We used to have discord calls but lately while we talk he is playing multiplayer vydia.
As soon as the call is ended he just go on the discord server with his friends.
Last time we had a call on discord we argued because i kept saying to him to go to his friends and he said he wanted to stay with or he wouldn't have said to stay on discord.
We argued so bad that now we don't use to do discord calls as often as before.
Lately we had this nice activity and one time he wanted to invole his friends too, it ended up i acted bitchy and he went without me.
He also stood up an event i wanted to go with him, because he had to wake up early to study the day after, it ended up i went alone and i made him feel bad for letting me going alone.
We are arguing so bad lately.
He says i'm put first for him but i don't feel it so.
It seems i can only see the bad things and be angry at him?
I fear this situation won't fade away.
We just went to vacation together and we had the best time together.
Now that we're back at our lives the situation is the same.
He says that he is patient and all and i'm the one that is acting bitchy and exaggerating things.
I'm on vacation with my family, without him, and he isn't texting me that often, even thought i'm not replying with much interest.
He also said to me he wanted to call me and i said to him to don't.
Are there real problems?
I think he doesn't understand me, or am i the one that doesn't understand him?
Sorry for venting.
My boyfriend is not giving me enough attentions
Rad OP just rad
What made you think it would be OK to post this?
do anyone read this shit or am I just lazy
I mean, it's like 10 sentences. If I wanted to read all of that I would be doing great in uni
Are you giving him enough sex?
If this is real you are the one acting bitchy and exaggerating things. Angry when he wants to hang out with you. Angry because he had to study. Angry because you want to keep him alone selfishly. Stop being such a bitch.
i've no one to talk to about my problems
Just cheat on him with Chad.
You're being a massive, spoiled bitch. Grow up.
Well, take it to one of your little friends. We don't want you here
>My boyfrie-
Seconded. You're shitting up this board with your self-made problems. Stop being a cunt.
the only one i've is only making my paranoia grow
You're only worth the pleasure your pussy tits and ass can give to a cock.
If you're not getting knob slopped you're just a nuisance with your calls.
Stop interjecting yourself in his life if all you're going to do is get in his way and annoy him with your phone calls.
people who get into relationships for the sake of receiving attention are dumb as shit.
Mein niggra
don't know i think yes, we do that whenever we can, sometimes we go out instead of having sex, to have a walk or do something else even if we could have sex
Then tell it to a shrink. It doesn't have a place here.
You're a bitch to your bf, accept that.
Give that dude a break. You are a part of his life, not the center. Never forget that and show some gratitude that someone gives a fuck about you. It's a cold and lonely world out there.
Damn bitch GIVE HIM SOME SPACE and get some hobbies of your own to keep your time occupied.
Also next time you suck him off spit on his dick and get it really fucking wet, not enough women do this.
che says i'm the most important person of his life but i don't feel that
he* says that
Sounds like low self esteem. I have a similar relationship and do feel similar feelings sometimes, though to a lesser extent...
Just please know, for the sake of your relationship. The solution lies within your own heart, not within him changing his actions. No matter what he would do, when you're in this desperate mental state, with such a high fear of abandonment, you will always find something that you can be upset/paranoid/worried/anxious about. Just remember that if you weren't his number one he wouldn't be dating you. It's gonna take alot of work to fix your self esteem and that's kinda beyond the scope of my advice but that should really be your next step.
Are you kidding me?? You even told us how bitchy and paranoid you are and he doesn't ditch your ass. seems like he cares about you alot.
Please don't let your own insecurities and jealousy end a good thing. It's far too common.
TL;DR this is a (you) problem and (you) need to deal with it.
i always feel so alone and unloved
it's like an unfillable void
Sometimes even him can't make me feel better
Even if when he does, i'm the happiest girl in the world
I fear that my mental hearth could led me away from him
i feel i can't open up with him even if he always tries to listen to me and talk a lot about all the issues
lately i'm doing all i can to seek attention from Jim
i also dated another guy and he even noticed that
i cut myself to make him know i'm feeling bad and he doesn't know how to help me, he seems just worried but i don't feel enough love (?)
