Why do black females love white males so much anons? Why don't you have a thicc black gf yet...

Why do black females love white males so much anons? Why don't you have a thicc black gf yet? If you're white you can easily get one. Bonus if you have blonde hair/blue/green eyes.

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>he fell for the racemixing psyop
i am not intrested in bestiality

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Perhaps white men statistically are more financially capable to support children?
aka white guys have money

I'll be fugging virgin fertile black and mutt girls. Enjoy your white non-virgin ugly whores.

And they are intelligent and have beautiful facial features, hair and are the tallest race. How can anyone even compete?

Nothing compared to the feel of surrendering to black males

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>all white women are whores n shiet because i said so
Long day at the bank, Chaim?
enjoy your aids faggot

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Have one, I got together with my black roommate. She actually came onto me, though over the living arrangement.

Sounds like a real life porn desu. What is her butt like?

Don't know about a porn, she just wanted to save money so we started sharing a room rather than both having one each. Her butt is pretty great though, overall she's pretty attractive. Got really lucky for sure.

>start job
>black qt asks me if I've ever dated a black girl before
>I'm a 28 y/o kissless virgin so I answer "no" bluntly
>she says "oh" and looks disappointed
>months later walk in on her talking to other coworkers about how I "hate black girls".

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I almost got one I met off of fetlife, but she turned out to be in the military and lived like an hour away, and Im too lazy to drive. I kind of regret it now though because missing out on easy sex is disappointing and I keep thinking about how I could have be plowing her fat ass and busting all over her huge tits every weekend

there was a 5'0 black qt who was really into me, idk why i'm tall but fat and really hairy
but in the end I just ignored her because i'm a massive dicklet

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>tfw thick 7.8 inch pp but black girls don't like me.

Fuck, I just want to breed a lewd black girl's body with my big aryan cock.


This is how I know this is bait.

white wimmin really are whores


you should have said you never have dated anyone, depending on how you look, it can be seen as cute or weird

Well I'm white with blue eyes and I can't find any thicc black girls.
How am I supposed to love and support a beautiful black woman when there aren't any in Australia?

Jesus, do you not even know how to flirt? You could've said, "No," then followed that up with, "But there's always a first time," if it got kinda awkward. Do you even normal social interaction user?

>not dicking Middle Easterners
Isn't Australia full of mudslimes? Middle Eastern women have caucasian faces but the bodies of Afrikan Kweens.