Why do black females love white males so much anons? Why don't you have a thicc black gf yet? If you're white you can easily get one. Bonus if you have blonde hair/blue/green eyes.
Why do black females love white males so much anons? Why don't you have a thicc black gf yet...
>he fell for the racemixing psyop
i am not intrested in bestiality
Perhaps white men statistically are more financially capable to support children?
aka white guys have money
I'll be fugging virgin fertile black and mutt girls. Enjoy your white non-virgin ugly whores.
And they are intelligent and have beautiful facial features, hair and are the tallest race. How can anyone even compete?
Nothing compared to the feel of surrendering to black males
>all white women are whores n shiet because i said so
Long day at the bank, Chaim?
enjoy your aids faggot
Have one, I got together with my black roommate. She actually came onto me, though over the living arrangement.
Sounds like a real life porn desu. What is her butt like?
Don't know about a porn, she just wanted to save money so we started sharing a room rather than both having one each. Her butt is pretty great though, overall she's pretty attractive. Got really lucky for sure.