need them either.
Just skip to the sex part and you'll probably get the 'love' and 'understanding' that you want after you bust a nut, then you'll regret fucking the whore's diseased snatch.
This board's majority is probably still in highschool, so no surprise there.
That's absolutely horrible. Porn can really take a hold of you quickly and with strength. Never really affected me until I got into a relationship. Its poison
>then you'll regret fucking the whore's diseased snatch.
>implying i'd fuck a whore
>Implying i'm not going to marry a shy virgin girl and fuck her like a animal on are wedding night
I feel so lucky I was born with average enough looks/social skills to convince a handful of women to love me
>implying this board has not stood on the foundation of
>tfw no gf
very new im afraid you are
I have decent looks myself but my mental state is not very good