>I fear that my mental health could lead me away from him
well you're damn right about that one. Even a guy like that who seems sensitive and caring has his limits.
also confirms what I said in that first paragraph. The problem is that you don't love yourself.
I can almost guarantee you have BPD. Go to a therapist.
Hey OP. Few things you can do.
I think you should start initiating less contact with him and see where things go. If your relationship dies of that, probably not.
You can also move in together if you're somewhat of an adult and spend a lot of time thus.
Another thing you can do is tell him how you feel and show him this post. This is very important. Please show him what you wrote. You should be honest to him.
>but i don't feel that
That's your fault, not his. You can't make a man jump on command just because you have self-confidence issues. If you keep pressuring him, he'll leave you.
>find someone who doesn't care about you much and get into a relationship regardless
>waaah he doesn't care about me what do how could this happen what's going on
You either get a normiechad who doesn't give a shit about you or a clingy beta like me. You can't have the best of both worlds.
he suggested to take a break of a week or two and chill out a bit
to see if we miss each others and things like that
i said that it would be useless
i actually have bdp as my therapist said and also dysmorphophobia
>i actually have bdp
Alienate your boyfriend further, you BDP girls are fucking insane.
ha is actually a beta, with a lot of friends but is not an alpha or a full normie.
he says he loves me despite all my problems , maybe he just doesn't know how to act
>a lot of friends
That's the normiest thing there is.
>he suggested to take a break of a week or two and chill out a bit
>to see if we miss each others and things like that
Fucking hell, you should've left him right after he said that. He clearly doesn't care, how is this not obvious?
wow your problem is so interesting and unique
now shut the fuck up, kill him, then kill yourself, you fucking cuntrag
he only said that because i said to him i thought about breaking-up
the first thing he said is that he truly wants to understand me and to improve himself as he can
he said he will to do anything for me
i just lost faith, but he is trying so hard
If there was something between you, bullshit like that wouldn't happen.
I love him but the feeling is not strong as before, or my insecurities are destroying it.
We know each other from 8 years and se have been together for 5 right now
i also fear abandonment because we already broke up twice, but we were yunger at the time
I can't understand a relationship where one is clearly not valuing the other. How the hell can you be okay with this? I would be insulted and repulsed by someone like that. Your insecurities have nothing to do with anything here and I'm not even whiteknighting. It's time to move on, toastie.
but he actually do a lot for me, he has been so nice, he is able to be so kind and caring, maybe i'm just reiceving what i'm giving , maybe this is just an hard period
If that's enough for you and you're not willing or able to find anyone better then whatever, enjoy it. Just know that you probably could have it much better.
Post your tits
Make him jealous
Kill yourself you disgusting attention-whore.
yes of course he isn't stupid whore
he wants to play vidya and you are so fucking annoying to him, of fucking course he will stoping giving you attention
he doesn't even play vidia that much
he usually plays in the evening with his friends
so let him play attwhore, i broke up with my ex just because of this bullshit that i need to give her attention all the time
he says that he would never leave me
and you believe that? you actually believe that?
yes cuz it's on him to improve and not you the psycho lunatic bitch that cant get her head in order.
yes HE needs to improve cuz YOU have a bunch of mental issues. dating in a nutshell right there.
how bout YOU improve for him cuz YOU have a bunch of issues that make YOU undatable and annoying. He's just caught up in your stupid brain bullshit and sadly thinks he's to blame for you being a cluster fuck of stupid. Probably have a massive cock count in your past further destroying your ability to pairbond on top of it.
bottom line you're a useless cunt and shouldnt ruin his life by demanding he change for YOUR issues. i'd slap you if you were in the same room as me I cant start twats like you
i can't believe him
i fear his abandonment
he always says he would never get tired of me
but how can i be sure about that if in this moment he seems upset about my existence?
You sound like an annoying bitch that i wouldnt enjoy being in the same space with