When you're a pH.D scientist and unemployed normies think they know it all and diplomas are just for show

>when you're a pH.D scientist and unemployed normies think they know it all and diplomas are just for show

Especially normies and Chads like to think they're right about everything.
If you don't have a degree in science, shut the fuck up when a scientist speaks.
No matter how high your IQ was, how good you were at math in high school, how well you think you understand the universe, shut up. If you don't have a diploma, all you have is Dunning-Kruger.
"If I wanted I would be the best scientist, but I just don't want to" is not an excuse. Either become one or shut up.

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If you understood even the most basic thing about the universe you wouldn't be here right now.

I'm a Chad and I recognized myself from this.

The reason must be high test. When your 5/5 body is pumping test ten times your autist body is, you feel invincible. You fuck the most beautiful girls in the world. You succeed in everything. In this setting it's easy to think you're a master of the universe, that you know everything, and especially that a low-test autist can't outpeform yuo in something.

>uses fucking as an argument in everything

>can't spell, yet claims to outperform autists in everything

Chad in a nutshell.

tfw you think the sole measure of intelligence is having a diploma
t. smartass

The measure of being an expert or an authority over an academic matter is having a diploma.

You described robots there. Basement-dwelling NEETs who think they are too intelligent for university.

those diplomas are really just for show
I mean you had nothing better to do with your time and money so you wrote some autistic papers no one cares about, and now you believe you matter in the universe

Let me guess you play video games and are unemployed

both are true, what's your point?

>D u n n i n g - K r u g e r


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a good way to tell if someone is inferior to you, is if they think they are superior to anyone for any reason

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I'm not saying you haven't worked hard for whatever thing you wanted, it's still useless. you can put effort and sweat into something and it's still useless. meanwhile I'm having F U N while playing video games :)
I hope the diploma looks nice on the wall, give it a good frame teeheehee

You feel superior to convicted pedos.

t. convicted pedo who sees this phenomenon daily

>meanwhile I'm having F U N while playing video games :)

I actually NEETed for years and years before finally going to school.
I know from experience that those times sucked ass, games got boring, anime got boring, and most of all free time and liberty got boring. Toxic conversations on Jow Forums and social media filled my days and it wasn't healthy at all. The real world is outside the Internet.

Social scientist detected. No one respects your 8 years in propaganda classrooms, in fact people loathe you for being a mouth piece of the establishment. Deal with it.

don't assume user, for every fault I see in others I see a fault of my own

I am superior to retarded nihilists like you. Your statement is also a bit of a paradox, I guess you missed that though being a liberal brainlet.




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Evolution isn't real m8.


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What about matters that are belief based? What authority do PhD diplomas holders have over something like God?

Unironically, it might actually not be true.

People are so hellbent on accepting evolution that it's the one theory in science that nobody even thinks about objectively.
Religious lunatics are in fact right when they say evolution itself has become a religious belief.
It's probably a fact of nature, but that's it: probably.

>What authority do PhD diplomas holders have over something like God?

None. But the smartest scientists don't claim God doesn't exist. They say "I don't know" and don't go any further because it's not their field.

I dont care about your phd, you egghead dork

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Tfw dropping out In january despite being a straight A student in my junior year of CS. Any other anons feel like theyd blow their brains out being stuck in a corporate cubicle with a 100 other sheep?
It's not about being dumb OP, its lack of desire.

How many references do you have on papers you've written then, faggot?

>tfw want to learn quantum mechanics and astronomy but too lazy and unmotivated to even graduate

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>There is no such thing as biological sex
Nicholas Matte, phd candidate
There is a lot of mysticism in the modern day when it comes to academia, mostly because it seems to have replaced the church as a prescriptive authority.
A bachelor's degree goes over way too many subjects. I'm in medical school and I can guarantee you'll know more about a disease than 99% of graduates if you dedicate a full week to studying it, and it seems to be that way for every subject. You just have to eat whatever information is fed to you without a second thought and rush to the next subject, which hardly makes you an expert in anything. I can safely say i knew more about circumcision before being here than any normal student does right now.
The only partial exception to this rule is in Mathematics, Physics, and maybe if you really stretch it Chemistry, where thanks to being axiom-based rather than sheer empiricism there is a reasonably limited number of unrelated subjects and they still often tie into each other. I can't imagine studying number theory for two weeks would make you more apt to solve one a related problem than a math major. It could happen, but it would certainly have to be one of those trick problems that can only be solved by a specific esoteric theorem that otherwise never pops up.

After a bachelor's, further education implies knowledge about the very restrict field your thesis is about. In the humanities, due to the very relaxed rigor of research, this often results in your knowledge being built on non-reproducible, methodologically faulty research that has imbued within it unchecked assumptions and is further repeatedly distorted in how its results are interpreted until the field is nothing more than an ideological circlejerk, closer to the catholic church than it is to STEM fields. And when it comes to STEM fields, the average person really underestimates how specialized people are. Say what you will about Bill Nye, but it's not reasonable at all to get a fucking engineer and expect him to be able to hold a high-level global warming argument. Kraut and Tea wanted a neurologist of all things to have an argument on race and intelligence. This cancerous trend of (particularly left wing) academics speaking grossly out of their line of work and expecting to be treated as experts also plays no small part in the overall distrust of experts in society.

Lawrence Krause has a high IQ but he is such an autist that he started sexually assaulting women.

>appeal to authority
gonna make two assumptions about your little temper tantrum, high school kiddo.

1. you take expertise in one field to mean expertise in all fields/questions that are somewhat related. you probably think a physicist can speak about money or politics and automatically have a more valid opinion than a homeless dude. well, you're objectively wrong
:^) and idolizing someone for having a phd is pathetic; people can buy phd's or get them at easy schools

2, you think scientists generally do valuable work. well, you're wrong :^)
we encourage scientists to do whatever they want that can be considered "new" but the vast majority are doing nothing more interesting than kids playing with legos. they have read the literature and might have more trivial knowledge on a particular subject, but a lot of the time even that's useless. tons of scientists write shit papers, especially those with public or economic implications. and tons and tons more scientists don't read the papers correctly and make unjustified conclusions.

being good students =/= achievement. also it would be hilarious if you were so retarded as a scientist that you would take your arguments with unemployed people seriously, even if you get paid the same as the unemployed guy.

>some jew signing you off makes you an expert

Ya fuck off retard

What field is your PhD in

You just had to use this jew that's been in pedophile scandals, didn't ya?

>degree in science
What field? Understanding 'science' doesn't make you a 'scientist', most people who refer to themselves as such are glorified technicians.