I'm so stressed and the only way I can calm myself down is smoking. I'm smoking upwards of 50 cigarettes a day...

I'm so stressed and the only way I can calm myself down is smoking. I'm smoking upwards of 50 cigarettes a day, all hand rolled with dodgy Asian tobacco. Every night I nearly spew from minor nicotine poisoning. Don't know how long I can keep up lads

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Maybe you are stressed because you are addicted to chemical stimulants

That's two and a half packs a day, man, how the fuck you even have the time to smoke all of that?

Depending on my shift at work I chain smoke. I go out for a cigarette every half hour and normally have two and I chain smoke whenever I'm stressed which is like all the time

Just stop smoking dickhead, find a different job if it makes you that stressed

Unironically switch to a pipe/cigars. You'll consume way less tobacco and it will calm you down more.

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Cigerettes are bad; here is what pol has to say about it.

as a smoker that sounds terrible
Ill chainsmoke in the morning but nicotine poisoning nausea single handedly keeps me from smoking too much too much

I smoke a pipe sometimes and a lot of the time my cigarettes are rolled with captain black cherry

I quit smoking a while ago.
Now I just snus. 43mg of nicotine per gram.

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That's so unhealthy and so much fucking money thrown away
You're legit retarded, but desu I doubt you can actually smoke that much without wanting to die after a few days

Smoke less or at least inhale less.
Go out and do something that you can't do while smoking

You can smoke that much
I used to smoke upwards of 3 packs a day of the cheapest cigs I could get. I die that for several years and often I had a splitting headache at the end of the day and aches in my lungs but the next morning I felt ok again and kept the cycle going.

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too much too fast********ORIGINALORIGINAL**

Been doing it for a couple weeks now. And not really, it's about 3 bucks for 50 grams of Indonesian tobacco and 12 bucks for 1.5oz of pipe tobacco

get concerta instead

I smoke around 25-30 a day. I usually smoke about 5 within an hour of waking up

Before I started working it was 10 per day for me, then I got a job and got up to 20 per day, now im unemployed again and its up to 35.

Its a fucking shame its so hard to get in my country. Ive heard nothing but good things about snus from smokers perspectives, that its basically the best way to get as much nicotine as possible without the drawbacks of both smoking and vaping. Certainly sounds attractive to me.

Can you please tell me more about it? whatever user its fine, costs, brands, what does it taste like, is it true its even harder to quit than cigs?

It can take anywhere from 120 seconds to 8 minutes per cig depending on how fast you smoke. Not that hard desu

Actually nevermind, found a store nearby that has it in stock right now. Pic related, not the original swede one, looks pretty commercial just like their cigs but its the only one they have. Should I pull the trigger?

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camel "snus" isn't that great. it's better than nothing, but do they have general snus?

I can't get it easily in cuckstralia. But I've found out recently that importing smoking tobacco is super easy so I might give it a try

Vaping now, much healthier and I save so much money I'd have spent on cigarettes.

in australia it's a bit annoying because of how strict the customs are. if they catch it, you have to pay duty on it. I've gotten a few packages few without having to pay duty though, so good luck.

it's actually the opposite. by smoking you create a need and that need can only be fulfilled if you smoke.
it doesn't make you relax, it's just you can't relax if you don't smoke
that's the same with caffeine. people will say that they can't wake up properly if they don't drink caffeine but caffeine is literally fucking up their sleep and they keep going on this vicious cycle ad infinitum while the jew grabs shekels